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八下八下 Unit 7 必背必背词词句句1.介意做某事介意做某事 mind doing sth 用很高的声音用很高的声音 in a loud voice2. 调调小小/大大 turn down / up the TV 压压低你的声音低你的声音 keep your voice down打开打开电电器器关关闭电闭电器器 turn on / off the radio 3. 穿上另一条牛仔穿上另一条牛仔裤裤 put on another pair of jeans4. 从浴室里出来从浴室里出来 get out of the bathroom5.立即,立即,马马上上 right away = in minute = at once = right now 6.一点也不介意一点也不介意 No, not at all. 没没问题问题。 。 Thats no problem.7. 把你的把你的车车移开移开 move your bike away8.完成完成这这些工作些工作 finish these tasks9.在厨房里在厨房里 in the kitchen10.帮某人做某事帮某人做某事 help sb do ( with) sth11.抱怨抱怨 plain about sth12.给错给错尺寸尺寸 give you the wrong size13.给给你拿你拿错错了食品了食品 bring you the wrong food14.给给你理糟糕的你理糟糕的发发型型 give you a terrible haircut15.恼恼怒,怒,烦恼烦恼 be / get annoyed with sb = be angry with sb 令人令人烦烦心的事心的事 annoying things16. 排排队队等候等候 wait in line 参加到参加到队队伍中伍中 join the line插插队队 cut in line = jump the queue 17.长时间长时间的的电话电话聊天聊天 have a long telephone conversation18.到到处处跟着我跟着我 follow me around 19.一直一直 all the time20.回到那个商店回到那个商店 go back to that store 21.发发生在某人身上生在某人身上 happen to sb 碰巧做某事碰巧做某事 happen to do sth22.尽量不做某事尽量不做某事 try not to do sth23.欢欢迎到我迎到我们们社区社区 Wele to our neighborhood24.制作海制作海报报 make some posters25.定定购购食物食物 order food26.违违反礼反礼节规则节规则 break the rules of etiquette (obey 遵守遵守 )27.讲讲英英语语的国家的国家 an English-speaking country28.有礼貌的社会行有礼貌的社会行为为 polite social behavior 举举止止礼貌礼貌 behave politely29.与某人站的近与某人站的近 stand close to sb 30.即使即使 even if31.亚亚洲国家洲国家 in some Asian countries32 真的不掉真的不掉线吗线吗?、?、?.在各种条件下在各种条件下 in all situations 在每一个文化在每一个文化领领域域里里 in every culture33.当众大声当众大声谈话谈话 talk loudly in public 在公共在公共场场合合 in public places34.注意不要做某事注意不要做某事 take care (not) to do sth 小心做某事小心做某事 be careful to do sth be careful with / of sth35.熄熄灭灭香烟香烟 put out the cigarette36.被批被批评评 be criticized 不被允不被允许许 be not allowed37.扔垃圾扔垃圾 drop litter (dropped - dropping) (信(信 letter , 小的、少的小的、少的 little ) )38.捡捡起起,拾起拾起 pick it up39. 看看见见某人做某事某人做某事 see sb do sth 看看见见某人正在做某事某人正在做某事 see sb doing sth40. 表示有礼貌的表示有礼貌的请请求的几种表达方式:求的几种表达方式: 1. Would you mind (not) smoking here? 你介意不你介意不要在要在这这吸烟吸烟吗吗?2. Would (Do) you mind my smoking here? 你介意你介意我在我在这这吸烟吸烟吗吗= Would (Do) you mind if I smoke here? 如果我在如果我在这这吸烟你介意吸烟你介意吗吗?No, not at all. Ill do it right away.不,一点也不介意。不,一点也不介意。我立即就做我立即就做 。 。3. Could (Would) you please (not) smoke here? 请请你你不要在不要在这这吸烟好吸烟好吗吗?4. Would you like to tidy your room? 你愿意整理你你愿意整理你的房的房间吗间吗?5. Youd better not smoke here. 你最好不要在你最好不要在这这吸烟。吸烟。6. You shouldnt smoke here . 你不你不应该应该在在这这吸烟。吸烟。7. You mustnt smoke here. 你千万不能在你千万不能在这这吸烟。吸烟。8. Please dont smoke here. 请请不要在不要在这这吸烟。吸烟。9. You have to stop smoking. 你不得不停止你不得不停止吸烟。吸烟。2.我的我的钢钢笔坏了。笔坏了。 My pen doesnt work. = My pen is broken. = There is something wrong with my pen.= Something is wrong with my pen.3. 当有人插当有人插队队的的时时候我很候我很恼恼火。火。 I get annoyed when someone cuts in line.4. 当当这这件事件事发发生在我身上生在我身上时时,我通常要求他入,我通常要求他入队队列。列。 When it happens (to me), I usually ask him to join the line.5. 如果我如果我们们看看见见某人某人违违反礼反礼节节,我可以有礼貌地,我可以有礼貌地给给他他们们建建议议。 。If we see someone breaking the rules, we may politely give them some suggestions (advice).6. 乱乱丢丢垃圾式几乎从不被允垃圾式几乎从不被允许许的。的。真的不掉真的不掉线吗线吗?、?、?Dropping litter is almost never allowed.7. 在公共在公共场场合,最好合,最好压压低你的声音。低你的声音。Its better to keep your voice down in public places.8. 我我们应该们应该注意不要在公共注意不要在公共场场合大声咳嗽。合大声咳嗽。We should take care not to cough loudly in public.Book 8 (下下) Unit 8 单单元必背元必背1.幸运儿幸运儿 lucky guy 2.做一做一顿顿特特别别的的饭饭 make a special meal3.你自己的你自己的选择选择 your own choices 4.大腹便便的大腹便便的猪猪 a pot-bellied pig5.好伙伴好伙伴 a good pany 6.带带某人出去某人出去 take sb out to do7.睡着睡着 fall asleep 8.半途中半途中 half way through it 9.树树上的一片叶子上的一片叶子 a leaf from a tree 10.赠赠送送 give away11.公园公园长长椅椅 a park bench 12.试试着做某事着做某事try to do sth13.通通过过不同的方式不同的方式 in different ways 14.来自于中国来自于中国各地各地 from across China15.在舞台上在舞台上 on stage 16.各种年各种年龄层龄层all age groups17.鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth 18.取得取得进进步步 make progress19.奥委会奥委会 the Olympic mittee 20.从从中得到中得到乐乐趣趣 have fun with sth21.讲讲本族本族语语的人的人 native speakers 22. 太私人化了太私人化了 too personal23(1).使某要使某要对对某事感某事感兴兴趣趣 make sb interested in (doing) sth她她还说还说唱英文歌曲使她更有唱英文歌曲使她更有兴兴趣学趣学习习英英语语. She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.(2). 对对感感兴兴趣。趣。 Be /bee interested in+名名词词/动动名名词词 我我对对集集邮邮感感兴兴趣。趣。I am interested in collecting stamps.你你对对踢足球感踢足球感兴兴趣趣吗吗?Are you interested in playing football?他他对对网网络络感感兴兴趣。趣。He is interested in Inter.24(1). 形容形容词词+ enough 不不够够独特独特 not special enough 这这个礼物不个礼物不够够有有创创意意. This gift is not creative enough.(2). enough + 名名词词我我们们有足有足够够的的时间时间做家庭作做家庭作业业。 。We have enough time to do our homework.25 take care of = look after = care for 照照顾顾迪克叔叔很受迪克叔叔很受欢欢迎因迎因为为他擅他擅长长照照顾顾生病的生病
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