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1新加坡重点小学一年级怎么学英文语法 全程导学本次语法教学,从英语名词名词入手。让孩子意识到,给东西起名字的词,就叫“名词(NOUNS)”。语法不可怕,妈妈可以对孩子说下面一番话:“司机叔叔是一个人,大象是一只动物,学校是一个地方,铅笔是一个东西。司机叔叔、大象、学校和铅笔,都叫作名词。”开始练习喽!开始练习喽!一、让孩子拿一根荧光笔。 二、让孩子读读下面 10 句话,遇到名词,就在底下划荧光笔。 The elephant is feeding.This is our school.I like apples.The knife is sharp.The boys are playing. My father is a teacher.My brother likes sweets.His dog is chasing my cat.The market is near my house.There are many books in the library. 三、让孩子把划荧光笔的单词,按照“人物、动物、地方、东西”标准,加以归类。 四、完成练习之后,一起对答案吧The elephant is feeding.This is our school.I like apples.The knife is sharp.2The boys are playing. My father is a teacher.My brother likes sweets.His dog is chasing my cat.The market is near my house.There are many books in the library. 四大类别:人物:boys father teacher brother动物:elephant dog cat地方:school market house library东西:apples knife sweets books 本次教学,从专有名词专有名词入手。让孩子意识到,如果某个人、或者某个动物,或者某件东西,被起了名字的话,那么,这个专门起的名字,就叫“专有名词(Proper Nouns)”。妈妈可以对孩子说说下面的口诀:这位老师老师的名字叫王刚王刚。老师是“普通名词”,王刚是“专有名词”。这只喵咪喵咪的名字叫阿白阿白。猫咪是“普通名词”,阿白是“专有名词”。这个国家国家的名字叫印度印度。国家是“普通名词”,印度是“专有名词”。妈妈要提醒孩子,英文字母,有时候需要大写,有时候需要小写。一个句子里面,只要出现“专有名词”,那么第一个字母,永远是大写。妈妈可以写出下面这句话:The computercomputer is made in ChinaChina. (这部电脑电脑是中国中国制造。)妈妈用荧光笔,划出“普通名词 computer(电脑)”和“专有名词 China(中国)”,提醒孩子“China(中国)”的“第一个字母 C ”要大写。3开始练习喽!开始练习喽!一、让孩子拿一根荧光笔。 二、让孩子读读下面 5 句话,遇到“专有名词”,就划上荧光笔。 Miss Katty is my teacher.John has a pet dog.My cat is called Pussy.New York is a big city.Singapore is a small country. 三、对对答案MissMiss KattyKatty is my teacher.JohnJohn has a pet dog.My cat is called PussyPussy.NewNew YorkYork is a big city.SingaporeSingapore is a small country.四、下面的短文介绍我的一家,让孩子把短文里的“专有名词”划上荧光笔。并让孩子把短文里的“普通名词”,单独写在旁边。 I am Tom. I lived in Changan Street. My father is a doctor. He works in Henry Hospital. My mother is not working. Dora is my sister. She is very pretty. Mimi is our cat. It is very playful. 五、对对答案I am TomTom. I lived in ChanganChangan StreetStreet. My father is a doctor. He works in HenryHenry HospitalHospital. My mother is not working. DoraDora is my sister. She is very pretty. MimiMimi is our cat. It is very playful. 普通名词: father doctor mother sister4cat 本次教学,从名词单复数名词单复数入手。让孩子形成一种感觉,那就是英语名词的拼写,分成两种。一种是“单数形式(singular forms)”拼写,另一种是“复数形式(plural forms)”拼写。 妈妈可以对孩子说说下面的口诀:一只猫咪,是 a cat,要是不止一只猫咪,那就是 cats s一只手表,是 a watch,要是不止一只手表,那就是 watcheses一只盒子,是 a box,要是不止一只盒子,那就是 boxeses一个孩子,是 a child,要是不止一个孩子,那就是 childrenren一个男孩,是 a boy,要是不止一个男孩,那就是 boys s一个女孩,是 a girl,要是不止一个女孩,那就是 girls s妈妈可以像上面那样,利用荧光笔,提醒孩子观察前后名词,在拼写上有何变化。 开始练习喽!开始练习喽!一、让孩子拿一根荧光笔。 二、让孩子读读下面 10 个词组,并用荧光笔,标出名词拼写的变化。 one book two books sone finger three fingers sone orange four oranges sone brush five brushesesone knife six knivesvesone leaf many leavesves (一片叶子 多片叶子)one butterfly many butterfliesies (一只蝴蝶 多只蝴蝶)5one glass many glasseses (一个玻璃杯 多个玻璃杯)one tooth many teeeeth (一颗牙齿 多颗牙齿)one woman many wome en三、让孩子阅读下面 5 个句子,并把括号内的词语,填入横线。I have two (ruler).His dirty (sock)are on the floor.How many (finger)do you have? The (child)are playing on the slide. (play on the slide:玩滑梯)Books are displayed on the (shelf)in my room. (display:陈列)四、对完答案之后,让孩子把上面 5 个句子,重新誊抄一遍。誊抄完毕,让孩子把句子里的名词复数,全部划上荧光笔。I have two rulersrulers.His dirty sockssocks are on the floor.How many fingersfingers do you have? The childrenchildren are playing on the slide. Books are displayed on the shelvesshelves in my room.本次教学,从代词代词入手。让孩子意识到,代替名词的词,就叫“代词(PRONOUNS)”。妈妈可以带孩子读读下面的语法口诀:名词在前,代词跟在后面。代词,代替前面的名词。SusanSusan knows JackJack. SheShe likes himhim very much.苏珊认识杰克。她她非常喜欢他他。JaneJane andand MaryMary go to the same school. TheyThey are good friends.6珍妮和玛丽在同一所学校上学。她们她们是好朋友。I I am David. My parents love meme very much.我叫戴维。我爸妈很爱我我。TheThe dogdog is cute. ItIt is two years old.这只狗蛮可爱。它它 2 岁了。I have two catscats. I feed themthem every day.我有两只猫。我每天喂它们它们吃的。妈妈可以像上面那样,利用荧光笔,帮助孩子观察后面出现的“代词”,如何代替前面出现的“名词”。 开始练习喽!开始练习喽!一、让孩子拿一根荧光笔。 二、下列 8 组句子,每组都有两句话。孩子根据前面的句子,用荧光笔,划出后面句子应该使用的代词。 Mary is watching TV. (He / She)is not reading a book. My brother and I dont like cats. (They / We)prefer dogs. (prefer:偏爱) The doctor told the patient,“(You / He)must stop smoking.” (patient:病人) Mike is my friend. He will help(I / me). Mother is sick. The doctor told(her / she)to rest. Jim is my classmate. I like to play with(him / he). We are reading. Please do not disturb(me / us). (disturb:打扰) The girls are singing. Rose wants to join(they / them).三、对对答案。 Mary is watching TV. (He / SheShe)is not reading a book. My brother and I dont like cats. (They / WeWe)prefer dogs. The doctor told the patient, “(YouYou / He)must stop smoking.” 7 Mike is my friend. He will help(I / meme). Mother is sick. The doctor told(herher / she)to rest. Jim is my classmate. I like to play with(himhim / he). We are reading. Please do not disturb(me / usus). The girls are singing. Rose wants to join(they / themthem). 四、对完答案之后,让孩子把上面 8 组句子,朗读两遍,并重新誊抄一遍。本次教学,从介词介词入手。让孩子意识到,“介词(PREPOSITION)”用来表示“东西的位置”,还有“人或动物所在的位置。”妈妈可以对孩子说说下面的语法口诀。妈妈指着桌子上的书,对孩子说:书在哪里? The book is onon the table. 书在桌子上。妈妈指着笼子里的鸟,对孩子说:鸟在哪里?
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