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英语高二下外研版选修英语高二下外研版选修 8 Module 1 第第 5-6 课时教案课时教案Period V(第五节)Language points in reading practice1and a magnetic (磁的,磁场的) P04 which changes its position according to (随着)the movement of the earth2the glare(强光)of the sunlight here is very intense(强烈的)glare n耀眼的光avoid the glare of the sun/the cars head lights避开耀眼的阳光/汽车前行的强光The sunglasses are designed to reduce glare这些太阳镜是为了减少刺眼的光而设计的。The rabbit was caught in the glare of the cars headlights兔子在耀眼的汽车灯照射下动弹不得。 怒视/凝视/恶狠狠的注视Give sb a hostile glare 含故意地注视某人v. 发出炫目而令人不快的强光The searchlight glared, illuminating (lighting up)the prison yard来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K按照打发出强光,照亮监狱场地。The sun is glaring (down) mercilessly form a clear sky透过晴空,太阳正毒。来源:Zxxk.Com怒目而视,恶狠狠地盯视。He didnt shout; he just glared at me silently他没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。I looked at her and she glared furiously back我看了她一眼,她便怒不可遏地回瞪我。3Its also reflected (反射)by the snow, so if you go outside, remember to wear sunglasses(戴上墨镜)and use suncream(防晒霜)Reflect v 1反映,映出(影像)His face was reflected in the mirror.他的脸映照在镜子里。2反射(声、光、热等)When the suns rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。3表达,显示,表明(事物的自然属性或人态度、情感等)Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community 我报在表达当地人民的心声拓展:reflector 反光面 reflection 映像,反映,反射,沉思Reflective 沉思的,反光的,反射热的 reflectively adv4If you dont,theres a severe risk(很大的风险)that youll damage your eyesight(伤害视力)or get badly sun burnt(严重晒伤)。(1)that 从句为同位语从句(2)get badly sun burnt 严重晒伤get + adj /done 系表结构。归纳拓展get ill 生病 get lost 迷路get married 结婚get used to 习惯于get tired 累了get dressed 穿好衣服get changed 换衣服get washed洗脸get hurt受伤了5 and you can become numb with cold (冻得麻木)without realising numb (1)adj失去感觉的,麻木的。fingers numb with cold 冻僵了的手指She was numb with terror她吓得不能动了。(2)v(常用被动)a使(人/物)失去感觉,麻木His leg was numbed by the intense pain 他的腿因剧痛而麻木。b使(人)麻木不仁。She was completely/the roughly numbed by the shock of her fathers death 她父亲去世造成的打击使她目瞪口呆(麻木不仁)Numbly , adv Numbness n u6if its quiet you can hear your breath freeze(听到呼吸结冰的声音)7So if you leave the station, dress warmly and carry dry clothing and a portable radio(便携式收音机)来源:学科网8 Life is quite abnormal(反常)9and in the winter the total absence(缺席)of daylight can be tiresome(令人讨厌的),and for some, depressing(令人抑郁)tiresome adj 令人讨厌的,麻烦的。Buying a house can be a very tiresome business买房子会是一件很麻烦的事。absenceabsent adj 不在场的,缺席的(a)表示“做某事缺席” ,后接 from (b)与 in 搭配,表示离开说话人所在地,在另一地。 (c) v 缺席absent 的例子:He was absent from school 他没有到校。He is absent in Europe 他外出了,现在欧洲。来源:学科网He absented himself from the meeting 他没有出席会议absence of mind 心不在焉 10 Were totally isolate(孤单的)except for radio 复习:except for11 The south Pole scientific station is situated on (位于)a platform of ice12The living quarters are modest ,with few luxuries(奢侈品),but cosy(温暖舒适的)13We discourage you from smoking (阻止你吸烟)except in specific areasDiscourage sb from doing 阻止做stop sb (from) doing 阻止做keep sb(from)doing 阻止做prevent sb(from)doing 阻止做ban sb from doing 阻止做forbid sb from doing阻止做注:encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事。14Remember that conventional equipment (常规设备)doesnt always work as it should do15Medical assistance(医学援助)is available in case of (万一)an emergencyin case of sth 如果,假使In case of fire, ring the alarm bell如遇火险,即按警铃。in that case 既然那样,假使那样的话。Ive made up my mindIn that case, theres no point discussing it 我已拿定主意。既然如此,讨论这件事情就毫无意义了。in case (连词)Youd better take the keys in case Im out你最好带上钥匙,以防我不在家。随堂检测1Mr smith is absent from changchun(不在长春)2他的父母劝他不要参加空军。His parents discouraged him form joining the air force3Did anything happen in my ?AabsenceBabsentCabsenteeDabsently4On the whole he is a nice person to work withhe is carelessAexceptBexcept that Cexcept for Dbesides5This article is easy to understand some new wordsAexceptBexcept forCexcept thatDbesidesPeriod (第六节)Every day English & cultural corner Step 1. Read the passage and answer the questions .(SB)Step 2. Decide True or False .1. Marco polo sets off alone on a 25year journey to China.(F)2. The book about Marco polos travels was written by Marco Polo.(F)3. The book described the amazing things in china such as paper money and coal.(T)4. Marco Polos book was a great influence for many future travelers .(T)Step 3. Language points .Everyday English 1. keep up (1)keep sb up 使某人不能去睡觉I do hope were not keeping you up. 我希望我们没有耽误你睡觉。(2)keep sth up 不让(精力等)衰退,维持,保持 They sang songs to keep their morale up. 他们唱着歌以保持高昂的士气。2. run: (指陈述、叙述等)有某样言词、内容等 “Ten shot dead by gunmen”, ran the newspaper headline.报纸标题为“枪手击毙十人” 。I suppose it runs in the family. 我认为家庭的其他成员也有同样的爱好。 PointsPoints inin culturalcultural CornerCorner1Imagine a 17-year-old boy from Venice, ltaly, well-educated(受过良好教育的)and trained for life as a rich trader(被培养成一个富有的商人)2He sets off(动身,出发)with his father and uncle on a 25-year journey to On ones journey /voyage to在某人去的旅途中归纳:on ones way to /on the way to 在某人去某地的路上来源:学|科
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