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Body Language in English TeachingBy Zhao Lu A Thesis Submitted toSchool of WenTongIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of B.A. in EnglishAt Huaian Normal UniversityUnder the Supervision of Mr. Oct 2010AcknowledgementsThis thesis involves much generous assistance from my teachers, friends and parents. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to Ms. Guo Chengyu, my supervisor, who has been giving me considerable academic help and constant support during my thesis writing. And I would like to thank the librarians of Huaiyin Normal University, who have provided me with useful references needed in my thesis.Finally, I would like to present sincere thanks to my parents, who have supported and assisted me all the way in my college life.Abstract Body language has been widely used in communication out of class. At the same time, it plays a very important role in english teaching. It can be vocal languages vital complement by intensifying the language information retention and leaving the students deeper impression. On one hand, it can completely stir the students. Moreover, it is a tool to communicate with others, and it does not need our vocal organ, but participation of the parts of body. In expressing some subtle ideas, body language can be a very good helper in english teaching, so english study is not dull any more. On the other hand, the teachers can have a better understanding about the students, their thoughts and their behaviors. The teachers need to develop a skill to read the students body language. Moreover, it help the students to improve lessening, speaking, reading and writing level, and the teachers and the students can develop a good relationship. In modern teaching, the teachers need to be the students friends firstly, and body language narrows the gap between the teachers and the students. The teachers should never ignore it in english teaching. Because not only it is a good tool to communicate with others and express oneself, but it can help the teachers achieve a higher teaching goal and further mutual understanding between the teachers and the students. Therefore, in english class, the teachers should pay enough attention to body language and properly use it. Key Words Body language; english teaching; gesture; teaching tactics摘 要 肢体语言,在课堂上被广泛运用。同时在英语教学中,它扮演着非常重要的角色,它可以增 加语言信息输入的刺激强度,给学习者留下深刻的印象,是有声语言的重要补充。一方面, 它能完全激励学生学习兴趣,也是与人交流的工具,不需要用我们的发声器官,仅需要身体 的参与。在阐述一些细微的语言概念时,肢体语言能担当非常好的帮手,英语学习也不在 枯燥乏味;另一方面,教师能更好的了解学生,了解他们的思想、行为。因此,教师应发 展读取学生肢体语言的技巧。不仅仅如此,肢体语言能帮助学生提高听、说、读、写的水 平,帮助师生之间建立起良好的关系。在现代教学中,教师首先得做学生的朋友,而肢体 语言缩小了师生间的差距。教师在教学中不要忽视肢体语言,它是与他人交流和表达自己 的良好工具。它能帮助教师达到一个更高的教学目标,能促进师生间的互相了解。因此, 在英语教学中,教师应重视肢体语言并合理地应用它. 关键词 身体语言 , 英语教学, 手势,教学策略Contents1. Introduction 2. The Definition of Body Language 3. Teachers some mistakes in English teaching 4. The necessity and importance of using body language in English teaching 5. Advantages of Body Language in english Teaching 6. The Application of Body Language in english Teaching1Introduction The teachers spread knowledge mainly by verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Many researches have been carried out on verbal behaviors from macroscopic to microscopic. And these researches and achievements have carried class teaching to a new stage and made teaching be much improved. However, nonverbal communication that is another very important way to spread information is overlooked. Nobody knows when nonverbal communication as a kind of teaching method to be used by human began. Somebody think ancient Greek from B.C.400 to 600 had interests in nonverbal communication (Malandro, 1989); but others hold the view that the time is convincing argument time, because people at that time usually used gestures and body movement in speech; the last view is 1872 when Darwin explained relationship between animal movement and human movement, he should be the father of modern nonverbal communication. In modern times, some scholars have been studying human nonverbal behavior, special body language. They set nonverbal communication as a new branch. In 1940, some scholars, such as F. Boas, E. Sapir,W. LaBrre,D. Efron and so on were in America ,(Zhuang,2000).They definitely pointed out human body movement code can be revealed(idib).Then there were four studying body language pioneers: R.Birdwhistell,E.Goffman,A.E.shelfen and A.Kendon(idib). In 1960s, studying body language reached a climax (idib). In America, hundreds of researchers studied the new branch of learning nonverbal behavior from former disciplines (idib). What kind of relationship exists between body language and english teaching? Middle school teachers face the adolescent students who are easily influenced by others .The students not only absorb thinking,knowledge through the teachers words, but get kinds of information and positive or negative influence from the teachers body language. Their bright eyes are like video cameras, so the teachers figur
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