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1Revision unit 3 look ahead book2 Vocabulary Paper A 1. choice n. _ v. (_ _) I have no choice to do sth. 2. land n. _land 陆路交通3miss v. _ adj. =lost 4. toilet n. 5. borrow v. borrow sth _sb. 6. hold v._ _7. class n. first-class adj. 8. passenger n. _pl. 9. contact v/n. contact sb on+电话 10. carry v. _ _ (past form) carry out Paper B 1. type v. typewriter n.2. transport n. _n 交通。 3. coach n. _ coach4. vehicle n. 5. fear n. _fear of 害怕 fearful adj.6. prefer prefer to do sth 7. speed n. at a high speed/ at the speed of prefer doing sth. 8. alive adj. 9. cancel v. _ _(past form) 10. reliable adj. _(ant.)-v. _ on 11. cause v./n. cause sb to do sth. 12. pollution n. air pollution 13. environment n. 14. convenient adj. _(ant.)15. arrange v. _n. 16. client n.17. sightseeing n. _(phrase) 18. promise n./v. _adj. 19. anyway. adv. keep ones promise 20. reservation n. _v. break ones promise make a reservation _sth. 21. essential adj. be essential _sb. 22. charge n. in charge of /in the charge of 23. non-smoking adj. non-stop24. airline n. 25. luggage n. =_26. pleasant adj. _adj. 高兴 27. race n. =_n.28.against prep. Be against sth. 29. versus prep.30. delay v/n. without delay 31. punctual adj. =_ _32. fare n. 33. security n. _adj. 34. announcement n. _v. 35.satisfy v. _adj. be satisfied _sth.36. platform n. 37. select v. _n. 38. step n. 39. stewardess n. _n.40. standard n. 41. check v. check in 42.frustrated adj. _. adj._n. _v. Language points 1.planning a trip 计划旅行plan _ _ plan to do sth : my family_ _ spend our holiday by land next month. make a plan for sth: you have to_ a good plan _ your future. 2. ways of travelling 旅行方式 a way of doing sth = a way to do sth. I found a good way of stopping smoking=_. 3. by sea/ by air/by land: 水路/坐飞机/陆路 by sea: including_.2by air: including_ by land including_ 4. when I go on holiday, I travel by train. On holiday / in the holidays go on a trip I travel by train.= I _ _ _ travel. 5. what do you think the writers main points are ? (what 之类的特殊疑问词在 do you think 之 前,仅限在 do you think 问句,其它不是。)比较下面: What do you think he can do about the task? Do you know what he can do about the task? 6. fear n. 害怕 恐惧 in fear of sth = be_ _ _He is _fear of more snow before he starts to leave. 7. I hate flying. Hate doing sth = dislike doing sth.I hate being fettered by petty rules and regulations. 我讨厌受清规戒律的束缚 8. you wait for hours for the plane to take off Take off: 起飞,脱下,取下Take off the stamps off envelopes. You have to take off your shoes when coming in. 9. theres nothing to do. (不定式 to do 作后置定语修饰 nothing)I have a lot of homework to do.He has nothing to deal with,_? (tag Q) 10. theres no choice of food and there are never enough toilets. Theres no choice of sth.: e.g. : Theres no choice of schools.enough+n: :enough water/food.adj/adv+enough: they are old enough to drive e.g: He is old enough to be her father and rich enough to be her husband 11. bad-worse-worst : 糟糕“After that things got _and _,“ she continued her story 12. it takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.It takes sb sth to do sth. Eg.: It takes time to get used to new shoes if you have a new pair. 13. I prefer traveling by train. Trains are much better than planes. Prefer to: eg: I prefer the blue raincoat to the red one.Prefer doing sth to doing sth.: I prefer_(go) on holiday by train to_ (stay)at home at my leisure. 在比较级前一般可加的副词有 : a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even 14. you can get on and off in the middle of cities. get on/get off/ get out of/ get in We usually get_the plane at the Shuanliu airport if we go abroad. You cant _the bus once you miss the station. In the middle of: 在什么的中间:I dont disturb others in the middle of conversation. 15. staying alive and enjoying yourself is more important. stay alive: 活着。alive-_adj.-_adj. enjoy oneself=_ doing sth and doing sth +谓语单数:_(see)the film and_(go) to travel is a pleasant thing.316. Im too young to drive. Tooto: He was too lazy to work and too proud to beg. 他懒于工作,又不屑乞讨。 转化:tooto=_=_. He is too poor to have much money for his life. =_ =_ 17. reason n. _ sth. prep.-_adj._(a
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