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黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语 ModuleModule 5 5 CloningCloning ReadingReading andand VocabularyVocabulary FrankensteinsFrankensteins MonsterMonster 学案学案 外研版外研版选修选修 6 6学习目标:学习目标:认真,在背诵单词的基础上,借助辞典和工具书完成本学案 高考链接高考链接:快速阅读全文,掌握文章的主旨大意;仔细阅读,深层理解文章细节是高考对 阅读题的基本要求。 学习过程学习过程 I.I. 在阅读课文的基础上,学习知识点。在阅读课文的基础上,学习知识点。1. While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life.还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。While studying at university = While he is studying at universityWhile _ the bus (等公共汽车时),she learned 10 English words by heart.2.Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life.give life to sb.;give sb. life 给某人以生命e.g. Mother _ me. 妈妈给与我生命。3. resemble: 常用短语:resemble sb./sth. (in sth.)e.g: She _ her brother in looks 她和她弟弟长得很像。She _ her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。4. chase off: 赶跑e.g. The old man _all the naughty boys with a stick. 这个老人用棍子赶跑了所有调皮的男孩。5. It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time. 这是_句型。翻译:_ all this happened 所有这一切发生在周一晚上。6. Feeling very anxious, I prepared the equipment be anxious to do _ be anxious for _be anxious about _prepare sb. sth. / prepare sth. for sb._prepare to do _ prepare sb. for_make preparations for _7. 熄灭_因为缺乏足够的空气,火很快就灭了。_Stop working like this or you will burn yourself out. _8. 翻译:I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I would disappear!_She looked well and happy, but as I kissed her lips, they became pale, as if she were dead._两句中都使用了_语气。对现在的虚拟,动词用过去时;对过去的虚拟,动词用过去完成时;对将来的虚拟,用would/ could/ might + 动词原形。I wish my brother werent so lazy.IIII 当堂检测:短语互译当堂检测:短语互译1. 跑出去_ 2. 走来走去_3.伸出_ 4. 跑出_ 花光,用完_ 5.再三地,反复地_ 6. for the first time_7.by its tiny light_ 8. walk up and down the room_ 9. throw oneself on the bed_ 10. give life to _ 11. have terrible dreams _ 12. end ones own life _13. contrast with _ 14. shake with fear _15. burn out _ 16. at the same moment _
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