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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读材料之麦兜的鱼丸粗面摘要: 托福阅读材料之麦兜的鱼丸粗面,麦兜和鱼丸粗面的故事大家一定有印象,你知道这个也是托福阅读材料中的内容吗?以下文章:趣味新托福阅读:麦兜的鱼丸粗面可以大家在紧张的复习中稍作放松,还能练口语,一起来读吧!McDull: Fish ball noodle, please.麦兜:麻烦你,鱼丸粗面!School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面了。McDull: Fish ball rice noodle then.麦兜:这样啊来一碗鱼丸河粉吧。School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸。McDull: Chicken wing noodle then.麦兜:这样啊金钱肚粗面好了。School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面。McDull: How about fish ball congee?麦兜:那么要鱼丸油面吧。School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸。McDull: Nothing left today? How about beef noodle?麦兜:怎么样样都没了?那要个墨鱼丸粗面吧。School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面。McDull: Again? Fried chicken wing with fish ball.麦兜:又没啊?那麻烦来碗鱼丸金钱肚吧。School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸。Darby: Hey, fish ball and noodle are both gone. You cant combine them with other things.得巴:麦兜啊,鱼丸和粗面都卖光了,也就是所有的鱼丸或者粗面的搭配都没有了。McDull: Cant combine them? A bowl of fish ball then.麦兜:哦没有那些搭配啊?那麻烦要净鱼丸吧。School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸。McDull: A bowl of noodle?麦兜:那么净粗面呢?School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面以上即为 托福 阅读材料:麦兜的鱼丸粗面的详细内容,希望对大家积累 新托福 阅读素材有所帮助,更多资讯、资料尽在 小马 过河教育 托福考试 频道。相关推荐:如何hold住托福阅读托福阅读中的强度分析托福阅读考试要找到根源相关字搜索: 托福阅读
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