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Today,conventional machine tools have been largely replaced by CNC machine tools.The machines still perform essentially the same functions, but movements of the machine tool are controlled electronically rather by hand.今天今天,传统工具机已基本取代数控工具机。该机仍然基本上执行相同的功,传统工具机已基本取代数控工具机。该机仍然基本上执行相同的功 能,但运动的工具机的电子控制由手能,但运动的工具机的电子控制由手 The decision to produce parts conventionally or by CNC is driven mainly by setup cost and volume.决定生产零件的常规或数控主要是设置成本和体积决定生产零件的常规或数控主要是设置成本和体积. .The axial movements of CNC machine tools are guided by a computer. This computer reads the instructions and sends electrical signals to a motor, which then turns a screw to move the machining table. A sensor mounted on the table or on the motor sends positioning information back to the computer.轴向轴向运动运动的数控机床是指导计算机。此计算机读取指令发送电子信号,的数控机床是指导计算机。此计算机读取指令发送电子信号, 电机,然后变成一个螺丝移动加工表。一个传感器安装在表或在电机发送定位电机,然后变成一个螺丝移动加工表。一个传感器安装在表或在电机发送定位 信息到电脑信息到电脑. . CNC machine tools are very similar in construction to conventional machine tools. Each machine has a rigid machine base to hold the moving parts, a spindle in which to mount the cutting tool, and a table that can move left to right and in and out. Attached to table are accurate lead screws used to position the table to the proper location. 数控机床是非常相似的建筑传统工具机。每个机有一个刚性基地举行的移数控机床是非常相似的建筑传统工具机。每个机有一个刚性基地举行的移 动部件,动部件,主轴主轴在其上安装的切割工具,和一个表,可以从左向右移动和出。连在其上安装的切割工具,和一个表,可以从左向右移动和出。连 接表是准确的丝杠用于定位表的正确位置接表是准确的丝杠用于定位表的正确位置 The simplest type of electric motor used in CNC positioning systems is the stepper motor. This kind of system can operate without expensive and complicated positioning feedback. 最简单的一种最简单的一种电动汽车使用的数控定位系统的步进电机。这种系统可以操电动汽车使用的数控定位系统的步进电机。这种系统可以操 作,无需昂贵和复杂的定位反馈作,无需昂贵和复杂的定位反馈It is more common to use servomotors in CNC systems today. This kind of motor can operate in a smooth, continuous motion, which leads to highly desirable machining characteristics. 更常见的是用伺服数控系统的今天。这种运动可以运作顺利,连续运动,更常见的是用伺服数控系统的今天。这种运动可以运作顺利,连续运动, 从而导致从而导致非常理想的非常理想的加工特性。加工特性。There are many kinds of methods to classify CNC unitIf determined by the architecture of printed circuit boards,two classes of CNC units can be distinguished,namely,All-in-one board architecture and multi-functional modules architecture;if determined by the number of microprocessors,CNC unit can be classified into two classes,namely,single microprocessor and multi-microprocessors;according to their opening degree,there are close architecture,PC-plug-in-NC architecture,NC- plug-in-PC architecture,and software based open architecture of CNC unit 方法有很多种分类数控单元。如果确定的结构的印刷电路板,两班的数控方法有很多种分类数控单元。如果确定的结构的印刷电路板,两班的数控 加工单位加工单位可以区分,可以区分,即,所有功能于一身的板结构和功能模块结构;如果由微即,所有功能于一身的板结构和功能模块结构;如果由微 处理器数目,数控单元可分为两类,即处理器数目,数控单元可分为两类,即 multi-microprocessorsmulti-microprocessors,单片机;根,单片机;根 据其开放程度,有近据其开放程度,有近 pc-plug-in-ncpc-plug-in-nc 建筑,建筑,建筑,建筑,nc-plug-in-pcnc-plug-in-pc 建筑,和基建筑,和基 于软件的开放式结构数控单元于软件的开放式结构数控单元CNC machine tools only produce the movements that are described in a part program, which describes the machining operations and dimensions.数控工具机数控工具机只能生产运动中所描述的计划的一部分,其中叙述了加工操作只能生产运动中所描述的计划的一部分,其中叙述了加工操作 和尺寸和尺寸A programmer must write a part program in a language that the control can understand. The most popular language for NC programming is G 2.plan the operations and setups; 3. determine the cutting tools; 4. write the part program; 5. test and revise the program)什么是正常的步骤的规划和执行一个数控加工的工作吗?什么是正常的步骤的规划和执行一个数控加工的工作吗?名单的工作步骤加工数控机床。名单的工作步骤加工数控机床。(1 1。研究工件图纸;。研究工件图纸;2.plan2.plan 操作和设置;操作和设置;3 3。确定切削工具;。确定切削工具;4 4。写计划。写计划 的一部分;的一部分;5 5。测试和修改程序)。测试和修改程序)2、Illustrate the main architecture of a distributed multi-CPU system or the master-and-servant system. (书上图 4-7, 4-8) 说明的主要结构的分布式多说明的主要结构的分布式多 CPUCPU 系统或系统或 master-and-servantmaster-and-servant 系统系统3、Draw the block diagram of algorithm of linear interpolation by the evaluation function method (in the X quadrant). 绘制框图的直线插补算法的评价函数法(在绘制框图的直线插补算法的评价函数法(在象限)象限) 。(上图是以第一象限为例画的,若是其他象限,则需要改变图中涂色方 框中的内容)4、What is the definition of the CNC machining center?(A CNC machining center is defined as a multifunctional CNC machine tool with automatic tool-changing capability and a tool magazine.) Which three kinds are machining centers divided into? (Machining centers are divided into vertical, horizontal and universal kinds)什么是定义的数控加工中心?什么是定义的数控加工中心?(数控加工中心的定义是一个多功能数控机床自动换刀的能力和一个工具(数控加工中心的定义是一个多功能数控机床自动换刀的能力和一个工具 杂志。杂志。 )三种加工中心分为?三种加工中心分为?(加工中心分为垂直,水平和普遍的类型)(加工中心分为垂直,水平和普遍的类型)5. 会计算主轴转速6What are the basic components of an NC machine tool? 什么是基本的组什么是基本的组成部分,数控机床工具?成部分,数控机床工具?(Illustrate the basic components of an NC machine tool)P4 图 1.2(说明的基本组成部分的数控机床)(说明的基本组成部分的数控机床) Reading Material:Startup procedures are those commands or functions that are necessary at the beginning of the program. Every manufacturer of machine tools has its own protocol for startup. Not all machines are the same with startup procedure.A standard startup procedure usually involves cancellation of compensation, absolute or incremental programming, and the setting of work-plane axis.启动程序的命令或功
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