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外外国国留留学学生生申申请请表表(一一 )Application Form ( I ) for Foreigners to Study at North China University of Water Conservancy & Electric Power(NCWU)河南省郑州市北环路 36 号 电话/Tel: 86-371-69127579 36, Beihuan Road, Zhengzhou, Henan 450011 China 传真/Fax: 86-371-69127577 请用正楷填写/Please use block letter 电子邮件 E-mail: faoncwu.edu.cn姓 Family Name名 Given Names出生日期 Date of Birth年 月 日 Yr. Mo. Day出生地点 Place of Birth国 籍 Nationality性 别 Sex婚姻状况 Marital Status宗 教 Religion照片 photo永久通讯地址 Permanent Address电话及传真号 Tel & Fax No.Tel: Fax:电子邮件 E- mail本人学历 Educational Background护照号码及有效期 Passport No./Valid Until工作或学习单位 Employer Institution Affiliated职业 Occupation标准双人间 Standard Double Room单人间 Single Room现有汉语水平/Present level of Chinese1.何时何地学习汉语/When and where did you learn Chinese?2.学习多长时间/How long have you studied Chinese? 3.程度如何? 初级 Beginner 中级 Intermediate 高级 Advanced已学习汉语时间及地点 Where and how long have you study Chinese留学目的 Reasons for your studying at NCWU会何种其他语言 Proficiency in Foreign Languages留学期间 Duration of Study at NCWU自 年 月 日 到 年 月 日 From Yr. Mo. Da. To Yr. Mo. Da.经济来源 Source of Funding奖学金 自费 其它 Scholarship Self-supporting Other经济担保人或机构 Financial support will be provided by在华事务担保人及电话号码 Guarantor in China & Tel推荐单位及电话 Reference &Tel.申请人保证: 1)上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的; 2)在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度; I hereby affirm that: 1)All the information given in this form is true and correct; 2)I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of the university;日期 年 月 日 申请人签名 Date Yr. Mo. Da. Signature of the Applicant注:如您申请专业学位,请继续填写外国留学生申请表(二)Please complete form () if you are applying for degree program.外外国国留留学学生生申申请请表表(二二) Application Form ( II ) for Foreigners to Study at North China University of Water Conservancy & Electric Power(NCWU) 请用正楷填写请用正楷填写/Please use block letters请按时间先后顺序填写本人中/高等教育学历: List in chronological order your secondary/higher education training.学校 在校时间(自/至) 所获证书、学位 主修专业 Institution Years attended (from/to) Diploma received Fields of study_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _工作简历: Present occupation and previous employments.时间 工作单位 职务/职称 Date Employer Position or Title来华留学类别(请在方框内画“” ) Indicate the nature of the programme you wish to undertake in China (please tick)1)攻读学位/Degree programme本科生 硕士研究生 博士研究生 Bachelors Masters Ph.D.Degree2)不攻读学位/Non-degree programme普通进修生 Advanced student 高级进修生 Senior advanced student 研究学者 Research student来校学习/研究计划 Describe the plan of study / research you wish to undertake in Shanghai Jiao Tong University1)学习/研究专业:Field of study or research a. b. c 2)学习/研究期限Duration of study or research _3)是否需要补习汉语? 期限:Do you intend to take elementary Chinese course? _ Length_对学习研究专业的补充说明(如本栏篇幅不够,可附另页): Any other information you consider relevant to this plan (Post-graduate and senior advanced students are requested to write in Chinese or English. Use a separate page if necessary).注:请务必交验中、英文(或翻译成相同文字并经过公证)的学历证书和成绩单复印 件 Note: Copies of diploma and transcripts in (or be translated into) Chinese or English must be submitted. Documents not in Chinese or English must be accompanied by certified translations. 请附上由指导过你的正/副教授(或学校校长、系主任)出具的两封推荐信,并列出他 们的姓名、职务职称和地址。 Please submit two supporting letters written by associate professors or professors (school principal or department head ) under whom you have studied. Please list their names, positions/tittles and addresses.姓 名 职务/职称 地 址 Name Position to Title Address _ _ _ _ _ _ 日期 年 月 日 申请人签名 Date Yr. Mo. Da. Signature of the Applicant注 意:所填内容必须正确无误,不完整的申请表或未按要求交验有关材料,将会延 误对此申请的审理时间。 Important: All the information should be true and correct. An incomplete application, or the supporting document not submitted, WILL DELAY the process of your application.
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