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新電子證書新電子證書( (銀行證書銀行證書( (企業企業) )申請表格申請表格 ( (適用於客戶使用電子銀行服務之管理員有更改的情況適用於客戶使用電子銀行服務之管理員有更改的情況) ) New eNew e- -certificate (Bankcertificate (Bank- -Cert (Corporate) Application Form Cert (Corporate) Application Form (For use where there is a change(For use where there is a change in the Administrator for ein the Administrator for e- -Banking Services)Banking Services) 致:中國農業銀行股份有限公司香港分行(農行香港分行) To : Agricultural Bank of China Limited, Hong Kong Branch (“ABCHK”) 請注意: 正在使用農行香港分行之電子支票簽發服務之客戶,在委任新管理員使用農行香港分行提供予客戶之電子銀行服務時,請填寫及遞交本申請表格及其他所需文件以申請 新的電子證書。 Note: The customer who has been provided with ABCHKs e-Cheques Issuance Services is reminded to, in case where the customer appoints a new Administrator in respect of the e-Banking Services provided by ABCHK to the customer, complete and submits this application form and other required documents to apply for a new e-certificate. 適用於獨資商號、合夥經營商號及公司。 Applicable to Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Corporation 請用正楷填寫本表格,並在適當方格()內加上”號。如欄位不敷應用,請用附頁。 Please complete this application form in BLOCK LETTERS and“”the boxes () where appropriate. Please use supplementary sheets if necessary. EA甲部甲部 PART A 客戶客戶資料資料 CUSTOMERCUSTOMER INFORMATIINFORMATIONON 客戶客戶名稱名稱 Name of Name of CustomerCustomer Name of Customer in English 客戶名稱 (英文) _ Name of Customer in Chinese 客戶名稱(中文) _ 客戶客戶號碼(號碼(六位數六位數)Customer Number (Customer Number (SixSix digits) digits) Business Registration Type and NBusiness Registration Type and Numberumber 商業登記文件類型及號碼商業登記文件類型及號碼 Certificate of Incorporation Number 公司註冊證書號碼:_ Business Registration Certificate Number 商業登記證號碼:_ Others 其他(Please specify 請註明):_ EA乙乙部部 PART B 香港郵政申請電子證書香港郵政申請電子證書 APPLICATION FOR EAPPLICATION FOR E- -CERTIFICATE FROM HKPOSTCERTIFICATE FROM HKPOST AEA貴司在此指示農行香港分行代表貴司向香港郵政署長(香港郵政)申請新的電子證書(銀行證書(企業) ,以其使用農行香港分行之電子支票簽發服務。貴司委任 以下之新管理員為新的電子證書(銀行證書(企業)之授權用戶。 The Customer(s) would hereby instruct ABCHK to apply for a new Bank-Cert (Corporate) for the Customer(s) from the Postmaster General of Hong Kong (“HKPost”) for using ABCHKs e-Cheques Issuance Services and the Customer(s) would appoint the following new Administrator as the Authorised User of the new Bank-Cert (Corporate). 授權用戶授權用戶 AUTHORISED USERAUTHORISED USER ( (必須和現有的必須和現有的管理員管理員相同相同 Must be same as existing recordMust be same as existing record) ) 請只委任農行香港分行提供予貴司之電子銀行服務下之管理員 (Please only appoint the Administrator in respect of the e-Banking Services provided by ABCHK to the Customer(s) 用戶英文姓名(必填) User Name in English (Compulsory) 用戶中文姓名(如有) User Name in Chinese 身份証明文件 Identification Document (1) 香港身份証 HK Identity Card (2) 中國身份証 China Identity Card (3) 護照 Passport (4) 其他Others(請註明 Please specify) (1) (2) (3) (4) 號碼 Number _ 其他備註: Remarks (1) 閣下請於遞交申請表格至中國農業銀行股份有限公司香港分行之前,詳閱農行香港分行之適用於電子支票服務之補充條款、香港郵政之銀行證書登記人協議及香港郵政之 核證作業準則。 如閣下為合夥經營商號或有限公司,申請表格必須連同已簽署之決議一併交回。合夥經營商號由所有合夥人簽署決議;如貴司為香港有限公司則需要根據公司章程之會議 法定出席人數,由董事簽署決議。 Before you submit the application form to Agricultural Bank of China Limited, Hong Kong Branch, please read ABCHKs Supplemental Terms and Conditions for e-Cheques Services, HKPosts Certificate Subscriber Agreement and HKPosts CPS. The Resolutions must be signed by all partners if the Customer(s) is a partnership, or directors who constituted quorum for the meeting in accordance with its Articles of Association if the Customer(s) is a Hong Kong limited company, and be returned with the application form. (2) 請閣下同時另外填寫及遞交閣下與香港郵政的銀行證書登記人協議,以向香港郵政申請發出適用於使用本行電子支票簽發服務之電子證書。 Please also complete and submit the Certificate Subscriber Agreement entered into between you and HKPost for applying to HKPost for issuance of an e-certificate for using our e-Cheques Issuance Services. (3) 此服務只適用於農行香港分行之企業網上銀行客戶 This service is only for ABCHK Corporate Online Banking customer OPS/AC032/1215/R1 1 / 6 EA丙部丙部 PART CPART C 聲明聲明 DECLARATIONSDECLARATIONS 貴司知悉及確認 The Customer(s) acknowledges and confirms that: 1. 貴司須遵守農行香港分行之適用於電子支票服務之補充條款。 The Customer(s) is bound by ABCHKs Supplemental Terms and Conditions for e-Cheques Services. 2. 在本申請表格及附件(如有)所提供的資料均為真實及正確,並承諾如有任何變更,其當立即通知農行香港分行。 The information given in this application form and the form(s) attached (if any) is true and correct and the Customer(s) undertakes to notify ABCHK immediately for any change. 3. 貴司己被通知其責任(包括其應小心保存在使用儲存於農行香港分行內之
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