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课题:课题: M1U1M1U1 ProjectProject 【教学目标】1.to arouse students enthusiasm for developing after-class activities and forming a school club; 2.to gain the general idea of how to make an attractive poster for the club; 3.to strengthen students ability of putting theory into practice; 4.to guide students to cooperate effectively through group work. 【教学重点】Have students discuss and learn to finish a project by working toghter 【教学难点】Students should search and find information, and do some writing and drawing by themselves 【教 具】Multi-media projector【教学过程】StepStep 1 1 WhichWhich isis moremore attractive?attractive? 设计说明设计说明 由两段录音展示两种风格完全不同的社团招募方式, 让学生选择其一,并阐述其选择的理由,从而进入预设话题。*Sample*Sample A:A: We have a radio club in our school. *The history of our club:It was set up in/by./when *The aims of our clubs are 1)2) *The related activities are1)2) Do you want to join us? (boring it was perfect. 她的表演非常好,可以说是完美的。 (2)China Daily is moremore thanthan a paper.(3) The result is moremore thanthan what you can imagine. 特别提示 nono moremore thanthan 表示“只有;仅仅” ,相当于 “only”, 强调 “少” 。 We have taken no more than five courses this term. 这学 期我们只上了五门课。 notnot moremore thanthan 意为“不超过;不多于;至多” ,相当于 “at most”, 客观地说明数量。 He knows not more than you do. 他知道的不及你多。 nono moremore . thanthan . . 表示前者和后者一样都不Jack is no more diligent than John. 杰克和约翰都不勤奋。moremore A A thanthan B B 与其说与其说倒不如倒不如The young man is more a worker than a singer. 5.5. It will continuecontinue without me.continuecontinue vt.vt. 继续,连续 continuecontinue sth/doing/tosth/doing/to dodo vi.vi. 继续;依旧继续;依旧(1)They continuedcontinued toto discussdiscuss the topic after a break. (2)The rain continuedcontinued (for) five days. (3)The weather will continuecontinue fine tomorrow.【作业布置】 【教学后记】
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