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Starter unit 13 上午好!Good morning. 行,可以,好all rightOKokay 下午好Good afternoon这所学校还可以This school is all right 晚上好Good evening你叫什么名字?Whats your name? 晚安Good night我叫李明My name is Li Ming. 在上午in the morning你好吗?How are you? 在下午in the afternoon我很好Im fine.=Im OK= Im all right. 在晚上in the evening你父亲好吗?How is your father? 在夜里at night他很好Hes fine.=Hes OK.=Hes all right 字母 A.Its letter A.这本书怎么样?How is the book? 中学middle school很不错Its very good. 这是什么?Whats this你没事吧?Are you OK?Are you all right? 这是一枝钢笔。Its a pen.今天天气很好Todays very fine 那是什么Whats that?欢迎到中国来Welcome to China 那是一个桔子。Its an orange.黑白相间black and white 用英语in English浅红light red 用汉语in Chinese深绿dark green 这个用英语怎么 说?Whats this in English?粉红色white + red = pink 地图Its a map.绿色yellow + blue =green 这个用汉语怎么 说?Whats this in Chinese?紫色red + blue =purple书Its “书” 。红色black +red= dark red 这个用英语怎么 说?Whats this in English?=Whats the English for this? “枕头”用英语 怎么说?Whats the English for 枕头?在这里be here是 pillowIts a pillow. pillow谁没在这儿?Whos not here?这是谁?Whos this?安妮没来Ann is not here. 这是我哥哥Its my brother大家都到齐了吗?Is everyone here?那是谁?Whos that?在家(be)at homebe in 那是我姐姐Its my sister我想她在家里I think shes at home. 他是谁?Whos he?在学校(上学)(be)at school 他是我爸爸Hes my father我想他不在学校I dont think he is at school 这个男孩是谁?Whos this boy?在上班(be)at work 是我哥哥Its my brother我爸爸在工作My father is at work=My father is working. 那个女孩是谁?Whos that girl?您好?How do you do? 是我姐姐Its my sister您好。How do you do? 什么颜色what color谢谢您!Thank you=Thanks 你的车是什么颜 色?What color is your car?不客气Thats all rightYoure welcome 彩色电视color television再见See you laterSee youGoodbye 把墙涂成白色Color the wall white身体好very well 在图片中in the picture你看上去很好You look very well 你是吗?Are you?舞跳得好dance well 大/小写字母big / small letter她妹妹舞跳得好Her sister dances well 看look at请拼写它Spell it,please. 看这副图片look at this picture请拼写一下你的 名字Please spell your name寻找look for你能拼写你的名 字吗?Can you spell your name?谈论talk about你的名字怎么拼 写?How do you spell your name? 写下,记下write down橡皮怎么拼写?How do you spell eraser?Unit 1 首名(名字)first name你的首名叫什么?Whats your first name? 中间名middle name我能知道你的名字吗?May I know your name?给名(名字)given name给这婴儿取名玛丽name the baby Mary 全名full name你的全名是什么?Whats your full name? 姓last namefamily name你姓什么?Whats your last name(family name)? 多大了how old英语中的数字number in English 他的妹妹多大了? How old is your sister?房间号码room numberthe number of the room 她十二岁了She is 12 years old你的房间号码是多少?Whats the number of your room? 这是个秘密Its a secret你的电话号码是多少?Whats your telephone number? 家谱family tree他的家是个小家庭His family is small. 英语单词English words我全家都在看电视My family are watching TV. 格林夫妇(格林 一家人)the Greens格林一家个子都很高The Greens are all tallthe Wangs王家是我的朋友The Wangs are my friends王家 the Wang family王家是我的邻居The Wang family is my neighbor 见到你真高兴(初次 见面)Nice(Glad, Happy)to meet you. Unit 2 哥哥elder brother他是你弟弟吗?是 的Is he your younger brother?Yes,he is. 弟弟younger brother这是你姐姐吗?是 的Is this your elder sister? Yes, it is. 姐姐elder sister那是我的妹妹Thats my sister妹妹younger sister这是我的兄弟们These are my brothers 这是我的妈妈This is my mother那是我的两个兄弟Those are my two brothers. 兄妹brother and sister我父(母)在家My parent is at home. 轮流take turn我父母都在家My parents are at home 轮流做某事take turn to do sth的一张照片a photo (picture) of 轮流问问题take turn to ask the questions我学校的一张照片a photo/ picture of my school 轮流回答问题take turn to answer the questions我的家庭照/全家福my family photoa photo of my family 看这幅图片look at this picture我的两张精美家庭 照two nice photos of my family 这儿有heres(are)一幅中国地图a map of China 某地有某物there is(are)一幅世界地图a map of the world 桌子上有一本 书There is a book on the table过得愉快!Have a good day瓶子里有些水There is some water in the bottle我狗的名字the name of my dog我有只新钢笔I have a new pen这是一张我的家庭 照Heres a photo of my family. 她有一辆车She has a car把带来bring to 在第一张照片 里in the first photo把带去take to 在接下来的照 片里in the next picture带张你的家庭照到 学校来bring a photo of your family to schoolUnit 3 铅笔盒pencil(case) box铅笔刀pencil sharpener 橡皮eraserrubber书包schoolbag=bookbag=backpack 请原谅Excuse me请求老师要回它Ask the teacher for it 棒球帽a baseball hat在学校图书馆in the school library 棒球手套baseball gloves一本英汉字典an EnglishChinese dictionary 棒球棒a baseball bat一本英英字典an EnglishEnglish dictionary 打棒球play baseball一套a set of 打牌play cards一套书a set of books 打篮球play basketball一套钥匙a set of keys 打排球play volleyball寻找look for 下国际象棋play chess失物招领lost and found 打网球play tennis失物招领箱lost and found case 弹钢琴play the piano失物招领处lost and found office 玩电脑游戏play computer games在失物招领箱里in the lost and found case金戒指gold ring我不知道I dont knowI have no idea 身份证ID Card给某人打电话phone sb.telephone sb.ring sb.call sb. 学生证、校卡school ID card给某人打 (1234567)call sb. at 1234567给玛丽打电话call Mary给某人发 e-e-mail sb. at mail 看电视watch TV(television )非常感谢Thank you.ThanksThanks a lotThanks very much观看一场比赛watch a game不用客气Thats OKThats all rightYoure welcome 在聚会上at the party聚会上玩得很高 兴have a good time at the party笔记本notebook电话号码telephone numberphone #Unit 4 快点Come on.吉娜数书到处都是Ginas books are everywhere 在沙发上on the sofa白色的飞机模型是 她的The white model plane i
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