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北京观光客自然都会游览故宫和长城,这是因为故宫和长城是举世闻名的旅游 景点。而今天我却想向各位推荐北京第三大旅游场所,北京世界公园。北京世 界公园于 90 年代初在北京兴建,是北京的最新旅游景点。这里游客那种“一日 游尽天下景”的梦想便可成真。 While the Palace Museum and Great Wall, the two world-famous scenic spots, are known to all a must tourist destination for people visiting Beijing, today, Id like to introduce to you the Beijing World Park, the third major tourist site in Beijing. Completed in the early 1990s, the Beijing World Park boasts the newest scenic spot in Beijing, and here the visitors may realize their dream of “touring around the world in a day.” 公园的东北角有一条 300 米长的国际街,这条具有欧美建筑风格的国际街集餐 饮、购物和娱乐于一体,游客可以在这里领略各国情调,品尝他乡风味,购买 纪念礼品,参加各种娱乐活动。 Located in the northeastern corner lies the 300-meter-long International Street with its European and American architectural styles encompassing services of catering, shopping and amusement. Tourists can experience the obvious exotic atmosphere, taste the inviting foreign food, purchase attractive souvenirs and enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities. 北京世界公园自开放以来已吸引了许多海内外游客前来观赏美景。如果您在北 京逗留的时间仅够您游览 3 个景点,那么您一定得把故宫、长城和世界公园作 为您的最佳选择。 Since its opening to visitors, the Beijing World Park has attracted many tourists from home and abroad with its splendid sights. If you had time for only three places of tourist attraction in Beijing, your best choices would certainly be the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and then the Beijing World Park.Id like to make some special remarks on our tour programs: 我想把我们旅游的一些特别注意事项向各位游客通告如下: First of all, the quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destination country. This included the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing, guide, airport departure tax, and a round-trip international airfare. The quotation is calculated on a per-person basis for a group of 10 or more adults. The quotation for smaller groups will have to be determined by this travel agency. 首先,我社每项旅游的报价均含游客在旅游国所需的一切费用,其中包括住宿 费、膳食费、交通费、游览费、导游费、机场离境税以及往返国际机票等费用。 报价是根据由 10 名成年游客或 10 名成年游客以上组成的团体,按个人计价。 本旅行社对人数少于 10 人的旅游团体,有另行定价的权利。 Next, each person taking our tour has to pay for his or her personal expenses which may involve, for example, laundry, drinks, mini-bars in their hotel rooms, long- distance phone calls. 其次,每位参加我社组团的游客必须自己负担个人消费所需的一切费用,如衣 服熨烫、各类饮料、使用旅馆房间里的小酒吧、打长途电话等所需要的费用。And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary, but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseeable circumstances. We will give you notice of these changes as they occur, together with reasons. 最后,严格按照所定计划办事是我们的原则,对可能出现的一些不可预见的情 况,我社则保留修改原定计划的权利。倘若出现这种情况,我们会及时通告各 位,并对变动的原因作出解释。我国悠久的历史.广褒的国土.与世界各国和海外文化的广泛接触,孕育中餐烹饪 的独特艺术。 Chinas long history, vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures have given birth to t distinctive art of Chinese Culinary(中餐烹调). 中国有一句古话至今还广为流传,叫做“民以食为天”。 An ancient Chinese saying, still pop today, “Food is t paramount necessity of t people.”几千年的推陈出新和不断累积,使中餐受到越来越多的海外人士的青睐, 成了我国对外文化交流的一个友好使者。 With several thousand years of creative and accumulative efforts, the Chinese cuisine has become increasingly popular among M it also includes t freshness of t raw materials and t blending of seasonings. “Taste” is the art of proper seasoning,it also involves the texture of food they consider this a lavish spread. 但在中国人眼里,以这种规格的晚餐招待宾客,只是一种起码的标准。 准备 10 道份量适中的菜肴并不为过,即使献上 16 道菜,亦不足为奇。 在中国,一桌标准宴席包括 4 至 8 个事先制作好的冷盘,八道现做的热炒。 两道观赏性大菜(如全鱼.乳猪.全鸡等) ,此外还有汤.米饭和点心。晚宴结束 前还有一道水果。But in the Chinese mind, a dinner prepared as above for guests is the minimum requirement.10 courses of dishes, not necessarily prepared in huge quantities, would not be considered excessive, and few people would blink at 16. A standard banquet will consist of 4 to 8 prepared cold dishes, 8 hot dishes served one at a time, two whole-size showpiece dishes (such as a whole fish, a suckling pig or a chicken), in addition to soups, steamed rice and pastries. The dinner finishes up with fruit. 来华访问的海外宾客应记住,赴宴不可贪吃,每道菜“浅尝辄止”。从此角度, 中国宴席犹如西方国家的冷餐招待会。Overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a single mouthful of a dish at a Chinese banquet. In this way, a Chinese banquet takes on the character of a western buffet reception. Many changes are taking place in Americans food styles. 美国人的饮食方式正在发生诸多的变化。 The US is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes. 美国多年来那种丰盛的.一成不变的肉制品加土豆的传统餐早已为世人所熟知。 Now we have many different alternatives to choose from: various ethnic foods, nutrition-balanced health food, and convenient and delicious fast food, in addition to the traditional home-cooked meal. Ethnic restaurants are commonplace in the US. 而今,我们美国人可以有多种不同的选择,除了传统的家常菜以外,我们可享 受到各种帮派的民族风味餐,营养合理的保健餐,以及方便可口的快餐。民族 餐馆在美国比比皆是。 (2)But the US is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety in its catering cultures.因为美国是由移民组成的国家,因此它有着丰富多彩的饮食文化。 Any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international cooking. M
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