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Module 4 Great inventions Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.课型:读写课一、一、Read the words before class.二、学习目标:二、学习目标:1. New words:produce,invention,create,cotton,wood,ink,knowledge,spread,introduction.2.Phrases: look through, at a time, by hand, at the beginning of, rather than, one day.3.Sentences: 1)Information can be kept on CD-ROMs.2)Books could only be produced one at a time by hand.3)Can books be replaced by computers?4.Grammar: 被动语态的构成和用法三、学习重点、难点:三、学习重点、难点:Grammar: 被动语态在文章中的应用。【课前准备课前准备】1、课前朗读新单词,注意其音标和汉意,将不会读的圈出来。2、预习课文,找出下列短语去的路_ 浏览_ 由制成 _ 一次 _用手工 _ 在的开始_而不是_学着干某事_以便,为了 _ 被代替_ 3、问题准备:把预习中的疑难问题记录下来。 _【课堂活动课堂活动】Step1、新课导入:1、检查词汇预习,采用小组互查的形式,出现问题让学生及时改正。2、复习听说课的内容,让学生描述一些发明物是如何改变我们的生活的。先小组,后全班交流3、由谈论一些发明物的优点,导入新课。What advantages of both books and computers?Make a list of their advantages.Step2、泛读训练:1、学生独自阅读短文,了解大意,回答问题Can books be replaced by computers ? 2、再读课文,独立完成匹配练习.(Activity 2)a The world before books b The invention of printing c Life on paper and in printd Technology and books e Can books be replaced by computers?学生两人一组核对答案,然后老师提问小组成员,全班核对答案Step3、精读足练1、语言点导学学生自读课文,找出疑难问题,先小组后全班解决。1)Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home.每天傍晚,我妈妈在家翻阅杂志。 look through 是一个动词短语,表示“浏览,粗略地翻阅”。如:I havent looked through the book yet.我还没有翻完这本书。Would you quickly look through the composition for me and see if there are any mistakes?你能不能帮我快速看一下这篇作文,看看有没有错误?2)But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand.但在那个年代,依靠手工,一次只能制作一本书。at a time 表示“每次,一次”。如:Please come in one at a time,not all together.请一个一个地进来,不要一起来。Im sorry but Im too busy to help you now_I can only do one thing at a time.真抱歉,我现在太忙了,无法帮你我一次只能干一件事情。by hand 可以表示“手工地,亲手地”。如:All these toys are made by hand, not on a machine.所有这些玩具都是手工制作的,不是机器生产的。Youd better deliver her invitation by hand since she lives so close.既然她住得这么近,你最好亲自将邀请信送给她。3)Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books如今,信息可以在线接收、从因特网下载,而不必到书中寻找rather than 表示“而不是,胜于”。如:I want to wear the black shoes rather than the brown ones.我想穿那双黑色的鞋,而不想穿褐色的。 Everybody likes to go to the park rather than stay at home.大家都想去公园,而不愿呆在家里。2、分段细读课文,回答问题。1)When was paper first created? Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing?2)Were books produced by hand or by machine at first? What was the paper held against?3)When was printing developed? Why did ideas spread more quickly when books became cheaper?4)What can be kept on CD-ROMs? What can we use to get information?5)How are ideas spread in the past? How are ideas spread today?3、尝试复述课文(或部分段落) ,进一步熟悉课文内容,理解知识点的运用。4、朗读课文。Step4、写作练习根据时间顺序,简要谈一下书本的发展过程。大约 70 词左右。 (提示:2,000 years ago, 11th century, today, in the future)【学以致用学以致用】单项选择1My mother told me that my homework must _ on time.Afinish Bbe finishCbe finished Dfinished2Do you remember the trees which _ by us last spring?Awere planting Bare plantedCplanted Dwere planted3. The sun _ _ _ at night .A. can be seen B. cant see C. cant be seen D doesnt see4. Good books _ _ again and again.A. should be readed B. should be read C. must read D. may rea5.Smoking in the cinema. Please stop .A. allows, to smoke B. is allowed, smoking C. isnt allowed, smoking D. isnt, to smok6.Stamps_by people for sending letters.A. use B. using C. used D. are used.7.Must old people _ to politely?A. speak B. spoken C. be spoke D. be spoken8.Bike mustnt _ everywhere.A. be up B. be put C. put C putting9.The old man and the children _in our country.A. must take good care B. must be take good care ofC. must take good care of D must be taken good care of10. All trees must _well when it is dry.A. be water B. watering C. water D. be watered11.Yesterday a visitor_ something about hometown.A. asked B. will be asked C. was asked D. has been asked.12.A big bus station _ in my home town now.A. has been built B. is being built C. has built D. is building
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