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高二英语必背 200 句.txt52 每个人都一条抛物线,天赋决定其开口,而最高点则需后天的 努力。没有秋日落叶的飘零,何来新春绿芽的饿明丽?只有懂得失去,才会重新拥有。高二 英语必背 200 句 2009 年 10 月 06 日 星期二 18:421. He does exercises every morning. In this way he keeps fit. 他每天早上都做运动,他以这种方式保持健康。2. When you fail in doing something, dont lose heart. Keep working till you succeed. 当你失败时不要灰心。继续努力直至成功。3. I believe that she will be strict with herself. 我相信她会对自己严格要 求的。4. He asked me to tell you that he was too busy to see you off at the airport. 他让我告诉你,由于工作太忙他不能去机场送你了。5. Could you please tell me where I can buy this dictionary? 你能告诉我在 哪儿能买到这本词典吗?6. Please let me know what I can do for you. 请告诉我能为你做点什么。7. Do you remember when we met for the first time? 你记得我们第一次见面是 什么时候吗?8. I wonder if I could smoke in the office. 我想知道我是否可以在办公室里抽 烟。9. There will be plenty of chances for us to meet again. 我们再次见面的机 会还很多。10. Once you are used to smoking, you can hardly stop. 一旦你吸烟上瘾,你就几乎 戒不了了。11. Smoking is dangerous because it causes illness, deaths and fire. 吸烟很危险, 因为它会导致疾病、死亡和火灾。12. One of the most serious illnesses that are caused by smoking cigarettes is lung cancer. 吸烟造成的最严重的疾病之一就是肺癌。13. To say something is one thing; but to do is another. 说是一回事,做是另外一 回事。14. To answer the question in English is not easy. 用英语回答这个问题并不容易。15. Do you have anything else to say about yourself? 关于你自己还有什么可说的吗?16. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 天下无难事,只怕有心人。17. It is good manners to wait in line. 排队等候是有礼貌的表现。18. Having a quick look at the headlines in the newspaper is a good way to study. 迅速浏览一下报纸上的标题是学习的好方法。19. She said that we had no other choice except to go to the police station for help. 她说我们别无选择只能到警察局寻求帮助。20. What books do you think are suitable for 6-year-old children? 你认为什么书适 合 6 岁的孩子?21. I dont feel like going to work today. 我今天不想工作了。22. Finishing such a lot of work in two weeks is very difficult. 在两周内完成这 么多的工作很困难。23. Im afraid I wont be free on Saturday evening. 我恐怕星期六晚上没空。24. Of all sports he likes playing football best. 在各项体育运动中他最喜欢踢足球。25. She worked day and night as if she never felt tired. 她夜以继日地工作好像不 知疲倦。26. If you are uncertain about something, you may not know what to do. 如果你对 某事没有把握,你或许不知道该做什么。27. It looks as if its going to rain. 看起来好像要下雨了。28. Silent films appeared as early as the 19th century. 无声电影早在 19 世纪就出 现了。29. Charlie Chaplin made a great contribution to the film industry. He was regarded as one of the most famous comedic actors in the world. 查理卓别林对电 影业做出了巨大的贡献,他被认为是世界上最著名的喜剧演员之一。30. It is very useful to read English newspapers and magazines. 阅读英文报纸 或杂志很有用。31. In China it is rather common to have only one child per family. 在中国,每家 只有一个孩子相当普遍。32. To complete the project will be a great success. 完成这项工程将是了不起的成 就。33. To know something about English is one thing; to use English is another thing. 懂英语是一回事,用英语又是另一回事。34. Our company car will come to pick you up at the gate of your hotel at 7:00 tomorrow morning and drive you to the airport. 我们公司的车明天早上 7 点钟会在你 宾馆门口接你,送你去机场。35. Please choose whatever you like. 请挑选任何你喜欢的东西。36. Sooner or later they will believe that what I said is true. 迟早他们会相信我 说的话是真的。37. Whenever you come to my house, you are always welcome. 无论你什么时候来我家 都会受到欢迎。38. Since the late 1980s more and more country people have gone to the cities in the hope of finding work. 自 80 年代末以来,越来越多的农村人来到城市,希望找到工 作。39. The teacher told me to hand out the exam papers to the class. 老师叫我将试卷 发给全班同学。40. Can you arrange a time for a facetoface interview with Professor Li for me? 你能安排个时间让我和李教授当面谈谈吗?41. Nobody knows anything about it. 这件事谁也不知道。42. The government is holding a meeting this evening to discuss the problems. 今 天晚上,政府官员将举行一次会议讨论这个问题。43. Ten years is only a short time in our long history. 十年对于漫长的历史长河来 说只是一瞬间。44. Learning a foreign language is not as difficult as you thought. 学会一门外语 不像你想像的那么困难。45. In my opinion, the pandas should be returned back to nature, and their natural living environment should be protected. 依我看,熊猫应放回大自然。它们的 自然生活环境应受到保护。46. To start smoking is quite easy, but to give it up takes a great deal of willpower. 开始抽烟很容易,但戒烟则需要很大的毅力。47. I have been hunting all over the place, but I still cant find the book. 我 一直在到处找,但仍然找不到那本书。48. He shouldnt spend so much time watching TV. 他不该花这么多时间看电视。49. You should look both ways when you are crossing the street. 过马路时你应该往 两边看一看。50. We neednt hurry like this. The bus will come in half an hour. 我们没有必要 赶得这么紧,公共汽车还得半小时才能到这里。51. Look! This machine isnt working well. It makes a lot of noise. I think we should have it repaired tomorrow. 这个机器运转不正常,发出很多噪音。我想明天应该 让人来修理。52. When traveling, you must take care of your health. 旅行时,你一定要注意自己 的健康。53. If you do not feel better tomorrow, you should come here again. 如果你明天觉 得病情没有好转,你应该再到这儿来一趟。54. Have a good rest and take it easy. Youll be well again soon. 好好休息,放 松一点,你很快就会好的。55. You must pay attention to what the teacher says in class. 在课堂上你必须注意 听老师讲课。56. You may have a day off tomorrow if you finish the work today. 如果你今天完成 工作,明天你可以休息一天。57. Wherever
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