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10 Powerful Quotes From The Steve Jobs Movie And What They Teach Us About Leadership电影乔布斯中十句经典名言给我们的启迪The script for Jobs, the new movie starring Ashton Kutcher as the visionary Apple co-founder, is heavy with quotes that reflect Jobs business philosophy and approach to life. Ive interviewed the director, Joshua Michael Stern, and I recognize most of Kutchers lines in the movie as being either direct quotes from Steve Jobs or compilations of his quotes. Here is my vote for the ten best quotes from the movie and what they can teach us about leadership, creativity, communications, and success.在新片乔布斯中,由阿什顿库彻(Ashton Kutcher)主演苹果公司富有远见的联合创始人史蒂夫乔布斯。这部影片的剧本大量引用了乔布斯生前讲过的话,反映了乔布斯的经营理念以及生活态度。我采访了这部影片的导演约书亚迈克尔斯坦恩(Joshua Michael Stern),我认识到,库彻在这部影片中的绝大部分台词要么是直接引用了乔布斯曾经讲过的原话,要么是对乔氏名言的汇编。以下是我从这部影片中选出的十句最佳乔氏名言,这些名言能够为我们带来领导力、创造力、沟通和成功方面的启迪。1. Im not dismissing the value of higher education; Im simply saying it comes at the expense of experience.1. 我并不是贬低高等教育的价值,我只是说,其代价是偏废了经验。According to Jobs film directorJoshua Michael Stern, Steve Jobs felt that life experiences were critical to being creative. Stern included pivotal scenes in the movie showing a young Steve Jobs taking a college calligraphy course and visiting India with his friend, Daniel Kottke. “Absorbing culture, art, and history were extremely important to Jobs. He believed in taking life experiences and using it as a subtext for something else youre doing, like helping to form the product youre creating, ” said Stern. This is one of the most powerful success principles we can learn from Steve Jobs: a broad set of life experiences is essential for creativity to flourish.据电影乔布斯的导演约书亚迈克尔斯坦恩称,乔布斯认为,生活经验对于创造力而言是至关重要的。斯特恩的电影中有几个关键场景,这些场景描绘年轻时代的乔布斯选修一门大学书法课程,以及和他的朋友丹尼尔科特基(Daniel Kottke)一起游历印度。斯特恩说:“对于乔布斯而言,培养文化、艺术和历史素养是极为重要的。他相信获取生活经验,并把这些经验当作潜台词运用于你正在从事的其他事情上是很有意义的,比如帮助构建你正在开发的产品。”这是我们可以向乔布斯学习的最有力的成功原则之一:要想让创造力蓬勃发展,涉及面广泛的一系列生活经验必不可少。2. The greatest artists like Dylan, Picasso and Newton risked failure. And if we want to be great, weve got to risk it too.2. 像迪伦(Dylan)、毕加索(Picasso)等最伟大的艺术家以及牛顿都曾经冒着失败的风险。如果我们想取得伟大成就,那么我们也必须甘冒风险。Steve Jobs didnt hesitate to take risks. If he wanted something, he would ask, even at a young age. When Jobs was twelve years old he called up HP co-founder Bill Hewlett and asked for spare parts. Hewlett gave Jobs the parts and a summer job. “Youve got to be willing to crash and burn. If youre afraid of failing, you wont get very far, ” Jobs once said. “Most people never pick up the phone and call. Most people never ask, and thats what separates the people who do things from the people who just dream about them.” Ive rarely interviewed a successful entrepreneur or CEO who hasnt risked failure. In fact most successful people dont even see failure; they see a result that didnt have the intended outcome.乔布斯对承担风险毫不犹豫。如果他想要什么东西,他会提出来,即便在年轻时也是如此。乔布斯在12岁的时候,曾打电话给惠普联合创始人比尔休利特(Bill Hewlett),向休利特要一些零配件。结果休利特不但提供了零配件,还邀请乔布斯夏天去惠普打工。乔布斯曾经说:“你必须甘愿一败涂地。如果你害怕失败,你就不会走得太远。大多数人从不主动拿起电话拨打。大多数人从不主动提出要求,这是将做事情的人和只会梦想着要做事情的人区分开来的不同之处。”在我采访过的成功企业家或者首席执行官(CEO)当中,没有冒过失败风险的人很少。事实上,最成功的人甚至看不到“失败”他们只是把失败看作一种没有达到预期目标的结果而已。3. How does somebody know what they want if they havent even seen it?3. 如果连见都没见过,他们怎么知道自己想要什么呢?Steve Jobs didnt believe in focus groups. Actually, he avoided them like the plague. Jobs believed in building great products that he would want to use himself. To a large extent he had a point. For example, in 2010 how many of us would have asked for a third device in between a laptop and a smartphone? Most people would never have asked for an iPad, but once millions of consumers saw it, they couldnt live without it, and it opened up entirely new categories of business applications. When I spent one year researching a book on the Apple Store, I learned that Jobs revolutionized the retail business because he asked better questions. For example, Jobs did not ask, “How do we build a better store than our competitors?” Instead he asked, “How do we reinvent the store?” Dont do things better; do things differently.乔布斯不相信焦点小组(focus group,市场调研方法,指通过倾听一组从目标市场中选来的被调查者,获取他们对产品、服务等内容的看法或态度译者注)。事实上,他像躲避瘟疫般避免焦点小组。乔布斯的信念是开发他自己想要使用的卓越产品。在很大程度上,他的这种想法是有道理的。比如,在2010年,我们当中有多少人会要求制造商开发一款介于笔记本电脑和智能手机之间的第三类设备呢?大多数人从来没有要求制造商开发iPad平板电脑,但是一旦许许多多消费者看到iPad之后,他们的生活就再也无法离开它了,而它开辟了一类全新的商业应用。当我为了撰写一本有关苹果专卖店的书而花费一年的时间进行调查时,我认识到乔布斯彻底改变了零售行业,因为他提出了更好的问题。比如,乔布斯没有问:“我们如何建立一家比我们竞争对手更好的零售店?”相反,他问道:“我们如何彻底改造零售店的模式?”不要只是想着把事情做得更好,而要以与众不同的方式来做事情。4. Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.4. 你身边被你称为“生活”的一切事物,都是由那些并不比你聪明的人所造就的。而你可以改变生活,影响生活,造就其他人可以使用的你自己的东西。Ashton Kutcher likes this quote so much he used it in a short speech at a recent award show, explaining that its one of the most profound things he learned while preparing for the role as Steve Jobs. The quote itself is t
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