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Book 9 Module 5 The first Americans全模块教案全模块教案I. 模块教学目标模块教学目标技能目标 Skill Goals Talk about Christopher Columbus Learn about the Native Americans, Zheng He and the history of Chinese Americans Learn the usage of and, when, on, come, can and any Learn the presentation skills of giving a lecture Write a passage about a Native American tribe II. 目标语言目标语言功 能 句 式Talk about historic events and historical personsHe/ She lived in from (year) to (year). His family come from / He was brought up in First of all, / After a while, / It was not until he / she that / Meanwhile, Suddenly, / To his / her surprise, / Unfortunately, / He was lucky to He / She was the first person to He / She was famous for To this day, he / she is known all over the world for词 汇1.四会词汇prosper, Christianity, resent, hostile, brutal, collaboration, starvation, chief, invader, nomadic, fearless, livestock, reservation, admiral, junk, immigrant, pursue, elusive, sufficient, vital, credit, ease, tension, ailing, recover, transcontinental, stretch, blast, untapped, spur, territory, cultivate, profitable, riot, enact, exclusion, repeal, barrier, initiate, removal, acquaint, execution, stockade, drizzle, doom, brigand, enormity, conceal, greed, exile, groan, fertile, legendary, raid, military, retreat 2.认读词汇primarily, await, void, manufacturer, atmosphere, irrigation, dependent, virtually, nugget, seal, warfare, bayonet 3.词组set foot on, lead to, refer toas, in peace, convertto, needless to say, insist on doing, make peace (with sb), in turn, for the most part, consist of, in search of, with hopes of, in addition to, in particular, credit one with, take up, result in, due to, in view of, be/become/get acquainted with 4.重点词汇 brutal, convert, fearless, fertile, hostile, invade, prosper, inhabitant, military, retreat, collaboration, convert, legendary, livestock, nomadic, raid, retreat, starvation, admiral语 法Learn the usage of and, when, on, come, can, some and any重 点 句 子1. Columbus was the first European to set foot on the North American continent. P57 2. The people who inhabited the North American continent before the arrival of the Europeans were once referred to as “Indians”. P58 3. Native Americans are believed to have come to North America from north-east Asia, arriving over a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska about 12,000 years ago. P584. Only in 1868, after four terrible years were they allowed to return to their land. P59 5. But in Europe it is believed that the first person to use the Cape of Good Hope as a sea route was Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama, when he sailed from Europe to the East in 1497. P64 6. These workers were good at using the gunpowder that was used to blast through the mountains and they created a vast network of track that opened up untapped resources not only in California but the northwest as well. P67 7. Chinese immigrants may have been targeted due to the increasing belief that immigrants were occupying too many jobs in a city. P67 8. The removal of the Cherokee Indians from their life-long homes in the year of 1838 found me a young manand a soldier in the American army. P69 9. Being acquainted with many of the Indians and able to fluently speak their language, I was sent as interpreter and witnessed the execution of the most brutal order in the history of American warfare. P69III. 教材分析与教材重组教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析教材分析 本模块以“The First Americans”为话题,从听、说、读、写等方面呈现了首批美国人各 个种族部落的历史发展。旨在通过本模块的学习使学生更加全面、深刻地了解美洲居民悲 惨的历史,第一个到美国的外来者,美籍华人的生存发展以及在美国历史上所做出的贡献。 通过围绕这一主题所展开的听说读写训练,让学生能够介绍某一著名的探险者和美洲部落。1.1INTRODUCTION 首先向学生陈述了四个有关 Christopher Columbus 发现美洲大陆 的陈述,让学生结对根据已有的知识讨论并根据判断其正确性,最后核实观点。引导学生 关注讨论有争议的重大历史事件的同时,激发对中心话题的兴趣,预测并为学习内容热身。1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY (1) 的阅读部分向学生们介绍了首批美国人的发展 历史,其中主要逐一介绍了六个最大的美洲土著居民部落。它向学生们讲述了欧洲白人定 居者如何掠夺美洲土著居民的土地、如何对美洲土著居民进行杀戮和追赶以及美洲土著居 民如何奋起反抗的历史事实。通过这一部分的学习,可以使学生了解美国早期血腥、残酷、 贪婪的历史,对美洲土著居民有更深刻的认识。学生在学习语言的同时, 通过阅读回答问 题,掌握对阅读内容进行预测判断,并从中获取细节信息的能力。 1.3 LANGUAGE IN USE (1)帮助学生学习并灵活掌握运用 and, when 和 on 的用法。 1.4 LISTENING 部分有三项任务:Activity 1 让学生通过听,回答有关著名部落首领 Sitting Bull 的问题。Activity 2 要求学生通过听判断并确认所列词语的正确含义;Activity 3 对学生在训练听力是有目的、有重点。 1.5 LANGUAGE IN USE (2) 先通过单句的学习使同学们体会 come, can, some 和 any 的用法,然后让同学们在语篇中学会运用它们。 1.6 READING AND VOCABULARY (2) 提供了一篇探讨郑和是否为第一个踏入美国的 外来者的短文,从而体现了郑和在历史上所做的伟大贡献。同时使同学们通过回答问题深层次理解短文并学习一些重点词汇的用法。 1.7 PRESENTATION SKILLS Giving a lecture 要求学生两人一组选择一位有名的探险者, 利用网络或图书馆等资源,来搜集探险家和其探险的信息。并为同学们列出一些描述探险 家生平的表达法,旨在帮助同学们将自己的任务结果更好地展示给全班同学。 1.8 READING PRACTICE 通过讲述美籍华人在美国的历史,使同学们认识到美籍华 人对美国的发展不仅起着关键性的作用,而且还做出了卓越的贡献。同时使同学们间接地 了解了美国的重大的历史事件。 1.9 CULTURAL CORNER 向同学们简单介绍了安德鲁杰克逊总统的一项决议:驱逐 美洲土著居民,强迫他们离开自己的家园而移居到新的领域。这一决议导致了许多美洲土 著居民在移居的过程中丧生,使同学们了解到美洲土著居民真实的悲惨的历史。1.10 TASK 要求同学们以小组活动的形式,选择某一美洲土著居民的部落,可以通过 网上资源的信息,向全班同学介绍这一部落的基本情况。1.11 MODULE FILE 部分简要总结了本模块所学的重点单词,短语及语法。 2. 教材重组教材重组 2.1 将 INTRODUCTION、LISTENING 和 WORKBOOK 中的 Listening 整合在一起, 设计成一节“听说课”。 2.2 将 READING AND VOCABULARY (1)、CULTURAL CORNER 和 WORKBOOK 中的 Vocabulary 整合在一起,设计成
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