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條款及細則 如於 6 個月内(分兩個階段計算 , 即 1 月 1 日至 6 月 30 或 7 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日) 消費額超過港幣 60,000 元,持卡人及最多 3 位親友*可共享特惠價一次。 1. 優惠名額有限,先到先得,送完即止。 2. 持卡人須提供有效的月結單。 3. 持卡人只可一次過帶 3 位親友使用,不可分開使用。 4. 持卡人須在個别階段內或每個階段完結後一個月內使用。 持卡人明白及同意以下條款 : 1. 持卡人可於信用卡有效期內,每月最多可以用優惠價訂三次不同的球會。 2. 特惠價只限持卡人使用及必須是打球者(不可以由其他人代替,否則會立即被 取消優惠),同行親友需要按網上平台或客戶服務人員的報價收費。 3. 預訂球場手續: 持卡人須首先登記,成功後可在網站選擇球會、開球日期及時間,選定後請 發出預訂要求,但由於球會有機會在個别因素影響下不能提供持卡人要求的 開球時間,故有下列方法處理: 收到閣下的預訂要求後客戶服務人員需要 1 個工作天向球會查詢及處理,如 球會有持卡人所要求的開球時間,客戶服務人員會立即通知持卡人並發出確 認文件與編號,持卡人須在打球時間的 1 個工作天或之前在網上支付費用, 如未能準時完成支付將會自動取消,恕不另行通告。 如球會不能提供要求的開球時間,客戶服務人員會在收到要求的 1 個工作天 內通知預訂不成功,持卡人可另選開球日期 / 時間或取消預訂。 持卡人如在發出預訂提交 1 個工作天內仍未收到聯絡電話,請致電客戶服務 人員跟進。 預訂平日打球至少提前兩個工作天,預訂週末/假期請提前至少三天,長假 日或特殊節假期需提前最少七天或以上預訂。 如要更改或取消預訂,由於每間球會都有不同的通知時間要求及程序,請參 照網上個别球會的條款處理並盡早通知客戶服務人員跟進,請注意如不根據 球會條款更改或取消,會被沒收費用。 4. 除非另有指明,否則報價一般以兩人共用一球車及一位球僮計算,如只有單獨一位球手,球會將會按當日情況與其他球手合併,如無其他人合併,持卡 人需自行在打球後直接支付單人球車及球僮附加費給球會。個別球會只能提 供一位球僮對二位球手或以當日打球人數分配球僮,報價不能保證一對一服 務。 5. 個别球會需要打球者出示有效高球差點卡或駕駛執照才可出場及駕駛球車, 請預訂前向客戶服務人員了解。 6. 請在開球時間最少 30 分鐘前到達預訂球會登記,如未能準時到達開球時間將被視為缺席(No Show),所有支付費用將會被沒收。 7. 請遵守並配合球會/ 供應商的守則,小心保管個人財物及自身安全,並應考 慮購買保險,如有任何損失、索償、傷害、費用或支出包括法律費用索賠等, 持卡人均不得向銀聯國際及 Golf007 追究責任。 8. 打球過程中如出現任何問題,須盡快聯絡 Golf007 客戶服務人員尋求協助及 代為處理 , 如持卡人自行與球會或個别人仕達成之協議以致引起的責任問題, 恕不受理。 9. 本條款及細則或會不時更新、加入新條款或更改,恕不另行通知,Golf007 保 留所有條款的最終解釋權。 10. 銀聯國際一向致力提供優質服務,但無法確保其代理商或服務供應商能履行 其應有責任或各種優惠,因此,如持卡人在使用優惠或服務的過程中受到任何損失、損壞、失望或不滿,均不得向銀聯提出索償。 Terms & Conditions Upon spending at least HK$60,000 in a six-month period (e.g. 1 January - 30 June or 1 July - 31 December), the Cardholder and a maximum of three guests will be entitled to enjoy one-time use of the preferential rate. 1. This offer is limited and available on a first come, first served basis. 2. The Cardholder must produce valid invoices to prove qualified spending. 3. Up to three guests can accompany the Cardholder. 4. The privilege must be used within the six-month qualifying period, or one month after. Terms & Conditions: 1. Holders of an eligible and valid UnionPay credit card can book a maximum of 3 rounds of golf with preferential rates each month. 2. The preferential rate is available to the Cardholder only, and only when playing golf. Guests of the Cardholder cannot use the preferential rate, and any attempt to do so will result in the Cardholders use of the preferential rate being rescinded. Guests shall pay the online rate or the rate quoted by customer service personnel at the course. 3. Reservation procedures: After registering at the Offer website, the Cardholder can select a golf course and request a date and tee time. Please note that the club may not be able to meet this request, depending on availability and other factors. Upon receipt of a request, customer service personnel require one working day to contact the club. If the requested date and time is available, customer service personnel will issue a booking confirmation and reference number. The Cardholder is required to pay any charges through the website at least one working day before the reserved tee time, or it will be cancelled without notice. If the requested tee time is not available, customer service personnel will contact the Cardholder within one working day to select a different the tee time or cancel the booking. The Cardholder should contact customer service if there is no contact or update received within one working day of a request. Reservations for weekdays must be made at least two working days in advance. Weekend and holiday tee times must be reserved at least three working days in advance. Long and special holidays may require seven or more working days advance notice. Clubs may have different policies regarding advance notice for changes or cancellations, so Cardholders should check the relevant clubs website or customer service hotline for further details. A failure to comply with the relevant clubs procedures will result in forfeiture of the fees paid. 4. Unless otherwise stated, a golf cart and caddie are to be shared by two golfers. Single golfers will be paired by the club, or, if no other single golfer is available, a surcharge will be levied, to be paid by Cardholder directly to the golf club after the round. Delegation of caddies is at the discretion of respective clubs, and the rates provided do not guarantee one-on-one caddies. 5. Certain clubs require players to produce a valid golf handicap card and driving licence for carts. The Cardholder should contact the club in advance for further details. 6. The Cardholder should arrive and register at the club at least 30 minutes before tee time. A failure to arrive on time will be regarded as a “no show” and all fees paid will be forfeited. 7. The Cardholder and guests are expected to obey the rules of club and be mindful of any personal possessions and their own personal safety at all times. UnionPay and Golf007 are not responsible for any loss, claims, damages, charges or legal indemnities. 8
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