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請更新以下各項資料(如適用), Please update the following change(s) (if applicable),即時生效 (請預留3-7個工作天辦理) 由 (日/月/年) 開始With Immediate Effect (Please allow 3-7 working days for processing.) From (DD/MM/YYYY) 更改地址及/或客戶資料指示表格 Changing Address and/or Customer Information Instruction Form請以正楷填寫,並在適當方格內加上 “”。Please complete in Block Letters and “” where applicable.甲部 Part A 客戶資料及更改資料生效日期 Customer Information and Effective Date of Change(s) 客戶名稱 Customer Name 客戶號碼 CI Number (如屬聯名戶口,請註明資料所屬者的全名及客戶號碼。For Joint Account, please state the full name and CI number of the person(s) to whom the information is related.)新身分証明文件資料 New Identification Document Details (Please write down all Identification Document Numbers recorded with the Bank.)香港身分証 護照 商業登記証Hong Kong Identity Card Passport Business Registration Certificate公司註冊証書 其他Certificate of Incorporation Others 號碼 Number (請列出所有紀錄在本行的身分証明文件號碼)身分証明文件資料 Identification Document Details (Please write down all Identification Document Numbers recorded with the Bank.)香港身分証 護照 商業登記証Hong Kong Identity Card Passport Business Registration Certificate公司註冊証書 其他Certificate of Incorporation Others 號碼 Number (請列出所有紀錄在本行的身分証明文件號碼)乙部 Part B 更改資料 Details of Change(s) 新客戶名稱 New Customer Name已更改的客戶名稱 Changed Customer Name新聯絡號碼/電郵地址 New Contact Number/Email Address 住宅電話 辦公室電話 Residential Office 手提電話 傳呼機 Mobile Pager傳真號碼 電郵地址 Fax Number Email Address1/4投遞方式 Delivery Method郵寄 電郵1 By Mail By E-Mail1 (Please provide the email address)2/4新地址 New Address*住宅地址 辦公室地址 公司註冊地址Residential Address Office Address Registered Address地址詳情 Address Details室 Room / Flat 樓 Floor 座 Block 大廈名稱 Building 屋村名稱 Estate 街道名稱 Street 地區 District 省/州/市 Province/State/City 國家 Country 郵區編碼 Postal Code請把所有( 獨立 聯名 ) 賬戶的結單寄往上述的新地址Please send the statements of all ( sole joint ) accounts to the above new address請把下列賬戶的結單寄往上述的新地址Please send the statements of the following accounts to the above new address*美國地址不適用於任何投資戶口。如客戶更改為美國地址,將不可繼續享用本行所提供的投資服務。Address in the United States is not accepted for any investment account. If customer changes address to the United States, you will not be able to enjoy our investment services. 新身分証明文件資料 New Identification Document Details種類 號碼 Type Number 護照簽發國家 國籍 Passport Issue Country Nationality新綜合結單設定 New Consolidated Statement Setting 請提供綜合結單內其中一個賬戶號碼 Please provide any one of the account number that is included in the consolidated statement.印發週期 Print Cycle每週工作日 每星期 每月 每季 每年 每半月 每半年Every working Day Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Semi-monthly Semi-annually每月 號 每星期 Every of each month Every of each week1閣下可登入中國工商銀行(亞洲)個人網上理財服務 (www.icbcasia.com) ,查閱電子結單。上述服務的賬戶結單列印本將不另行寄發。Applicant has to logon to Personal Internet Banking of ICBC(Asia) (www.icbcasia.com) and read the e-Statement. Hardcopy of account statement will not be issued.(請提供電郵地址) 增加/刪除綜合結單賬戶 Add/delete accounts in consolidated statement 增加 刪除 Add Delete賬戶號碼 Account Number增加 Add刪除 Delete賬戶號碼 Account Number結單包括 保險資料 投資賬戶資料 Statement includes Insurance information Investment Account information新職業/公司狀況 New Employment/Business Details 新職業狀況 在職 自僱 非在職 學生 主婦 退休 Employment Condition Employed Self-employed Not currently employed Student Housewife Retired新職業 受僱年期 年 New Occupation Employment Period Years新僱主/公司名稱 Name of the New Employer/Company新僱主/公司業務 New Employer/Company Industry新聯絡人資料 New Contact Persons聯絡人姓名 Contact Person Name聯絡人職位 Contact Person Position聯絡號碼 Contact Number3/44/4125-0104H/1402/GH選擇拒絕在直接促銷中使用個人資料 Opt-out from use of personal data in direct marketing如閣下不希望本行在直接促銷中使用閣下的個人資料及/或將閣下的個人資料提供予其他人士,以供該等人士在直接促銷中使用,請在下列方格 內 加上剔號(“ “)。 You should check (“ “) the following box(es) if you do not wish the Bank to use your personal data in direct marketing and/or to provide your personal data to other persons for their use in direct marketing.本人/吾等不希望貴銀行在經以下渠道作直接促銷中使用本人/吾等的個人資料*: 直銷郵件 電話短訊 電子推廣郵件 電話 傳真 以上所有渠道* 如閣下沒有在以上任何方格內以剔號顯示閣下的選擇,即視作選擇以上所有渠道I/We do not wish the Bank to use my/our personal data in direct marketing via the following channel(s)*: Direct Mail SMS Email Telephone Fax All of the above channels* If you do not indicate your choice by checking any of the above boxes, you are deemed to select “All of the above channels”本人/吾等明白貴銀行可能將本人/吾等的個人資料提供予其他人士,以供該等人士在直接促銷中使用,不論該等人士是否貴銀行集團成員。 本人/吾等不希望貴銀行將本人/吾等的個人資料提供予任何其他人士,以供該等人士在直接促銷中使用。I/We understand that the Bank may provide my/our personal data to other persons for their use in direct marketing and, whether or not such persons are members of the Banks group. I/We
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