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1填空 (7-8 页) tuition honor drop out association at the moment curiosity emerge In return threaten mood exchange relax follow opportunity majority make a deal with figure out occasion trend turn out specific contrast Hence adoption feature illustrate birth involve desire double display presence abundant available appeal physical dozens of resemble promote confess show off 1.They were delighted when she gave to a healthy child. 2.I will always feel that I had the opportunity to meet with you. 3.IF you can not have children of your own ,why not consider . 4.She attended Smith College for one yaer and then . 5.I cant what he was hinting at. 6.The crowd looked at thern with great . 7.The beggar to be a thief. 8.This school does not charge its students . 9.The attacker them with a gun. 10.Im not really in the for drinking. 11.He lay back and let his mind . 12.Why didnt you his advice? 13.I cant find the address but III get it for you later. 14.The of the employees have university degrees. 15.Ill you-you wash the car and Ill let you use the computer tonight 16. I have a suit but I only wear it on special . 17.There are supplies of firewood in the forest. 18.The book gives instructions on how to make a desk. 19.In to his brother,he was always considerate in his treatment of others. 20.Ive been offered the to work in America for a year,but Im not sure whether to take it or not. 21.The main of Sounthern California are the climate and the scenery. 22.The teacher his lesson with pictures. 23.French bread has had positive for me ever since I went on holiday to France. 24.We always to live in peace with our neighbors. 25.The price of house has almost . 26.Why dont you your ad on the notice board where everyone can see it? 27.The document was signed in the of two witnesses. 28.It is vital that food is made to the famine areas. 29.He the blue jumper for a red one. 30.The new fashion soon lost its . 31.All objects occupy space. 32.Ive spoken to him times,but I still dont know his name! 33. for your cooperation we will give you a free gift. 34.Now the is moving towards picking up a second language in the third or fourth year in elementary schools. 35. they are their new sort of toothbrush on television . 36. I you are right on this point 37. she only bought that sports car to and prove that she could afford one. 38. the town was built on the side of a hill; the name hillside. 39. New political problems every day. 40. We are all , whether we like it or not. 41. John his father very much in a lot of ways. 三、翻译 1、这种方法从没让我失望,它让我的人生与众不同。 2.当时我确实非常害怕,但回头看这是我做过的最好决定之一。 3.不要丧失信心。我确信,唯一使我一直走下去的就是我爱我所做的。你的工作将占据你生命的很大一部 分,而唯一的真正获得满足的方法就是做你相信是伟大的工作。 4.我不能入睡部分是由于感昌,部分是由于对第二天有所期待5、低碳生活是简单和有趣,有益于地球,并提高你的生活质量。 6.最近谁也没有见过他这一事实困扰着办公室里所有的人7.对于事故本来是可 以避免的事实没人有异议8.生意不景气的事实是无法掩盖的。9.对于他的 狗咬了邻居这一事实他是有责任的10. 至于政治,我一无所知11.她刚坐下电话铃响了12.他刚到家他的狗开始叫了13.奢侈品商标刚一出现在商品上,仿冒的有商标的商品就开始泛滥于市场中
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