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初中英语学习室 http:/www.trjlseng.com新目标初一英语上册期中试题及答案新目标初一英语上册期中试题及答案听力部分(听力部分(2020 分)分) A.听句子,选择与内容相符的图片或选项(听两遍): (20 分)A B C D E1_ 2_ 3 _ 4 _ 5_ ( )6. A. they B. there C. their ( )7. A. wall B. walk C. work ( )8. A. floor B. from C. flower ( )9. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen ( )10. A. go to shop B. go to school C. go to work B.根据所听内容选择正确的应答(听两遍)( )11. A. Im a nurse. B. No, Im not fine. C. Yes, I am. ( )12. A. Ok. B. Good morning. C. Bye. ( )13. A. Good . B. He is a policeman. C. He is Jack. ( )14. A. And you? B. How are you? C. Im fine. ( )15. A. Its a cat. B. This is a cat. C. That is a cat. C. 听以下五段对话,选择最佳答案 (听两遍)( )16. What class is the girl in?A. Class One. B. Class Two. C. Class Three.( )17. How old is the boy?A. He is ten. B. He is eleven. C. He is twelve.( )18. Who is polite?A. Mike. B. The new student. C. The girl. ( )19. Where is Sammi from?A. American B. England. C. Japan.( )20. How many students are there in the boys class?A. Twenty. B. Twentyfour. C. Twenty-five. 笔试部分(笔试部分(100100 分分)单项选择(15 分).( )1. There is art book on the desk.A. anB. aC. theD. /( )2.Look at Millie. is a student. hair is black.初中英语学习室 http:/www.trjlseng.comA. She, SheB. She, HerC. Her, HerD. Her, She( )3. There is a clock the wall in our classroom.A. of B. in C. on D. between( )4. There arent maps in the classroom, but there are pictures.A. some; any B. some; someC. any; some D. any; any( )5. Here is a new bag _ you.A. to B. fromC. onD. for( )6.Tom and I good friends.A. isB. amC. are D. be( )7. There a teacher and three boys over there. A. beB. isC. amD. are( )8. What is your father? .A. Hes at homeB. Hes a teacher.C. Shes a teacherD. Hes in his school( )9. Are you a student? .A. No, I am B. No, it isnt C. Yes, Im not D. Yes, I am( )10.Its cold today. Jack. Here is your coat. .A. Yes, it isB. No, it isnt C. OK. Here you are D. Thanks, Mum ( )11. Please _ the picture. It is very beautiful.A. look at B. look C. have a look D. see( )12 .Look! Its a photo _ my family.A. in B. of C. on D to( )13. Its cold today._ the window, please.A. Open B. Opens C. Close D. Closes( )14.There are _ new books in the reading room.A. hundreds B. hundred C. two hundreds D .two hundred ( )15.你把朋友汤姆介绍给别人时应该说;A. It is Tom. B. This is Tom. C. I am Tom. D.You are Tom.完形填空.(10 分)A: 1 is this bag at the door? Is it 2 , Mr Read?B: No. His bag is 3 , but this one is green. I think 4 Mr Blacks.A: Excuse me. Mr Black. Is this 5 yours?C: Oh, yes, its 6 bag.A: Its so heavy(重的). 7 in it?C: There are 8 T-shits in it.A:T-shirt? 9 colour are they?C: 10 many kinds of colours.( )1.A. WhoseB. WhosC. WhoD. Whose初中英语学习室 http:/www.trjlseng.com( )2.A. you B. your C. brothersD. your brothers( )3.A. big B. green C. blackD. small( )4.A. it B. its C. itsD. is( )5.A. book B. bag C. lightD. room( ) 6.A. my B. your C. meD. his( ) 7.A. What B. Whats C. ItsD. Where is( ) 8.A. a B. someC. anyD. isnt( ) 9.A. WhatB. WhatsC. How manyD. How( ) 10.A.Its B. It hasC. HowD. There are.阅读理解.(20 分)AMy name is Peter. Im fourteen. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My mother and father are doctors. My brother and I are at school. We have a big house. There is a tall tree in front of the house. My father and mother often sit under the tree and read books. We sometimes play there. My brother and I are in the same school. We like our school very much.( )1.How many people are there in Peters family?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.( )2.Is there a tree behind their house?A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know. D. All right.( )3.Peter and his brother are_A. in the schoolB. the same ageC. not in the same school D. teachers( )4.Whats Peters parents(父母的) job?A. They are teachers.B. They are doctors.C. They are workers. D. They are students.( )5.Peters parents often_ under the tree.A. walkB. work C. read D. cleanBLet me tell you something about our park. Its not big but beautiful. Here is the gate. On the right of it. There are two toilets. There is a shop on the left. There is a big tree beside the shop. In the middle of the park, there is a playground. Many love
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