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11.1 英语句子结构英语句子结构1.1.1 句子分类(三种四类)句子分类(三种四类) 句子特征:必含主谓 10 大词类:大词类: a.按结构分按结构分 一_(只包含一个主谓结构) 二_(包含两个或两个以上主谓结构) 三_(包含一个主句从句和一个或几个从句,从句由从属连词或关系代词引 导) b.按目的分按目的分 一一_(说明一个事实或陈述一种看法)(说明一个事实或陈述一种看法) Light travels faster than sound. 光比声速度快。 (说明事实) The film is rather boring. 这部电影很乏味。 (说明看法) 二二_(提出问题)(提出问题) (1)一般疑问句 Can you finish the work in time? (2)特殊疑问句 Where do you live? (3)选择疑问句 Do you want tea or coffee? (4)反意疑问句 He used to take pictures there, didnt he? / usednt he? 三_(提出请求,建议或发出命令)(提出请求,建议或发出命令) (1)以动词原形开头(但只限于省略第二人称主语的句子) Take this seat. Dont be late. Do be careful. Dont move. (2)以 let 开头的祈使句 Lets 包括说话者。Lets have another try, shall we / shant we? Let us 不包括说话者。Let us have another try,will you / wont you? (3)有主语的祈使句 -Sorry, Joe. I didnt mean to. -Dont call me “Joe“. Im Mr Parker to you, and _ you forget it!(2003NMET) A. do B. didnt C. did D. dont 四四_(what, how 引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情)引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情) What fun it is! How clever you are!一一简单句简单句 五种基本句型: _,_,_,_,_ .主主+谓谓(vi:能表达完整的意思能表达完整的意思)(此结构常用来表示主语的动作此结构常用来表示主语的动作) 1.主主+谓(谓(vi.) 2.主主+谓(谓(vi.)+adv. 3.主主+谓(谓(vi.)+prep. 4.主主+谓(谓(vi.)+to do 5.主主+谓(谓(vi.)+adverbial clause2举例加练习: 1.主主+谓(谓(vi.) 如:The sun rises. The red sun rises. (主语可有修饰语-定语) The red sun rises in the east. (谓语可有修饰语-状语) 写作中常见的 vi: travel, act, come, go, return, leave, arrive, stay, work, last(持续),pass, live, rise, look, listen, laugh, hurry, wait, talk, graduate, gather 集合, happen, occur 发生,take place 发生, apologize, succeed, fall, appear, swim, disappear, cry, ring, retire, fly, jump, fail, stand, sit, lie 撒谎;位于, give up, break out(火灾;战争)爆发, turn up(某人)出现,get up, stay up(熬夜), break down 坏 了, set out/off(出发)etc. 既可以用作 vt.又可以用作 vi.有: burn, clean, cook, read, sell ,study, open, close, meet(相遇), fit 适合”,“合身”, sing,agree, begin, start, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve,stop,speak 等。2主主+谓(谓(vi.)+adv. (用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间说明时间,地点地点,程度程度,方式等概念)方式等概念)(1)Liu Xiang runs fast. (2)I get up early every day. (3)我们班的同学学习很刻苦。_ (4)他昨天回家晚了。_3主主+谓(谓(vi.)+prep. (1)I work in Beijing. (2)I graduated from a senior high school. (3)我们每天 7:50 上课。_ (4)我们将在海口停留大约 5 天。_4.主主+谓(谓(vi.)+to do(作状语多表示目的作状语多表示目的, 原因和结果原因和结果) (1)She sat in a corner so as not to be noticed by anybody. (2) He drove very fast in order to catch the plane. (4)他每天早起学习英语。_ (5)我写信告诉你一件重要事情。_5.主主+谓(谓(vi.)+adverbial clause (1) I go where you go. (2) Mary cried when she heard the news. (3)他表现得好像已经知道一切似的。_ (4)不知不觉,高考马上就到了。_ .主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾 1.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(n. / pron.) 2.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(to do) 3.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(doing)34.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(object clause) 5.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(whether / wh + to do)举例加练习: 1.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(n. / pron.) (1)I like music. (2)He read two books last night. (3) 我确实想要一本好词典。_ (4)他的各门考试都及格了。_2.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(to do) He wants to buy a pen. 只能跟不定式做宾语,不能跟动名词,这类动词有:afford, aim ,appear, agree, arrange, be, decide, bother, care, choose, dare, demand, desire, ask ,determine, expect, elect, endeavor(努力, hope, fail, happen(碰巧),help, care, hesitate(犹豫) ,learn, long, mean, manage, offer(提出), plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, wait, want, seek,wish, undertake , claim (若干结构+不带 to 不定式, 常用的结构有:would rather, rather than, had better, let )3.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(doing) 只能加 v-ing 的动词有:acknowledge(承认) ,admit,appreciate(感激) , avoid,consider,delay,deny,miss, dislike,prevent,enjoy,advise ,escape,finish,imagine, allow, permit, keep,mind,practice,quit(放弃) ,risk, (can t)stand,suggest,resist 等;动词短语有:go on,give up,put off,feel like 等。带介词 to 短语有 listen to, look forward to, get down to , stick to, refer to, turn to, point to, reply to,lead to, object to, be addicted to, be/ become used to, pay attention to,devote oneself to(be devoted to),be admitted to 等 (1)He suggested seeing a movie. (2) I enjoy living here. (3)你必须每天练习讲英语。_ (4)我们必须避免犯这样的错误。_注:还有一些动词既可以跟动名词也可以跟不定式作宾语,意思差别不大,例如:like, love, begin, start 等。 还有一些动词既可以跟动名词也可以跟动名词作宾语,意思差别很大,如: 1、forget to do forget doing 2、remember to doremember doing 3、stop to dostop doing 4、go on to do go on doing 5、regret to do4regret doing 6、try to dotry doing 7、mean to domean doing 8、cant help to do cant help doing 9、propose to dopropose doing4.主主+谓(谓(vt.)+宾宾(object clause) (1)I dont know what I should do. (2)I am sure that he will come. (3)我知道他参军了。_ (4)我们大家都知道那老人将去那里。_
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