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Module 1 Hobbies一. 教学内容:Module 1 Hobbies二. 重点内容:语法知识:英语语句的基本句型语言知识:词汇及词语辨析三. 具体内容:(一)语法指南:英语语句基本句型语言是千变万化的,要掌握语言,必须掌握语言的核心。动词句型可说是语言的核心,是骨干。因此要对英语有比较全面的了解,应当抓住英语动词句型(English Verb Patterns) 。掌握好这些基本句型,就可为灵活运用语言打下基础。英语语句共有以下几种基本句型:(1)主语+系动词+表语(+状语)The weather is getting quite warm. 天气变得相当暖和。I feel down today.我今天心情不佳。It sounds a good idea.这听起来是个好主意。(2)主语+谓语(不及物动词) (+状语)They sat together very quietly.他们静静地坐在一起。She swims like a fish.她游起泳来像条鱼。(3)主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语(+状语Shall I call a taxi?我要不要叫一辆出租车? He left school in 1998.他 1998 年从学校毕业。Would you mind waiting a few minutes?可否劳驾等几分钟?(4)主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语(+状语)He handed me the letter(the letter to me).他把信递给了我。Ill make you some fresh tea.我去给你沏点新茶。She kissed her mother goodbye.(5)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(+状语)Sit down and make yourself comfortable.坐下来,不要拘束。They called their daughter Mary.他们给女儿取名叫玛丽。(6)there be +主语+状语There are many story books in his schoolbag.她的书包里有好多故事书There is a very nice cup on the table.桌子上有一只非常漂亮的杯子。注:注:从以上例子可以看出,英语的句子以谓语为中心,前面是行为的执行者(被动语态例外) ,后面接动作的承受者。状语可以置于句首,也可以置于谓语部分(谓语+宾语+宾语补足语)之后。一般说来,置于句首的多是时间、条件和原因,至于谓语部分之后的是地点、方式、原因、目的、时间和伴随成分。语法专项练习:连词成句1. sat, together, they, quietly, very_2. these, you, know, do, people ?_3. me, she, gave, number, her, telephone_4. was, I, sorry, very, hear, that, you, ill, to, were_5. keeps, food, good, you, healthy_6. students, are, 50, my, there, class, in_(二)重点句子详解:1. What sort of car?* sort 作名词时,意为“种类” “类型” ,常与 of 连用。如:He had some sort of an English accent他有某种英国口音。Pop music is the sort she likes most.流行音乐是她最喜欢的一种音乐。* sort 作名词时,意思与“kind”比较接近。Kind 指确实具有共同性质或特征的人或事物所形成的“种类” ;而 sort 指大体相似的人或事物所构成的“种类” 。前者比后者正式;后者多用于口语或商业用语中,有时还带有轻蔑的意味。二者有时可互换使用。如:She is kind of woman who likes to help other people.她是那种乐于助人的女人。Thats just the sort of thing I want.那正是我想要的那种东西。* sort 还可以用在 ofsort 短语中,kind 也有这种用法,即 ofkind。如:Helen would never permit anything of the sort.海伦决不会允许这样的事情发生。I said nothing of the kind to Ruth.我没和露丝说过这样的话。* sort of 和 kind of 都可以用作状语,表示“有” 、 “有几分”如:The movie was sort of disappointing.这部电影有点令人失望。Im feeling kind of tired.我感到有点累。Did you enjoy the concertSort of.你喜欢这场音乐会吗?还可以吧。2. Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gradens, or looking after animals.许多学生都有自己的爱好,例如看书、画画、在花园里种菜,或是照顾动物。* such as 意为“例如” “像” ,用来列举事物,通常是以整体之中的部分同类人或事物作例。 Such as 之间可以用逗号和句子隔开,之后不用逗号,直接跟名词或代词。如:A man such as Liu Xiang will surely succeed.像刘翔这样的人是肯定会成功的。 Weve planted lots of different flowers, such as roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums.我们种了许多种花卉,例如玫瑰、康乃馨、菊花等等。Some of the European languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian, and Spanish.部分欧洲的语言,例如法语、意大利语、西班牙语等都源于拉丁语。* like 也可以用来举例,可与 such as 互换。如:Some cities, like/ such as Dalian and Kunming are very clean and beautiful.有些城市,例如大连、昆明,非常干净、美丽。There are several people interested in this activity, like/ such as Mrs. Brown and Miss Lee.有几个人对这项活动感兴趣,比如布朗夫人和李女士。* 表示列举时,such as 和 like 后只能接整体之中的部分人或物,不能将全体成员或所有内容一一列举。如我们不能说:Here we study three subjects, that is, Chinese, Math, and Physics.在这我们学三门课程,那就是语文、数学和物理* for example 意为“举例” “例如”,是以整体之中的一个为例来举例说明,用以说明某一方面的情况或佐证某一论点,在句子中多用作插入语,为之可以在句首、句末或句中,且前后常用逗号与句子隔开。如:For example, air is invisible and of no smell.例如:空气是无色无味的。Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution as well.噪音,打个比方,也是一种污染。His handwriting is very good. Look at this, for example.他的书法很好,例如这一件。
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