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六年级上册英语知识点六年级上册英语知识点Module One Plans一、一、词组词组1. go to Baiyun Hill and watch birds 去白云山看鸟 2. 2. go to the Six Banyan Temple 去六榕寺3.go shopping and buy new clothes 去购物和买新衣服 4. go on the Pearl River Cruise 去珠江漫游5.go to Xiangjiang Zoo to see white tigers 去香江动物园看白老虎 6. do some reading 读点书7.eat dimsum at Guangzhou Restaurant 在广州酒家吃点心 8. skip 跳绳 9. play cards 打牌10.surf the Net 上网 11.write a letter 写信 12. have lunch 吃午饭 13. Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 14.have fun 玩得开心 15. a lot of 许多 16. instead 代替 17.many times 许多次(once 一次,twice 两次,three times 三次) 18.all of us 我们所有人(one of them 他们中的一人,most of you你们大多数,some of us 我们中的一些)19.go fishing/swimming/shopping去钓鱼/游泳/逛街/购物 20.before the game 比赛之前 before lunch, after work, after class21. soon 不久 22. go back to Australia 回到澳大利亚 23. fly to Beijing 坐飞机到北京24. during my holiday 在假期期间 25. Poor Paggy! 可怜的派克!二、重点句型:二、重点句型:1.They can visit the Guangzhou Art Museum.2.Yongxian is going to do some reading at the library this afternoon.3.What are you going to do on Saturday evening?4.Let me think. Im not going to do anything.5.Would you like to go to the cinema with me?6.Yes, Id love to7.Would you like to play badminton with me on Sunday morning?8.Id love to. But Im going to play basketball with my friends.9Would you like to go with us? Id love to, thanks a lot.10.When are you going to start? We are going to leave our house at half past eight.11.Why dont you come to my house to watch it?三疑难分析理解三疑难分析理解1. The Pearl River Cruise is boring.珠江游太无聊了。意思相反表达的有:The cartoon is very interesting.这卡通片很有趣。谈到人的感受有:1) The boy is bored.这男孩烦闷了。2) He is not in this cartoon.他对这部卡通片不感兴趣。3) We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times.我们到过广州的动物园好多次了。2. have/has been to已经到过3. Im not going to do anything.我没打算做什么事。= Im going to do nothing.4. My family are watching a stupid film when the football game is on.当足球赛上演时我全家在看一部幼稚的电影。 “my family”在这里是一个复数名词组,表示家庭全体成员,所以后接“are”。 “when”在这里是一个连接词,表示“当时候”。 “on”是上演,例如,What is on in the cinema?有什么电影在上演?5. But youd better ask your parents first.你最好先问问你的父母。Youd better = You had better后接动词原型。解释为“你最好(做)”例如,Youd better wash your hands first before lunch.你最好吃饭前先洗手。6. I failed the final exam.我期末考试不及格了。相反的句子有:I passed the exam.我通过考试了。7. I have to go to my teachers and learn English during my holidays.我不得不在放假期间去老师的家里学英语。“my teachers 老师的家/办公室”,类似的短语有“the bakers 面包店”, “the babers 理发店”。MODULE 2 Cities一一一一 词组:词组:词组:词组:the capital of China 中国的首都 national flag 国旗 the capital city 首都城市 what national flag 什么国旗 look beautiful 看起来美丽 a good place to visit 一个值得参观的好地方 a warmer place 一个较温暖的地方 noisy and crowded 又吵闹又拥挤 more than twenty countries 超过二十个国家 so many beautiful places 许多美丽的地方 the capital of China 中国的首都二、重点句型二、重点句型1. Washington D.C. is bigger than Wellington. Wellington is smaller than Washington D.C.华盛顿哥伦比亚区比惠灵顿大。 惠灵顿比华盛顿哥伦比亚区小。2. What city is it in? -Its in Paris, the capital of France.它在哪个城市里? -它在巴黎,法国的首都。3. Does Guangzhou have a larger population than Tokyo? -No, it has a smaller population.广州的人口比东京多吗? 不,它的人口比较少。4. Which is the most beautiful city? -I think Beijing is the most beautiful city.哪个是最美丽的城市? 我认为北京是最美丽的城市。5. We like Singapore. Its clean and beautiful. The weather there is very nice.我们喜欢新加坡。它又干净又美丽。那里的天气很好。6. Wellington is a relaxing city. 惠灵顿是一个放松的城市。7. It looks more interesting than Guangzhou.它看起来比广州更有趣。8. Whats the capital of China?-The capital of China is Beijing. 中国的首都是什么? 中国的首都是北京。9. What national flag is it? -Its the Chinese national flag.这是哪个国家的国旗? 这是中国的国旗。10. Where would you like to go on holiday? -Id like to go to Japan.假期里你喜欢去哪里? -我喜欢去日本。11. Where shall we go? -Id like to go to Tokyo.我们应该去哪里? -我喜欢去日本。12. I know where we can go on holiday in the summer. 我知道暑假我们能去什么地方度假。 13What national flags are they? 它们是哪些国家的国旗啊?14The capital of the UK is London. 英国的首都是伦敦。15That is the Italian national flag. 这是意大利的国旗。16Whats the capital city of Italy? Its Rome. 意大利的首都是哪里? 是罗马。17The capital of France is Paris. 法国的首都是巴黎。18The capital of the USA is Washington D.C. New York is the biggest city of the USA. 美国的首都是华盛顿。 纽约是美国最大的城市。19Sydney is the largest city of Australia. The capital of Australia is Canberra.悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市。 澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。20. Where would you like to go on holiday this summer? 这个暑假你想去哪里啊?21Tokyo is a good place to visit. 东京是一个旅游的好地方。22But Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo. 但是巴黎比东京要漂亮。 23. I think Tokyo is more interesting than Paris. 我觉得东京比巴黎更有趣。24Id like to go to a warmer place. 我想去一个暖和的地方。25Rome is warmer than Paris. 罗马比巴黎要暖和。26Tokyo, Paris and Rome are noisy and crowded. 东京巴黎和罗马都很拥挤很吵闹。27Thats the capital of New Zealand. 那是新西兰的首都。28. Wellington is quieter than the other
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