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单单 元:元:UnitUnit 1 1 TheThe writtenwritten wordword板板 块:块:Project 2ThoughtsThoughts onon thethe design:design: 本教学方案分为四个部分,分别为 lead-in、language points、consolidation 与 homework。 在 lead-in 环节,教师将以表扬上节课学生研究成果作为本课的开端,旨在一方面增 加学生的自信心,激发其学习热情;另一方面,通过回顾上节课的内容形成自然过渡。在 language points 环节,教师将以两步走的方式开展教学,其中渗透着 PPT 教学模式。第 一步根据 Krashen 输入假设理论的 i+1 原理,教师将引导学生利用已学知识进行新语言点 的习得,即 practice to present;第二步,教师将引导学生根据第一步所学进行相关练 习,即 practice。在完成学习的基础上,学生将在 consolidation 环节对所学知识点进行 总结性练习,以达到巩固的目的。TeachingTeaching aims:aims: After learning language points, the students will be able to use the following words in sentences: reputation, debt, transform, overnight, shorten, monument, exhibit, belong to, tend to and compare. TeaTeachingching aids:aids: 1. PPT 2. Blackboard TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 Lead-inLead-in (Teacher) (PPT 6) You must have learnt a lot in the project last time. Today we are going to let you know more by meeting with language points. (Blackboard)Language Points ExplanationExplanation在此环节,教师将以表扬上节课学生研究成果作为本课的开端,旨在一方面增加学生 的自信心,激发其学习热情,另一方面通过回顾上节课的内容形成自然过渡。StepStep 2 2 LanguageLanguage PointsPoints 1.1. reputationreputation Burns had a reputation for being funny and charming. (line 2) (Teacher) What do you think “reputation” is? Any examples? (Students) “Reputation” indicates the way people look at someone. For example, Jim has a good/bad reputation. It means that other people consider him to be a good/bad man.Meaning in EnglishEnglish phrasebe well-knownbe of good/high reputationbe well-known for somethinghas a reputation for史密斯先生因为他的风趣而出名。 (Students) Mr. Smith has a reputation for being amusing/funny. 2.2. debtdebt Unfortunately, he came from a poor family with many debts (line 3) ) (Students) Debts means something, especially some money which is owed to someone.Chinese PhraseEnglish phrase欠债/不欠债be in/out of debt还清欠债get out of debt欠某人之情be in ones debtYou saved my life; I am forever _ your debt. A. at B. in C. if D. from (Students) B 3.3. monumentmonument This monument to him was first publicly exhibited in 1877. (line 14-15) (Teacher)“Monument” is not “movement”! Meaning in ChineseEnglish Phrase华盛顿纪念碑monument to Washington (Washington Monument)问题的答案key to the question大厅入口entrance to the hall1) The monument _ the Peoples Heroes was set up in Beijing. A. towards B. to C. with D. for 2) 这道习题的答案体现了理论的正确性。(Students) 1) B 2) The key (anwser) to this question reflects the correctness of theories.4.4. adoreadore Adore sth; adore doing sth 喜欢做某事 Sb. is adored by sb. 被某人喜欢5.5. belongbelong toto Burns belonged to a movement of poets called the Romantic poets. (line 19) (Teacher) “Belong to” cant be used in a passive voice. China is a country _ the third world. A. belonged to B. belongs to C. belong toD. belonging to (Students) D 6.6. tendtend toto The poetry of this period is not only about love, although Romantic themes tend to be more emotional. (line 22) tend totend to do be +adjectivetend to do something(Students) 1) 我在冬天常睡得较早。 I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter. 2) 这里夏天较为多雨。(rain/rainy)The place tends to rain a lot during the summer time./The place tends to be rainy during the summer time. 7.7. touchtouch onon strongstrong feelings.feelings. touch on (upon) 谈及谈到.8.8. itit waswas intendedintended toto bebe a a songsong sb intends to do sth sth is intended as sth sth is intended for sb sth is intended to do sth e.g. The man intended to invent a machine which was intended for kids to make them happy. 9.9. BurnsBurns divideddivided thisthis poempoem intointo fourfour shortshort sectionssections consistingconsisting ofof fourfour lineslines each.each. Consist of =be made up of 由组成 The class consists of great student. =The class is made up of students. Consist with 与保持一致10.10. comparecompare The word “like” is used to compare the idea of love to a red rose. (line 39) VerbNouncomparecomparison(Students) 1) Compared to the Sun, the Earth is really a small thing. 2) The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with those in New York. ExplanationExplanation在此环节,教师将以两步走的方式开展教学,其中渗透着 PPT 教学模式。第一步根据 Krashen 输入假设理论的 i+1 原理,教师将引导学生利用已学知识进行新语言点的习得, 即 practice to present;第二步,教师将引导学生根据第一步所学进行相关练习,即 practice。StepStep 3 3 ConsolidationConsolidation 1) Mother Teresa, who won the Nobel Prize, has earned her _ for kind help to the poor people in India. 2) The population in _ area is getting larger, with more people trying to move to the city. 3) By planting more trees, we _ the desert into an area where people could live. 4) Jack was not allowed to leave the city until he paid off his _. 5) After finding some success in Beijing, the group went on a _ tour. 6) That painting has a _ quality, which attracts everyone in the museum. (PPT 29) 7) After she lost her job at the facto
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