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1. Hello, Eli. Good morning. 嗨,埃丽。早上好。嗨,埃丽。早上好。 英文中常用的问候语及其回答: Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good evening. Good night. Good night. How do you do? How do you do? How are you? Fine, thank you. 高分突破: 注意对 “How do you do?” 和 “How are you?” 两句话的回答不要弄混淆。 2. Sorry, Im late. 对不起,我迟到了。对不起,我迟到了。 1) sorry “对不起” 用于引出某一过错。Excuse me. “对不起” 用于引起对方的注意。例如:Im sorry I cant speak English.Excuse me, is this your backpack? 2) be late (for .) (做)迟到be late for school/ class/ work/ the meeting上学/上课/上班/开会迟到 高分突破: late 的副词仍为 late, 不能写成 lately. 例如: 请不要晚到学校。 Please dont arrive lately for school. () Please dont arrive late for school. () 3. Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!很高兴认识你! 对表示见到某人很高兴的几种表达: (Its)Nice to meet you. =(Im) Happy/ Glad/ Pleased to meet you. 高分突破: 注意形容词与主语的搭配: Im nice to meet you. () Its happy/ glad/ pleased to meet you. () 4. Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?这个用英语怎么说? 1) 同义句:Whats the English for this? 2) 用什么语言,介词用 in: “in + language”. 例如:in English 用英语in Chinese 用汉语in Japanese 用日语in your own words 用自己的语言 高分突破: 用钢笔:in ink = in pen = with a pen 5. Lets learn English. 让我们学英语。让我们学英语。1) lets = let us 让我们 Lets ., shall we? Let us ., will you? Lets do sth. = Why not do sth.? = What/How about doing sth.? 例如: Lets learn English. = Why not learn English? = What/How about learning English? 2) let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 例如: Let me play the guitar. Let Tony draw a picture for you. 高分突破: let sb. to do sth. () let sb. do sth. 中的 sb.若是代词要用宾格形式。Let she sing an English song. ()Let her sing an English song. () let sb. do st. 中的 sb.即使是第三人称单数后面的动词仍用原形,例如:Let him plays soccer. ()Let him play soccer. () 3) learn 学习 learn sth. 学习, 例如:We will learn physics this term. 4) learn sth. from 从学到, 例如:We learnt cooking from my cousin. 5) learn from 向学习, 例如:Let us learn from Lei Feng. 6) learn to do sth. 学做, 例如:Lucy learnt to play the trumpet last summer vacation. 6) learn + 疑问代词 + to do sth. 例如:We are learning how to mend this bike.You should learn what to say when you meet the foreigners at the airport. 高分突破: learn 和 study 的区别: 两个词语都有这一用法:learn sth. / study sth.。 但指学习时,study 有“深入研究”的含义;而且 study 不能用作:study to do sth.。 6. What color is this Z? 这个字目这个字目 Z 是什么颜色?是什么颜色? 1) 对颜色提问的两种方法: What color ? = Whats the color of ? 例如: What color is your purse? = What the color of your purse?2) color v. 着色 color sth. + 颜色, 例如: I want to color it red. 高分突破: 1)对名词(复数)的颜色提问时,不能用 what colors,例如:What color are these cups? ()What colors are these cups? () 2) color 是可数名词,例如:I dont like these colors. 7. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?你叫什么名字? 1) 对姓名的几种提问及回答: Whats your name? = May I have/know your name? My name is = Im 2) 姓氏:family name / last name/ surname名: given name/ first name全名:full name 3) 中文名字的习惯: family name / last name/ surname given name/ first name英文名字的习惯:given name/ first name family name / last name/ surname 高分突破: 在交际英语中应注意由于中英文名字的区别所造成的对人物的称呼也不同,例 如: Zhang Xiaoli: Miss Zhang/ Xiaoli ()Zhang/ Miss Xiaoli () Dave Green: Mr. Green/ Dave ()Green/ Mr. Dave () 8. Is this your dictionary? 这是你的字典吗?这是你的字典吗? 回答:Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Is this/that .? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. () Yes, this/that is. / No, this/that isnt. () 例如: Is that your brothers backpack? Yes, it is. 高分突破: Is this/that + 人? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 9. Call John at 495-3539. 给约翰打电话给约翰打电话 495-3539。 call v. 打电话 1) 单独使用 “打电话”, 例如: Please call this evening. 2)call + sb. “给某人打电话”, 例如: Please call Bob this evening.3) call + telephone number “拨打某一电话号码”, 例如: Please call 2377485 now. 4) call + sb. + at + telephone number “给某人打电话”, 例如: Please call my teacher at 65774839. 请给 Gina 打电话,她的电话是 2684753 Please call Gina, her phone number is 2684753. =Please call Gina at 2684753. 10. Thanks for the great photo of your family. 感谢你的全家福照片。感谢你的全家福照片。 1) 感谢你。 Thanks. = Thank you. () Thank. () Thanks you. () 2) Thanks for + sth./doing sth. 为而感谢你。例如:Thanks for your help.=Thanks for helping me. 3) the photo of your family=your family photo 11. Here is my family photo. 这是我的全家福照片。这是我的全家福照片。 1)倒装句式: 介词谓语主语(名词) Here is your letter. On the dresser is my photo. 介词主语(代词)谓语 Here you are. 高分突破: 这种倒装句式中,谓语动词一般不用进行时态。 Under the tree _ a boy. A. is standing B. stands C. stand D. is stand ( B ) 2)This is . .的句型也表示“这是。 ”但通常用于介绍;而“Here is. .”常用于把 某物给说话的对象。 12. Please take these things to your brother. 请把这些东西带给你弟弟。请把这些东西带给你弟弟。 take, bring, carry 和 get 的区别: 1)take “带走”,从近处带到远处,例如:Please take these books to your home after school. 1) bring “带来”,从远处带来,例如:Please bring me some video cassettes. 2) carry “带”,无方向性,指移动较重、较大的东西,有“负重”的含义,例如:The bag is too heavy for me. Can you carry it for me? 3) get “去拿来”,相当于 go and bring,例如:Can I get you something to drink? 13. I need my hat, my ID card, my notebook and my pencils. 我需要我的帽子,身份证,笔记本和铅笔。我需要我的帽子,身份
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