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黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语 ModuleModule 3 3 InterpersonalInterpersonal RelationshipsRelationships FriendshipFriendship 学案学案 外研版选修外研版选修 6 6学习目标:学习与人际关系、友谊有关的词汇、短语。学习目标:学习与人际关系、友谊有关的词汇、短语。 自学指导:语境中运用本模块所学词汇自学指导:语境中运用本模块所学词汇 ,总结与人际关系有关的词汇,联想记忆。,总结与人际关系有关的词汇,联想记忆。 I.I. 短语回顾短语回顾 A.课本 1.突然发生_2. 撞伤, 撞倒_ 3.对失去兴趣_4.有时_ 5.转过身来_6.筹款_ 7.在通话中_8.保持联系_ 9.和好_10.与失去联系_ 11.发自内心地_ 12.检查_ 13.与联系上_ 14.属于_ 15.听说过_16.与相处得很好_ 17.快乐的时光_ 18 独生子女_ B. 创新思维 1. 达到,合计 _2. 知己,密友_ 3. 把.算上_4. 指望_ 5. 生物_6. 现场直播的音乐会_ 7. 课文注释_8. 养牛_ 9. 使人感到遗憾的是_10. 把.击倒,敲落_ II.II. 要词解析要词解析 1.1. confrontconfront vt.vt. 降临于,使降临于,使.无法回避;解决,处理;面对,对抗无法回避;解决,处理;面对,对抗 confrontconfront sb.sb. withwith sb./sth.sb./sth. 使某人面对或正视(令人使某人面对或正视(令人不快,令人头疼等的)人或物不快,令人头疼等的)人或物bebe confrontedconfronted withwith 面对(某事)面对(某事) Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admit that she had stolen the money. 在警察让她面对证据时她才承认偷了钱。I am confronted with many difficulties. 我面临很多困难。The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.犯人被带来与原告对质。 2.2. burstburst outout 突然发生,突然突然发生,突然.起来起来“For heavens sake!“ He burstburst outout.Karen burstburst outout laughing./burstlaughing./burst intointo lauglaughter.hter.拓展:拓展:burstburst inin 闯入闯入; ; 突然出现突然出现 burstburst intointo 闯入闯入; ; 突然出现突然出现; ; 突然突然.起来起来; ; 突然突然发作发作She burstburst intointo tears./bursttears./burst intointo thethe room.room.3.3. turnturn aroundaround 转身转身 turnturn sb/sthsb/sth downdown 拒绝,顶回;把拒绝,顶回;把.调小,关小;调小,关小;turnturn inin 上交,呈交上交,呈交 turnturn offoff 使厌烦,使失去兴趣;关掉,截断使厌烦,使失去兴趣;关掉,截断People had been turned off by both candidates in the election.大选中的两位候 选人都让人扫兴。turnturn onon 取决于;使感兴趣;接通,打开取决于;使感兴趣;接通,打开Much turns on the outcome of the current peace talks. 事情取决于当前和谈的结果。Jazz has never really turned me on. 我对爵士乐从未真正感兴趣。 turnturn outout 结果是;制造,生产结果是;制造,生产turnturn overover 翻身;深思熟虑;把翻身;深思熟虑;把.移交(移交(turnturn overover sb/sthsb/sth toto sbsb)turnturn tosb/sthtosb/sth (for(for help)help)求助求助 turnturn upup 露面,出现;开大,调高露面,出现;开大,调高 Happy birthday,Alice! So you have _ twenty-one already!A. becomeB. turnedC. grownD. passed fromfrom thethe bottombottom ofof onesones heartheart 衷心地;发自内心地衷心地;发自内心地 loselose heartheart 气馁,灰心气馁,灰心 loselose onesones heartheart toto 喜欢喜欢 putput onesones heartheart intointo sth.sth. 专心做某事专心做某事 heartheart andand soulsoul 全心全意全心全意breakbreak onesones heartheart 使某人伤心使某人伤心 learnlearn sth.sth. byby heartheart 记住某事记住某事havehave a a kindkind heartheart 有一副好心肠有一副好心肠 withwith a a heavyheavy heartheart心情沉重地心情沉重地atat heartheart在内心里,在本质上在内心里,在本质上 III.III.核核心词汇心词汇 1Alice was very h_ that she wasnt included in the invitation. 2My friend m_ to me that he would leave soon. 3She q_ about the housework with her husband. 4. As a kid,I was always getting s_ by my father for being naughty. 5We are friends;we keep in touch by _(聊天)on the Net. 6Can they be _(信任)to look after the house? 7Hed always been a bright and _(活泼的)child. 8It was very _(考虑周到的)of you to let us know you were going to be late. 9We are _ related because Im her _ friend.(close) 10The company is in _ difficulties as the project is not _ successful.(financially) 反思巩固_I.I. 短语回顾答案短语回顾答案A.A.1. burst out2. knock over3. lose interest in 4. from time to time5. turn round6.raise money 7.on the phone8.keep in touch 9.make up 10. lose touch with11. from the bottom of ones heart12.go through13.get in touch with 14.belong to15.hear of/about16.get on well with somebody17.happy times 18.an only child B.B. 1. amount to 2. a close friend3. count sb/sth in4. count on5. living things6. a live concert7. notes to the texts8. raise cattle9. to ones regret10. knock off 1.hurt 2.mentioned 3.quarrelled 4.scolded 5.chatting 6.trusted 7.lively 8.considerate 9.closely;close,10.financial;financially
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