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2011 年翻译硕士英语参考答案Task OneSection A 1-5. AAAAB 6-10. DCDCA 11-15. CCBCC 16-20. BCCCC Section B 21. such as the Americans, is used even more widely than cash. 22. that the language experiments in Finnegans Wake were different from any other novel. 23. When it rains outside, most parents prefer small children play indoors. 24. Legal aliens were required by law to register by the end of the year, so they crowd into post office attempting to comply with the law before the deadline. 25. economy that will profoundly affect the character of our labor unions as well as influenceTask TwoSection A 26-30. BBADC 31-35. DDCDA Section B 36. By trapping some of the heat escaping from the atmosphere back into space, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make a steady temperature rise of the earth. 37. Influenced by the green house effect, the global climate rises at a faster rate than average. 38. Higher temperature may require farmers to switch from their traditional crops into new kinds and handle them in a different way. 39. The rising global temperatures change the ranges of different species with the evidence of plants booming and birds nesting earlier in the spring. 40. Now it well proves that greenhouse effect is accelerating global warming in an unusual rate. And such effect may exert negative influence on earth in many aspects. Different studies show that climate zone, rise in sea level, and the natural world are all influenced by such effect largely.西安外国语大学2011 年翻译硕士专业学位研究生招生考试英语翻译基础 A 卷参考答案术语翻译: C-E 1. World Expo 2010 Shanghai 2. public health emergency 3. social welfare system 4. Scientific Outlook on Development 5. Bank of Communication 6. Confucius Institute 7. industrial structure adjustment 8. proactive fiscal policy 9. win-win 10. vocational education 11. market access 12. independent foreign policy of peace 13. Ministry of Land and Resources 14. recycled paper 15. Local Area NetworkE-C 1. 全面禁烟 2. 最惠国待遇 3. 空中客车公司 4. 恒生指数 5. 冰雪皇后 6. 数据保护法案 7. 美国司法部 8. 家庭收入支持 9. 模范儿童 10. 人均收入 11. 肖自然保护区 12. 反倾销税 13. 高压电气装置 14. 营业费用/开支 15. 亚太经贸合作组织英译汉: 1. G20 峰会需在以下三方面采取行动。第一,赞同与会者决议,解决财政 赤字问题,以支持经济增长和稳定。第二,采取一切可能措施,推动全国贸易 发展。第三,落实解决全球经济失衡的部署。经济失衡是全球金融危机的根本 原因,至今仍阻碍全球经济的发展。下面我将逐一解决与会者达成的三项决议。第一,解决赤字问题。英国政府已经在本国采取了一系列强有力的措施来 解决长期累积的巨额赤字问题。在首尔,各位与会者同意起草并实施目标明确 可靠、有助于经济增长的财政整顿计划。大家一致认为,如果不能成功进行财政整顿,就会打击各国对经济前景的信心,阻碍经济发展。该声明是对我们集 体目的最明确的阐述。财政赤字危机四伏,解决问题刻不容缓。 第二,推动全球贸易发展。不断推动贸易增长是对全球经济最大的推动和 刺激,这也不需花费任何成本。英国是一个开放型贸易经济体,欢迎来自海外 的头次,因此该议程能够切实帮助英国创造财富和工作。因此我将英国和全球 发展最快地区最快国家联系在一起,而且我全力支持贸易自由化。贸易壁垒、 贸易保护主义和以邻为壑的政策曾在 20 世纪 30 年代时拖垮全球经济,G20 成 员国和我个人都坚定要阻止这一切重演。今天,各国领导人决心保持市场开放 性并实施贸易和投资自由化政策,以此促进全球经济发展,同时要阻止一切形 式的贸易保护主义。2. 英国首相戴维卡梅伦日前表示企业可以尽其所能,帮助英国构建和谐社 会。卡梅伦子参加社区企业组织年度股东大会和领导人峰会时发表讲话,他指 出商业部门如何运用其拥有的能力、创造力和企业来帮助解决英国社会所面临 的严峻挑战。卡梅伦表示,企业应该恪守负责任商业惯例,在政府最重视商业承诺的五 个优先领域付诸行动。这其中包括:通过增加学徒等方式提高工人技能并创造 工作岗位;通过指导新兴企业发展来支持中小企业;减少碳排放来保护环境; 通过推行弹性工作制来提高人民生活水平和福祉。 卡梅伦首相表示:“每一天我们都能看到英国大型企业不仅是经济发展的 推动力,也是社会发展的积极力量。企业有能力有创造力也有信心来帮助英国 解决目前面对的重大挑战。通过负担我们共同的责任,就能创造属于所有人的 更强大更美好的未来。 ”汉译英: 1. The Silk Road or Silk Route, opened up by Zhang Qian in Western Han Dynasty (202BC-8AD), refers to an overland route starting from the ancient Chinese capital Changan (modern Xian, Shaanxi) and stretching to the farther west through Gansu and Xinjiang provinces to Central and Western Asia as well as Europe and North Africa. The name “silk road” was first created by the German scholar F. von Richthofen in late 19th century and later got worldwide recognition. The Silk Road is an important route connecting Europe and Asia and serves as a bridge for cultural exchange among ancient civilizations, such as China, India and Greece, which all contribute to its significance in the world history. 2. Shenzhen City, located in the east coast of the Pearl River Delta in southern China, is Chinas first Special Economic Zone, approved by the State Council on August 26, 1980 and formally established. After 30 years of construction and development, Shenzhen by a former border town has developed into an emerging modern city with certain international influence, creating a world-renowned “Shenzhen speed”. Shenzhen is a city with the most ports and is the major gateway for China to communicate with the world. Shenzhen has strong economic support and modernized municipal infrastructure and its comprehensive competitiveness ranks first among inland China. By 2010, Shenzhen will become the base for high and new technology industries and regional financial center, information center, trade center, transportation center and tourist resort and become a modern international city. 2011 年汉语写作与百科知识答案 1. 音乐,引申为内在的熏陶和感发,内容是“和” 。 2. 论语是儒家学派的经典著作之一,为“四书”之一。由孔子的弟子编撰 而成。它以语录体和对话文体为主,记录了孔子及其弟子言行,集中体现了 看了孔子的政治主张、理论思想、道德观念及教育原则等。 3. 有道德的人是不会孤单,一定有志同道合的人来和他相伴。 4. 道德经 ,又称道德真经 、 老子 。传说春秋时期的老子李耳所撰写, 是道家哲学思想的重要来源。道德经分上下两篇,原文上篇德经 、下篇 道经 ,是中国历史上首部完整的哲学著作。 5. 细胞学说是 1838-1839 年由德国植物学家施莱登和动物学家施旺所提出,它 是关于生物有机体组成的学说,认为一切生物都由细胞组成,细胞是生命的 结构单位,细胞只能由细胞分裂而来。细胞学说论证
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