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阅读部分阅读部分Section Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)十三、基因技术在刑侦中的应用十三、基因技术在刑侦中的应用Violent criminals with something to hide have more reason than ever to be paranoid about a tap on the shoulder which could send them to jail. Queensland police are working through a backlog of unsolved murders with some dramatic success. Greater cooperation between the public and various law enforcement agencies is playing a role, but new genetic-testing techniques are the real key to providing the vital evidence to mount a prosecution. Evidence left behind at the scene of any murder is guaranteed to outlive the person who left it. A blood, saliva or tissue sample in the size of a pin, kept dry and out of sunlight, will last several thousand years. From it, scientific analysis now can tell accurately the sex of the person who left it.When matched against a sample from a crime suspect, it can indicate with million-to-one certainty whether the samples come from the same source. Only twins share identical DNA. So precise is the technology if the biological parents of a suspect agree to provide a sample, forensic scientists can work out the rest for themselves without cooperation from the suspect. Queensland forensic scientists have been using the DNA testing technology since 1992, and last year they were recognized internationally for their competence in positive individual identification. That is part of the reason 20 of Queenslands most puzzling unsolved murders dating to 1932 are being actively investigated. There also have been several recent arrests for unsolved murders.Forensic evidence was instrumental in charges being laid over the bashing death of waitress Tasha Douty on Brampton Island in 1983. Doutys blood-splattered, naked body was found on a nude sunbathing beach at Dinghy Bay on the island. Footprints in the sand indicated that the killer had grappled with the 21-year-old mother who had fled up the beach before being caught and beaten to death. According to Leo Freney, the supervising forensic scientist at the John Tonge Centre at Brisbanes Griffith University, DNA testing has become an invaluable tool for police. Its use is in identifying and rejecting suspects. In fact, he says, it eliminates more people than it convicts.“It is easily as good as fingerprints for the purpose of identification,” he says. “In the case of violent crime it is better than fingerprints. You cant innocently explain things like blood and semen at a crime scene where you may be able to innocently explain fingerprints.” In Queensland, a person who has been arrested on suspicion of an offence can be taken before a magistrate and ordered to provide a sample of body fluid by force if necessary. 1. What is implied in the first sentence of the first paragraph?A Law punishments are always slow.B Justice has long arms.C Everyone is equal before the law.D A burnt child dreads the fire.2. In Queensland, dramatic progress made in investigating unresolved murders is because of _.A the greater cooperation between suspects and policeB the simplification of the criminal prosecution processC forensic scientists ability in positive individual identificationD new techniques in finding footprints of murders3. Evidence left behind at the scene of a crime is all of the following EXCEPT _.A blood B tissue C footprints D pin4. What can be inferred from the text?A Criminal evidence could be kept well in dry and warm places.B The high accuracy of genetic testing lies in DNAs uniqueness.C DNA testing provides the vital evidence in Tasha Douty Case.D Fingerprints are better than DNA to convict suspects.5. By the use of new technology, forensic scientists can _.A work out the result of DNA completely by themselvesB eliminate more suspects than identify themC tell the appearance of a murder from the evidence leftD order the suspect to provide a sample of body fluid by law 答案答案1.B2.C3.D4.C5.B总体分析总体分析本文主要讲的是昆士兰警方在侦破悬案时,由于使用了基因检测法而取得了巨大进展,以前多年的悬案随着新技术的使用而告破。在侦破重大刑事案件时,基因检测技术比指纹更加有效。即使没有犯罪嫌疑人的配合,警方也可以根据基因技术侦破案件。第一段:指出由于基因检测技术的发展,昆士兰警方在侦破悬案方面取得了很大的进展。第二至三段:指出基因检测技术利用的是犯罪现场留下的蛛丝马迹,以及基因相同的极小的可能性。第四至五段:指出昆士兰警方利用基因检测技术在侦破案件上取得很大进展,并举例说明。第六至七段:使用引证法指出基因检测技术对于确认和排除嫌疑人都非常有用。试题精解试题精解1. 第一段第一句的隐含含义是什么?A 法律的惩罚总是来得很慢。B 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。C 法律面前人人平等。D 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。精解 本题考查推理引申。文章首句提到,有事情要隐瞒的暴力罪犯现在更有理由害怕别人拍一下他们的肩膀,因为这能将他们送进监狱。从字面上看,这句话是在说明罪犯做贼心虚的样子。接着该段下文开始论述昆士兰的警察侦破悬案所取得的成就,其主要原因是新的基因检测技术。由此可推知,该句“拍一下肩膀就能将罪犯送入监狱”是侦破技术的发展带来的结果,整个句子的含义是“高科技使罪犯更无法逃脱法律的制裁” 。因此B项该句的隐含含义。2. 昆士兰在侦破悬案取得巨大进展的原因是。A 嫌疑犯更加配合警方B 对罪犯的上诉程序的简化C 法医正确识别身份的能力D 找到凶手脚印的新技术精解 本题考查事实细节。第一段结尾处提到,公众和各家执法机构的合作(对昆士兰警方侦破案件的成功)起了一定作用,但对于提供足以起诉的重要证据,新的基因检测技术是关键。由此,可知原文是“公众” ,而非“嫌疑犯” ;是“提供上诉证据的新技术” ,而非“上诉程序” ,排除A和B项。第四段首句提到,昆士兰的法医们一直使用 DNA 测试技术,并因正确的身份识别能力而得到国际认可。这部分解释了许多悬案正在被积极地调查的原因。由此得出正确答案为C项。 D项文中未提。3.
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