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(一)(一)Television broadcasts are limited to an area that is within the 1 of the sending station or its relay. 2 television relays are often placed on hills and mountains so that they can 3 a wider region, they still can not cover as much as people expect.However, the rays also go out into the atmosphere. 4 there is a relay station on a satellite that revolves around the earth, it can send the pictures to any point on the earth from which the satellite can be 5 .Three satellites periodically turning around over the equator will send 6 television program to any part of the earth.This makes it possible for world 7 of newspapers to give the news in all countries at the same time.Someday it may be possible for a subscriber to a televised newspaper to press a button and see a newspaper page 8 his television screen.He could also decide when he wants the page 9 .Moreover, by dialing different numbers such as 10 on a telephone dial, he could choose the language or the edition of the paper he wants to read. 1.A.range B.view C.miles D.distance 2.A.Even B.Although C.Unless D.Whenever 3.A.cover B.spread C.help D.pass 4.A.Then B.Therefore C.So D.If 5.A.watched B.seen C.spotted D.protected 6.A.one B.all C.some D.any 7.A.population B.editions C.articles D.reports 8.A.at B.in C.on D.by 9.A.turn B.to turn C.turning D.to be turned 10.A.what B.these C.those D.ones Key: 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.C (二)(二)Although international travel is usually an (21) _ and pleasant experience, travellers should take steps to ensure that their health does not suffer either (22) _ their time _ the air or _ their time abroad. Before you go, check with your doctor or local travel clinic (23) _ injections are necessary for the areas you are travelling (24) _. Allow sufficient time to have these injections before you (25) _ because they may take time to become effective. Be sure that the information on health is up-to-date. Check on the Internet if you are not sure. Dont go to bed late the day (26) _ you fly. Your body has a natural daily sleep pattern. It takes time to adjust to a new time zone. There are many different (27) _ of jet lag: you may not be able to sleep, you may not want to eat or you may feel sick and tired. You may not be able to concentrate for some days after you arrive.There are several things you can do to (28) _ the effects of jet lag:- Do your (29) _ to relax during the flight; - Sleep as much as you can on the flight. Use a mild sleeping pill if necessary; - Drink as much water as you can; - Dont drink alcohol and caffeine; - Take mild sleeping pills (30) _ the first few days in the new time zone if you need them.21. A) excited B) exciting C) excitted D) excitting 22. A) ofonof B) ofinof C) fromonfrom D) frominfrom 23. A) where B) - (不填) C) which D) that 24. A) - (不填) B) in C) to D) at25. A) will leave B) is leaving C) leave D) have left 26. A) after B) in C) on D) before 27. A) effects B) effect C) affect D) affects 28. A) short B) shorten C) less D) lessen 29) A) good B) better C) best D) most 30. A) at B) for C) of D) on Key: 21. B 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B(三)(三)A study (21) _ that fitness is the key (22) _ long life, irrespective of body shape or even smoking habits. Researchers discovered that people (23) _ exercise live longer than those who do not, (24) _ they are overweight and smoke. The study found that the least fit of the 6,000 middle-aged men in the study were five times (25) _ to die within six years of the start of the research than the fittest. This was true whether or not the men had heart problems, smoked or (26) _ overweight. Scientists concluded that it was better to be fat and active than skinny and sedentary. Dr Ken Cooper, a fitness expert, said, “You are better off smoking a packet of cigarettes a day and (27) _ regularly than being a non- smoker and sedentary.“ Although he adds, “ But dont misunderstand me. I am not endorsing smoking. I am trying to tell you how dangerous it is to be sedentary.“(28) _, the study appears to fly in the face of research last year which concluded that more than 30,000 people die prematurely every year in Britain from illnesses caused by being overweight. The British Government is putting pressure on manufacturers (29) _ high levels of sugar in food and to restrict the hard-sell of junk food to children in order to improve the nations health. But the new study suggests the Government (30) _ more people to exercise.21. A) showing B) show C) has shown D) had shown 22. A) to B) for C) of D) in 23. A) -(不填) B) which C) whom D) who24. A) if B) unless C) even if D) because 25. A) like B) likely D) less likely D) more likely 26. A) was B) were C) is D) are 27. A) to exercise B) exercising C) exercise D) exercised 28. A) Howev
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