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Unit 9 It was clean but its dirty now.教学设计一、教学目标:1、知识目标:认读单词,warm ,cool, wet, dry, clean,dirty, tidy, messy2、能力目标:Listen and say3、情感目标:教育学生要爱护环璋,保持清洁二、教学内容:Vocabulary , Target ,Listen and sing.三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,难点一般过去时的用法。.四、课前准备:录音机 单词 五、教学过程:1、通过询问昨天与今天的天气情况,引出一般过去时及单词 warm ,cool。Whats the weather like yesterday? It was warm. Whats the weather like today? Now its cool.2、通过展示湿手帕和干手帕教授单词 wet, dry。Look, its wet. And its dry.3、通过展示脏手帕和干净的手帕授单词 clean,dirty。Look, its clean. And its dirty.4、通过展示收拾整齐的房间我零乱的房间教授单词 tidy, messyLook, its tidy. And itsmessy.把以上的新词套进目标语言中进行操练。如 The weather was warm this morning.Is it cool now? The desk was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?.5、Group work.6、游戏复习单词。7、Open the book, listen and say.8、Homework: (1)、朗读课文单词三遍。(2)、和同学对话。六、板书设计: It was clean but its dirty now.The weather was warm this morning.Is it cool now?The desk was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?.七、教学反思:学生较难掌握一般过去时的用法。第二课时一、教学目标:1、认识目标:能够三会语言 Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?Yes, it is .My books were on the floor this morning.They are on the desk now.2、能力目标:Listen and look3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。二、教学内容:Conversation Activity1、三、教学重难点:重点、难点是句型的运用。四、课前准备:录音机 单词卡 头饰等五、教学过程:1、Listen and sing:What can we do?2、复习单词:warm ,cool, wet, dry, clean,dirty, tidy, messy3、利用语言对比学习句型:Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?Yes, it is .My books were on the floor this morning.They are on the desk now.4、学习课文对话。Listen and look.5、Listen to the tape and read.6、Act.7、学生自由编对话。8、Homework:(1) 跟录音读课文三遍。(2)和同学互相用学过的英语问答。六、板书设计:Unit 9 It was clean but its dirty now.Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?Yes, it is .My books were on the floor this morning.They are on the desk now.七、教学反思:学生对一般过去时的用法比较难掌握。第三课时一、教学目标:1、认知目标:语音和单词 mouse,cow,south,mouth,house,loud au2、能力目标:Listen and say3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,运用英语交际。二、教学内容:Practice Activity1 Sounds and words三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,能拼读单词。四、课前准备:录音机 单词卡五、教学过程:1、复习单词 warm ,cool, wet, dry, clean,dirty, tidy, messy引出句子:Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?Yes, it is .My books were on the floor this morning.They are on the desk now.2、Free talk3、完成 Practice1 Practice2 Activity14、 Listen ,point and say:mouse,cow,south,mouth,house,loud明确 ou,ow 组合发au5、Game 小组比赛,运用所学的语言。6、完成 AB 卷第九单元7、Homework: 听录音跟读 P.48.六、板书设计:Unit 9 It was clean but its dirty now.mouse,cow,south,mouth,house,loud au七、教学反思: 让学生多拼读单词,教会学生拼读规则。Unit 7 Whens your birthday?教学设计一、教学目标:1、知识目标:认读单词 July, August, September, October,November,December,birthday, date.2、能力目标:能运用以下句型:Whens your birthday? Whats the date today?3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。二、教学内容:Vocabulary , Target ,chant三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,难点是运用 Whens your birthday? Whats date today?四、课前准备:录音机 单词卡五、教学过程:1、Listen and chant.2、Free talk.3、板书课文课题:Unit 7 Whens your birthday?4、复习单词 January, February, March, April, May, June 引出新句型及其回答:Whens your birthday? My birthday is March 4th/5th Whats the date today? Its5、引出学习单词:July, August, September, October,November, December, birthday, date.并学习句型及其回答: Whats the date today? Its October 22nd.6、结合句型 Whens your birthday? My birthday is October 20th /Whats the date today? Its October 22nd/巩固单词及学习序数词。7、学习基数词与序数词的用法区别:基数词:表示数量,如 1,2,3,序数词:表示顺序,如第一,第二,第三序数词的构成:一般在基数词后加 th,如:four(四)fourth(第四)但第一,第二,第三例外,它们分别是:first, second, thirth.9、学生朗读单词、句型。10、Homework: 1、跟录音读 3 次 38 页。2、预习 37 页,跟读 3 次(家签)六、板书设计: Unit 7 Whens your birthday?-Whens your birthday? My birthday is October 20th .-Whats the date today? Its October 22nd.July, August, September, October,November,December,birthday, date.七、教学反思:学生较难掌握序数词的表达法。第二课时一、教学目标:1、认识目标:能够三会语言 Whens your birthday? My birthday is October 20th. Whats the date today? Its October22th.2、能力目标:Listen and look3、情感目标:鼓励学生积极参与英语活动。二、教学内容:Conversation Activity 2三、教学重难点:重点、难点是句型的运用。四、课前准备:录音机 单词卡 挂图五、教学过程:1、Listen and chant.2、Listen and chant: Whens your birthday?3、利用课件复习单词: July, August, September, October,November,December,birthday, date.4、复习单词引出句子:- Whens your birthday?- My birthday is October 20th.- Whats the date today?- Its October22th.(板书)5、学生利用句型互相问答,小组比赛,看谁说得多。6、Listen and answer.7、Read the tape.8、Act.9、Homework: 朗读对话,和同学表演对话。背诵四会单词。六、板书设计: Unit 7 Whens your birthday?- Whens your birthday?- My birthday is October 20th.- Whats the date today?- Its October22th.七、教学反思:要通过大量的句子练习,学生才能掌握 Whens your birthday? 的问答。第三课时一、教学目标:1、认知目标:语音和单词 station,cone,train,queen,button,bone 书写本单元的单词。2、能力目标:Listen and say3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,运用英语交际,正确书写单词。二、教学内容:Practice Activity1 Sounds and words三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,能拼读单词。四、课前准备:录音机 单词卡五、教学过程:1、复习单词 July, August, September, October,November,December,birthday, date.引出句子:- Whens your birthday?- My birthday is October 20th.- Whats the date today?- Its October22th.2、Free talk3、完成 Practice1 Practice2 Activity14、 Listen ,point and say. station,cone,train,queen,button,bone5、 Listen and chant. Its a fan.!6、Game 小组比赛,运用所学的语言。7、完成 workbook Unit 7 Where are my glasses?8、Ho
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