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外研版初中英语八年级下册外研版初中英语八年级下册 Moudle9HeroesUnit1 学案学案Unit1She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play课型:听说课课型:听说课 一、一、学习目标学习目标 知识目标知识目标 学习、理解和掌握本单元的词汇和短语:avoid, brave, excuse, thought, rewrite, rewritten, bet, so that, on ones own, come up ;学习、理解和掌握 so, so that 和 because 引导的状语从句。 能力目标能力目标 能用本单元的词汇、短语和句型就喜欢的英雄人物展开会话交流。能掌握句子中的 重读音及语音语调。 情感、态度和价值观情感、态度和价值观 学会彼此之间相互体谅,相互帮助,培养合作精神,发展思维和想象力。 二、二、学习重点和难点学习重点和难点 学习重点学习重点 掌握掌握本单元的词汇和短语:avoid, brave, excuse, thought, rewrite, rewritten, bet, so that, on ones own, come up ;掌握 so, so that 和 because 引导的状语从句。 学习难点学习难点 结合本单元所学的词汇和状语从句介绍自己喜欢的人物。 三、三、学习过程学习过程 自主学习自主学习 1、认读本单元的单词; 2、熟悉本单元的对话; 3、写出下面的短语: 两个英雄,_ 独自、单独,_ 期盼、期待, _ 出现、发生,_ 不错,_ 勇敢的. _ 八个借口,_ 九个好的想法,_ 我保证, _ 独自演奏, _ 重写_ 避免问题. _ 合作探究合作探究 任务一任务一 看图片,说英雄。 如:Jackie Chan is a great film star. I think all his films are fantastic! 刘翔、杨利伟、霍 金 任务二任务二 听录音回答下列问题 1. Whos speaking? 2.What will happen next? 3.When are they speaking? 任务三任务三 听录音用下列单词回答问题 brave excuse guess imagine look forward to hero stand up thought 1. How does Sally usually feel about playing on her own?2. What do Lingling and Betty think of Sally? 3. What does Mrs Styles know? 4. Whats Mrs Styles going to do? 任务四任务四 1.读问题(1)和(2) ,然后听录音并回答 (1) Where are the children? (2) Why did sally miss the final practice? 2.再听录音,回答(3)和(4). (3) What do you think will happen in the Starsearch competition? (4) What will happen when Kylie and sally get back to the UK? 3 再读会话,完成(5)和(6) (5) Have you ever heard or seen a programme like Starsearch? What happens? (6)Do you agree that Sally is a hero? 4. 检查活动 4 并朗读正确的的句子 任务五任务五 探究知识点 1. hero(复数)heroes 有生命的加 es, hero, potato,tomato, “英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿 ”无生命的加 s, photo,piano, radio,zoo,kilo, (一个例外 kangaroos, )2.not bad for 不错 3. come up 出现 、发生 4.so that:目的是, 表目的状语从句。常用到一些情态动词 can, could, will, may 等 He got up early so that he could catch the first bus. sothat:由于 以至于(以便于):表结果或目的状语从句。So 后接形容词或副 词。 He got up so early that he caught the first bus. 5. on ones own 单独地、独自地 = by oneself 6. look forword to +名词/代词 /doing 期待/期盼 7. avoid sth 避免某事; avoid doing sth 避免做某事 I tried to avoid meeting him. 8. an excuse 一个借口 9. a very kind thought 10. It is + 形容词+ of sb to sth. 用来指某人的品质和性格。 Its very nice of you. Its very clever of him to work out the maths problem so quickly. 11. rewrite-rewrote-rewritten:重写 类似 retell:复述 recall:回忆 Replay Reuse repeat 12. bet 打赌 v. I bet Sally wins, because shes the real hero tonight. 我打赌(保证)Sally 会赢, 因为今晚她才是真正的英雄。 I bet “我敢打赌” 或者= I am sure 我保证 I bet it will rain tomorrow. 我保证明天会下雨。You bet.表示“的确;当然” ,相当于“Certainly, of course” 。 -Are you coming to the party?-You bet(=certainly). 13. because 从属连词,引导原因转语从句。So 引导结果状语从句。二者用其一。 任务六任务六 结对练习,说出下列问题的答语。 1.Do you agree that Sally is a hero? 2. What do you think will happen in the Starsearch competition? 3.What will happen when Kylie and Sally get back to the UK? 4.Have you ever heard or seen a programme like Starsearch? What happen? 任务七任务七 语句的重音语句的重音 人们说话时,根据表达意思的需要,对某些重要的词加以强调和凸显,这就是句子重音。人们说话时,根据表达意思的需要,对某些重要的词加以强调和凸显,这就是句子重音。 一般来说,带有句子重音的词多是实义词(某些代词除外)一般来说,带有句子重音的词多是实义词(某些代词除外) ,而不带句子重音的词一般是虚,而不带句子重音的词一般是虚 词。词。有句子重音的词有句子重音的词无句子重音的词无句子重音的词名词名词冠词冠词实义动词实义动词助动词助动词形容词、副词形容词、副词连词连词疑问代词、疑问副词疑问代词、疑问副词关系代词、关系副词关系代词、关系副词指示代词、复合代词指示代词、复合代词人称代词人称代词名词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、代词所有格代词所有格加强语气用的反身代词加强语气用的反身代词作宾语用的反身代词作宾语用的反身代词双音节、多音节介词双音节、多音节介词单音节介词单音节介词否定词、感叹词、数词否定词、感叹词、数词/加强语气用的助动词加强语气用的助动词/划出句子重读单词,听录音,然后核对、朗读。 任务八任务八 Make a survey 做调查做调查 A: Who is your hero? B: Its Jackie chan! A: Why? B: Because he is a great film star, I think all his film are fantastic.Name Hero WhyReport like this :Jims hero is Jackie Chan, because Jackie Chan is a great film star, and all his films are fantastic. 任务九任务九 语法训练语法训练 Read the following sentences and say what type of clause. (1). Theyre standing up because theyre both going to play.( ) (2). He also wrote books so that doctors could learn new treatments.( ) (3). There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard.( ) 小结:小结:类别概念连接词动作区别原因状语从句表示行为的原因because目的状语从句表示行为的目的So that表示未来、可能性结果状语从句表示行为的结果so已经发生当堂达标当堂达标 一、单项选择 1. Yu Fei is one of the most famous _ in China. A. hero B. heros C. heroes 2. It is very kind _ you to lend me the books. A. to B. of C. for 3. He got up early _ he could get to school on time. A. because B. so that C. as that 二、补全下列句子(每空一词) 1.老师讲得很慢,为的是大家都能听清楚。The teacher speaks slowly_ _ everyone can hear clearly. 2.这封信他航空寄去,以便他们能及时收到。He sent the l
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