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共 5 页 1综合英语四综合英语四模拟试卷模拟试卷二二考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:120 分钟 I.Multiple Choice (20%) Directions: Each problem below consists of a sentence in which one word or phrase is omitted. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath the sentence. You are to choose the ONE word or phrase that will best complete the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer. 1Heat often _ pain. A. gleams B. blinks C. alleviates D. quivers2In California alone there are about half a million _ laborers from Mexico to pick grapes in every fall. A. transient B. transferable C. unworthyD. unacceptable3The market _ of the last few weeks have shaken the world. A. situations B. magnanimitiesC. consanguinitiesD. convulsions4The _ Earth, as one might say, beat like the heart of Man A. variable B. antiquated C. hierarchical D. laud5I gave my assent _ the plan. A. for B. toC. withD. on6The air is _ by a smell of smoking. A. pervaded B. exhorted C. glued D. inversed7Bill failed to _ the scene as it was described, even though it was not a hard job,. A. uprear B. scuffle C. gape D. visualize8The dean insisted that this violence be just a family matter beyond the schools_. A. institution B. constitution C jurisdiction. D. jurisprudence9Dont be so _ ; Im not telling you what Ive promised not to say. A. inquisitiveB. ineligible C. explicable D. unwieldy10They want to sit apart and _ or something, and the plot is concerned at their lack of public spirit. A. disclaimB. brood C. confessD. illumine共 5 页 211All of them claim _ dignity as individuals. A. unintelligible B. unavailable C. unalienable D. unobservable12The principal did not understand why they put up _ resistance to his proposal. A. lumpyB. lucidC. lubricateD. stout 13Dont you recognize this is a _ punishment? A. pretended B. inestimableC. sufferable D. tyranny14In our own day, gross _ upon the liberty of private life were a common phenomenon. A. appropriations B. dissolutionsC. desolationsD. usurpations15Tess felt _ to object her fathers decision. A. jerked B. strandedC. contained D. constrained16In private, I gave them my _ opinion. A. candid B. openC. kindredD. undistinguished17Before the other consultants could muster a _ response, Townsend glanced at his watch and said that he had to get back to the conference room for the evening presentation. A. coherent B. doctorate C. deductible D. rumple18Subconsciously perhaps, she rallied by convincing herself that with gentle and persistent prodding of her students minds she could extract from them substance for good essays and _ for her belief in their capacity to think. A. anthropologyB. crotch C. sustenance D. finale19The municipal government _ to improve the quality of life in the inner city. A. petitioned B. dissolvedC. endeavored D. conjured 20There is not the least _ of truth in his account of what happened. A. palpitateB. sinister look C. avalancheD. elementII. Proofreading and error Correction (10%)Directions: In this part, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Copy the mistakes and put the corrections on the answer sheet. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank on the answer sheet. If you add a word, put an insertion mark () 共 5 页 3in the right place and write the missing word in the blank on the answer sheet. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank on the answer sheet.1_2_ 3_4_ 5_ 6_7_8_9_10_The picturesque village of Alkmaar, at the northwest coast of Holland facing the North Sea, is a popular tourist attraction, but there is a quarter in the eastern section that tourists seldom visit. Jeff Stevens vacationed there several times with a stewardess from KLM who had taught him the language. He remembered the area well, a place which the residents minded their own business and were not unduly curious about visitors. It was a perfect place to hide out. Jeffs first impulse had been to rush Tracy to a hospital, but that was more dangerous. It was also risky for her to remain in Amsterdam a minute long. He had wrapped her in blankets and carried her out to the car, there she had remained unconscious during the drive to Alkmaar. Her pulse was erratic and her breathing shallow. In Alkmaar, Jeff checked for a small inn. The innkeeper watched curiously as Jeff carried Tracy upstairs to her room. “Were honeymooners,“ Jeff explained. “My wife became ill - a slight respiratory disturbance. She needed rest.“ “Would you like a doctor?“ Jeff was not certain the answer himself. “Ill let you know.“ The first thing he had to do was try to bring down Tracys fever. Jeff lowered her onto the large double b
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