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.重点单词 1_n百万富翁 2_vt.&vi.(使)重逢;(使)再结合 3_n暴力,暴行_adj.暴力的,粗暴的 4_v逮捕 5_vt.对待;款待 6resist vi.&vt._ 7threat n_ 8reform vt.&vi.&n._ 答案:1.millionaire 2.reunite 3.violence;violent 4.arrest5.treat 6.反抗,抵挡 7.威胁,恐吓 8.改革;(使)改过自新;改良 .重点短语 1_ 集中(注意力、精力等)于;注视 2_ 被迫做某事 3_ 怜悯某人 4_ 被分成 5_ 用向某人施压 6_ 因为而出名 7_ 把某人送上法庭 8_ 与重新团聚 答案:1.focus on 2.be forced to do sth. 3.pity sb. 4.be divided into. 5.pressure sb.with. 6.be famous for. 7.take sb.to court 8.be reunited with. .必背句型 1Literature can be _two main categories:fiction and nonfiction. 文学可以分为小说和纪实文学两种。 答案:divided into 2Oliver does not want to steal from anyone,but _survive Oliver_become a criminal. 奥利弗并不想偷别人的东西,但为了生存,他被迫成了罪犯。 答案:in order to;is forced to 3Fagin and his group of criminals find him and drag him back into the life of crime,_if he resists. 如果他拒绝的话,费金同他的犯罪团伙就以暴力威胁,给他施加压力,迫使他回到犯罪的 生活。 答案:pressuring him with the threat of violence 4Unless Oliver can escape,he will never _Mr.Barnlow. 如果奥利佛不能逃脱,他将不会与 Mr.Barnlow 重新团聚 答案:be reunited with .语法专练 1(2011 年高考大纲全国卷)I got this bicycle for_:My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one. Aeverything Bsomething Canything Dnothing 解析:选 D。句意:“这辆自行车我没花钱,我朋友买了新自行车,就把这辆旧的送给我 了。 ”本题考查代词,for nothing 表示“免费;徒然” ,符合语境。其他三项均与后面语境相悖。 2The lawyer listened with full attention,_to miss any point. Anot trying Btrying not Cto try not Dnot to try 解析:选 B。句意:“律师专注地倾听着,努力不错过任何要点。 ”句中现在分词作伴随状 语。trying not.努力不;not trying 不努力做。 3So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy,but it is _ideal.We have to work still harder. Anext to Bfar from Cout of Ddue to 解析:选 B。考查词组辨析。句意:“迄今为止我们为建设低碳经济已经做出了很多,但 是远不理想。我们必须更加努力。 ” far from 表示“远非,一点也不” 。next to 仅次于; out of 离开,出于;due to 因为。 4Charles was alone at home,with_ looking after him. Asomeone Banyone Cnot one Dno one 解析:选 D。句意:“查尔斯一个人在家,没有人照顾他。 ”句中的 alone at home 暗示没 人在家陪伴,因此选 no one。 5He is clever and always studies into deep night. Its _wonder that he is admitted by Qinghua University. Anot Bnot a Cno Dnone 解析:选 C。It is no wonder that.“难怪” ,是一个固定句式。其中的 no 不可转换成其 他否定词。 6(2012 年山东东营模拟)How much vinegar did you put in the soup? Im sorry to say,_.I forgot. Ano Bno one Cnothing Dnone 解析:选 D。句意:你在汤里放了多少醋?很抱歉,一点也没放。我忘了。 noneno前面提到的名词,此处等于 no vinegar。 7(2012 年太原模拟)Everyone wants to live in a beautiful,comfortable and “livable” place,but not_know where it is. Asome Beither Call Dboth 解析:选 C。句意:“大家都想住在一个优美、舒适、适于居住的地方,但并非所有人都 知道它在哪里。 ”前面用 everyone,根据句意可知后面用 all 来指代,not all 意为“并非所 有” 。 8(2012 年杭州质检)Mr.Declan was very angry when he found his son had _of his warning and went to the bar with his friends. Anothing Bneither Cnone Deither 解析:选 C。句意:“当 Declan 先生发现他儿子不理会他的警告并与朋友去了酒吧的时候, 他很生气。 ” have none of 不理会,固定短语。 9(2012 年浙江六校联考)Were you satisfied with the exam result? Not a _.I should have done much_. Alittle;better Bbit;bad Clittle;bad Dbit;better 解析:选 D。not a bitnot at all 一点也不;not a little 非常。第二空:much 后修饰比较级 而非原级,据句意可知此处为“好得多” 。 10(2012 年安徽江南十校模拟)How can you call it home?Its _a house. Ahardly BrarelyCbadly Doccasionally 解析:选 A。句意:“你怎么能称它为“家”呢?它连房子都算不上。 ” hardly 几乎不,简 直不;rarely 很少地,表示频率;badly 恶劣地,修饰动作;occasionally 偶尔,表示频率。温馨提示:巩固学习效果,检验教学成果。请进入“课时训练 2” ,指导学生每课一练,成 功提升成绩。
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