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第2 7 卷第4 期 2 0 1 0 年4 月机电工程J o u r n a lo fM e c h a n i c a l INZA I;LARRANAGA P A review of feature selection techniques in bioinformatics外文期刊2007(19)2.GOLUB T R;SLONIM D K;TAMAYO P Molecular classification of cancer:Class discovery and classprediction gene expression monitoring外文期刊 1999(5439)3.VARMA S;SIMON R Iterative class discovery and feature selection using minimal spanning trees2004(05)4.XIONG M;FANG X;ZHAO J Biomarker identification by feature wrappers外文期刊 2001(11)5.李霞;饶绍奇;张田文 应用DNA芯片数据挖掘复杂疾病相关基因的集成决策方法期刊论文-中国科学A辑2004(02)6.GUYON I;WESTON J;BARNHILL S Gene selection for cancer classification using support vector machines外文期刊 2002(03)7.XIA Li;ZHANG Tian-wen;LI Li Efficiency of feature gene selection based on decision tree to patternclassification SVM期刊论文-Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering 2004(01)8.LEE J;ROBERT C;GRAHAM R Identification of gene transcript signatures predictive for estrogenrecptorand lymph node status using a stepwise forward selection artificial neural network modelingapproach 2008(43)9.REVERTER A;CHAN E K F Combining partial correlation and information theory approach to thereversed engineering of gene co-expression networks 2008(21)10.ALTER O;BROWN P O;BOTSTEIN D Singular value decomposition for genome-wide expression dataprocessing and modeling外文期刊 2000(18)11.WALL M E;RECHTSTEINER A;ROCHA L M Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Component Analysis200312.绕妮妮;匡斌;王成雄 分块PCA提取细胞周期调控基因的研究期刊论文-中国生物医学工程学报 2008(02)13.DRAMINSKI M;RADA-IGLESIAS A;ENROTH S Monte Carlo feature selection for supervised classification外文期刊 2008(01)14.QUINLAN J R Induction of decision trees 1986(01)15.ALONU;BARKAIN;NOTTERMANDA Broad patterns of gene expression revealed by clustering of tumor andnormal colon tissues probed by oligonucleotide arrays 1999(12)16.SINGH D;FEBBO P G;ROSS K Gene expression correlates of clinical prostate cancer behavior 2002(01)17.LI S T;LIAO C;JAMES K Gene Feature Extraction using T-Test Statistics and Kernel Partial LeastSquares外文会议 2006本文读者也读过(8条)本文读者也读过(8条)1. 卓晓岚 一种结合Wrapper和Filter方法的蚁群算法在特征选择问题上的应用学位论文20092. 肖冰 面向空间数据集成的XML数据源Wrapper技术研究学位论文20053. 董小国.丁冉.DONG XIAOGUO.DING RAN IDS自适应特征选择算法进化包装(Wrapper)算法分析期刊论文-微计算机信息2006,22(33)4. 周志红.周新聪.袁成清.Zhou Zhihong.Zhou Xincong.Yuan Chengqing 基于过滤器-封装器组合模型的故障特征选择算法期刊论文-中国机械工程2007,18(16)5. 马庆波 Wrapper-Filter混合算法在早期矽肺生物标志物筛选中的应用学位论文20106. 王卫伟 乳腺X线图像检索系统相似性度量算法研究学位论文20097. 计智伟.吴耿锋.JI Zhi-wei.WU Geng-feng 基于层次聚类算法和偏最小二乘的特征选择期刊论文-计算机工程与设计2009,30(21)8. 孙利.徐伟栋.厉力华.刘伟.彭芳青.张娟.SUN Li.XU Wei-Dong.LI Li-Hua.LIU Wei.PENG Fang-Qing.ZHANGJuan 基于双视角和多分类器信息融合的乳腺钼靶图像肿块分类研究期刊论文-中国生物医学工程学报2011,30(1)本文链接:http:/d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_jdgc201004018.aspx
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