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I摘 要在当今工程实际中,框架结构是多高层建筑常采用的一种结构体系。它的建筑平面布置灵活,墙体只起分隔和围护的作用,门窗开置的大小、形状都较为自由。因此,框架结构多适用于办公楼、教室、商场、住宅等房屋建筑。本毕业设计工程为鹤岗矿业集团办公楼,建筑面积为 3971m2,主体建筑层数为六层,采用框架结构体系,抗震设防烈度为 7 度,结构抗震等级为三级。本文将对办公楼进行建筑设计和结构设计。建筑设计主要对本办公楼进行了平面、立面和剖面设计,根据建筑设计和相关规范条款给出合理的柱网布置图。结构设计主要在综合考虑了结构在各种恒载、活载、风荷载以及地震荷载作用下的情形后,详细的分析了结构在风荷载和地震荷载作用下横向的各种性能,具体计算了结构的梁、柱的弯矩、轴力、剪力,进行了相应的内力组合,并由此进行了截面设计,最后完成了筏板基础的有关计算。关键词:框架结构 办公楼 抗震设计 筏板基础 IIAbstractFrame Construction is a structure disposal type in the construction practices, which is used widely in the world recently. It needs a great deal of steel and cement and makes its cost higher than mixed construction.But it is of the advantages that one is beam and column bear the force, while the wall only divides the space and the other is the disposal for a room is flexible: it makes it freely to set the sizes and shapes of the windows and doors.The engeering project in the project for graduation is the He Gang of official building .The architecture area is 3971mm2 ,and the main body of the building is six stories. The building adopts system of frame structure and earthquake resistance design is 7, anti-earthquake grade of the structure is three rate.This title will do the architecture design for the office building and give some illuminetion, will tell of the disposal of structure and draw the reasonable columniation plan according to the architecture design and the correlative codes.It also researches the situations with permanent load, live load, wind load, and snow load and earthquake load acting on the designed structure, and analyzes the character of structure in horizontal with the wind load and earthquake load acting on it, and calculates the axial stress and shear of beams and columns of the structure, comb-ines the value of any load, and the resulting of cross-section design, at the end, accomplishes the calculation of the raft plank foundation of the structure.Key words: frame structure office building aseismic design raft plank foundation I目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 设计依据及背景 .11.2 设计内容及方法 .11.2.1 设计内容 .11.2.2 设计方法 .21.3 工程特点 .2第 2 章 建筑设计 .42.1 概述 .42.2 工程简介 .42.3 建筑总平面设计 .52.4 建筑平面设计 .52.4.1 房间布置 .52.4.2 垂直交通设计 .62.5 水平交通设计 .62.6 建筑立面设计 .72.6.1 建筑体型的组合 .72.6.2 门的大小及位置的确定 .72.6.3 窗的 大小及位置的确定 .72.7 建筑剖面设计 .72.8 防水设计 .8第 3 章 结构设计 .93.1 框架结构设计 .93.1.1 工程概况 .93.1.2 设计资料 .93.1.3 梁柱截面、梁跨度及柱高度的确定 .10II3.1.4 框架侧移刚度计算 .143.1.5 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 .
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