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专升本公共英语翻译部分重点 1.会议很重要,请务必不要迟到。 This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it. 2.公共关系工作是这么重要,每一家公司至少应该有一个公共关系部门。 Public relations work is so important that there should be at least one public relations department in every company. 3.薪水并不是我首先要考虑的事情。 Salary is not the first thing Ill take into account. 4.在大多数时候,他们觉得这种差异对他们来说既非重要也非不重要。 Most of the time, they think this difference is neither important nor unimportant to them. 5.我认为,除非面临一生难求的机会,任何人都不应该中途辍学。 I believe that nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime. 6.我们大家都坐在那儿,希望会议不要开得太长。 All of us sat there, hoping the meeting wouldnt last long. 7.他的父亲在那场事故中死了,从那以后,他感到自己很难振作起来。 He has found it hard to pull himself together after his father was killed in the accident. 8.这是我第一次看到他谈起自己的第一份工作时脸上露出的骄傲。 This is the first time I have ever seen the pride on his face when he talks about his first job. 9.语言实验室并不取代课堂教师,而是对课堂教学的补充。 The language laboratory does not take the place of the classroom teacher, but rather supplements the classroom teaching. 10.无论你的朋友住得多远,发消息给他只要几秒钟。这在多年前是闻所未闻的。 No matter how far your friend may be living, it takes just seconds to send a message, something that would have been unheard of many years ago. 11.你即使不喜欢他,可你不得不承认,他的表现接近于完美。 Even if you dont like him, you have to agree that his performance has come close to perfection. 12.竞争促进了发展。如果要是没有竞争,你就会失去享受所有乐趣的机会。 Competition promotes development. Without competition, you would miss out on all the fun. 13.对付困难的良策是不要对困难胆怯,困难是人生不可避免的一部分。 The best prescription for difficulties is not to be afraid of them. They are an inevitable part of life. 14.多年以来,大家一直在争论考试是否应该用其他的评估形式取代。 There has been much debate for a number of years about whether examinations should be replaced with other forms of assessment. 15.自从他离开家以后,他的父母没有一天不为他的安全担心。 Ever since he left home, not a day goes by that his parents do not worry about his safety. 16.我真的希望当我还是小孩时就能乘飞机或坐火车周游世界。 I wish as a child I could have travelled around the world by air or by train. 17.你只有读完简爱整本书才能充分理解这本书的意义。 Only by reading the entire book, can you fully understand the significance of Jane Eyre. 18.也许,我们读者从本质上说是内心感到不满的人,我们渴望到别处去,通过阅读文字在一定程度上间接体验我们不能亲身经历的生活。 Perhaps at base we readers are dissatisfied people, yearning to be elsewhere, to live vicariously through words in a way we cannot live directly through life. 19.实际上许多用人单位最初就特意要雇佣当地人从事这些旅游工作。 In fact, many employers went out of their way at the outset to hire locals for tourist industry jobs. 20.我妈妈在清理抽屉时,偶然发现了一些我爷爷的旧照片。 My mother came across some old photos of my grandfather while she was cleaning out the drawer. 21.鉴于他还是个小孩,他做的远要比我们期望得好。 Given that he is still a child, he has done much better than expected. 22.如果你想成功,那么你就不应该停止学习。 If you want to be successful, then you should not stop learning. 23.令我感到伤心的是许多学生上大学是为了找一个工作,而不是为了接受教育,他们总为分数担忧。 What saddens me is that many students come to college to get a job, rather than an education, and they always obsess about scores. 24.要求他们提出能最大限度使用自然光线的一些设计。 They are challenged to come up with designs that enable maximum usage of natural light. 25.你的职责是帮助协调整个团队的工作。 You are responsible for assisting in coordinating the work of the team. 26.如果他符合你们的要求,谁最后决定是否聘用他? Assuming he meets your requirements, who has the final say to decide whether to hire him or not? 27.总而言之,在今日高度竞争的社会中,再在怎么过高评价信任在我们日常生活中的重要性也不过分。 All in all, in todays highly competitive society, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of trust in our daily life. 28.如果你处于我的处境,你会做些什么来赢得新的客户呢? What would you do to win over new clients if you were in my shoes? 29.技术和需求条件都在变化,或至少有点不确定,所以我们决定先对这个项目作一番调查。 Technology and demand conditions were changing or, at least, somewhat uncertain and so we decided to look into the project first. 30.网上购物受人欢迎的一个主要原因是其巨大的方便性。 One of the main reasons for the popularity of shopping online is its great convenience.
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