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中欧课程改革国际研讨会中国代表团发言提纲 Abstracts of Presentations by Chinese delegates to the ChinaEurope Exchange on Curriculum Reform 课程改革的目标及推进策略 朱慕菊 一、中国的教育体系与基础教育 的基本情况 1学校教育系统 2学制 3教育行政管理系统 4中小学校数 5中小学在校学生数 6中小学校入学率 二、基础教育课程改革的目标和 组织实施的策略 (一)改革目标 1 调整课程结构和内容, 以适应 时代的需求 2 以学会学习为宗旨, 建立以学 生为中心的教与学的教学模式 3 使评价成为反馈学习需求、 改 进教学,促进发展的教育手段 Goals and Implementation Strategies on Curriculum Reform by Ms. ZHU Muju I. General information on the Education System and Basic Education in China 1. Education system 2. School system 3. Education Administration system 4. Number of Schools 5. Number of Students 6. Enrolment Rate II. Goals and Strategies on Curriculum Reform I. Goals 1. adjustment of curriculum structure and content, adapting to the needs of the time 2. For the purpose of learning to learn, establishing a teaching and learning model that is studentcentered 3. assessment as means of feedback on learning needs, improving teaching and promoting student development 4. ThreeLevel administration of curriculum with more autonomy and capacity building in school and localities II. Organization and Implementation Strategies 1. Planning of curriculum reform Planning for the implementation of new curriculum for 9year compulsory education Planning for the implementation of new curriculum for senior secondary education (grade 1012) 2. Piloting and Dissemination: piloting area at the national and provincial levels, reform model established 3. Capacity building in curriculum reform at the national, provincial and school levels Policy studies and decisionmaking Financial policies Interagency collaboration Teacher training and professional development Curriculum design and implementation4 实行三级课程管理制度, 扩大 地方与学校自主权,促进能力建 设(二)组织与实施的策略 1规划课程改革 义务教育新课程的推进规划 高中新课程的推进规划 2 先实验后推广: 设立国家与省 课程改革实验区,建立改革模型 3加强国家、省(区) 、学校课 程能力建设 政策研究与决策 财政政策 部门合作 师资培训与教师专业发展 课程设计与实施 课程资源建设 评估与考试 课程管理 宣传、舆论引导 Curriculum resources Assessment and examination Curriculum management/administration Public awareness campaign and media Dialogue with the general public 4. schoolbased action research to make schools learning organizations与群众的对话 4 推进以校为本的行动研究, 使 学校成为学习型组织 上海市中小学和幼儿园课程改革 情况的报告(提纲) 尹后庆 一、上海市中小学(幼儿园)课 程改革基本情况 1988 年启动的一期课改提出了 “两个改变” 、 “三个突破”的改革目 标,确立了重视基本素质和个性 发展的培养目标; 构建了必修课、 选修课、活动课三个板块的课程 结构,建立了“三线一面” 、 “三位一 体”的德育体系。 在此基础上,上海市人民政府根 据上海教育改革与发展的需要, 于 1998 年启动了上海市中小学 (幼儿园)课程改革第二期工程 (以下简称“二期课改” ) 。 A report on the curriculum reform in schools and kindergartens in Shanghai By YIN Houqing I. The First Cycle The First Cycle of curriculum reform started in 1988 has set the reform goals as “two changes” and “three breakthroughs”. It also defined the goals of education as emphasizing essential qualities and individual development. The curriculum shall be composed of compulsory courses, elective courses and activity courses. Ethic education was systemized in the framework of “combination of ethic courses, theme activities, social activities and the integration into all subject courses” and “synergy of family, community and school”. With these achievements, the Shanghai Municipal Government launched the second cycle of curriculum reform in 1998 according to the needs in the reform and development of education in Shanghai. II. Goals and Key points of the Second Cycle 1. Goals Under the backdrop of Shanghais endeavor to become an international metropolitan and digital city, the goal is to create a curriculum system that emphasizes ethic education, innovation, handson abilities, ICT, learning experience and personal development of each student. At the same time, an examination and recruitment system conducive to the implementation of essentialquality oriented education shall be established. To be specific: A new curriculum and textbook system: optimize curriculum structure, finetuning content of subject matter A new assessment and recruitment system: highschool and college recruitment based on二、二期课改的改革目标与改革 要点 1二期课改的改革目标 依托上海建设国际化大都市和数 字化城市的教育环境,构建以德 育为核心、以培养学生的创新精 神和实践能力为重点、以完善学 习方式为特征、以应用现代信息 技术为标志,关注学生学习经历 和促进每一位学生发展的课程体 系和有利于素质教育全面实施的 招生考试制度。具体为: ? 构建新的课程教材体系:优化 课程结构精选课程内容。 ? 建立新的评价与招生考试制 度:推进评价与招生考试制度改 革,逐步形成以学业水平考试为 基础,与综合素质评价相结合的 招生考试制度。 ? 形成以校为本的教学研究制 度:针对实际问题专业引领与 行动跟进学习型教研团队建设 academic examinations and an evaluation of comprehensive qualities Schoolbased education research: targeting practical issues, leadership by professional researchers and practiced by teachers, learning organization, innovation in institutional structure 2. Key points Adjustment of goals: national spirit and modern awareness + spirit in innovation and abilities in practice + general abilities + 3dimensional objectives Optimize curriculum structure: three categories of functional curriculum + threetier structure “division and integration
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