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I. Listening Comprehension ( 30 points)Part 1 Short Conversations (10 points) 1.A. They are not useful because they cannot discover real talents. B. They are not necessary as there are already a lot of great talents. C. They are amazing because they provide hope for talented people. D. They are successful because they have discovered a lot of talents. 2.A. That Jacky Chan is now aged over 50. B. That Jacky Chan acts only in action movies. C. That Jacky Chan gets successful in his 50s. D. That Jacky Chan performs dangerous movements. 3.A. The Internet reveals true human nature. B. Some people pursue fame at whatever cost. C. There are ugly and shameless people in this world. D. The Internet helps some people gain overnight fame. 4.A. He attaches great importance to fame. B. He tries hard to live up to his fame. C. He pays little attention to fame. D. He has control over his fame. 5.A. She would not take any photo of her baby. B. She would not give birth to her baby in hospital. C. She would keep her baby away from the medias attention. D. She would not let her information appear in the newspapers. 6.A. He considers it a wise choice. B. He has mixed feelings about it. C. He believes it is a great loss for Yao. D. He thinks Yao should continue to play. 7.A. They are already somewhat successful before talent shows. B. They have little preparation for too much media attention. C. They have an open door into the entertainment industry. D. They are offered more chances to become recognized. 8.A. He will see his favorite foreign football player. B. He will play football with a foreign player. C. He will meet his best friend at the airport. D. He will play football for the local team. 9.A. She drove fast in order not to be overtaken. B. She was forced to slow down when driving. C. She had to drive at 120 kilometers per hour. D. She overtook a man on her way home. 10. A. Her mother will live in her apartment. B. She shares an apartment with others. C. She will buy an expensive apartment. D. Her father has been ill for a long time.Part 2 Long Conversations (8 points) 11. A. To try to get some roles in movies. B. To appear on reality TV programs.1 A.他们没有用处因为他们不能发现真正的天才。他们没有必要,因为已经有很多伟大的人才。他们是惊人的,因为他们为人才提供希望。他们成功是因为他们发现了许多天才。2。答:成龙是现在 50 岁以上的。B. Jacky Chan 的行为只有在动作电影。C.成龙获取成功的五十岁。D. Jacky Chan 执行危险的动作。3、互联网揭示真实人性。有些人不惜任何代价追求名声。世上有丑陋无耻的人。互联网帮助一些人一夜成名。4、他非常重视名声。他努力不辜负他的名声。他很少注意名声。D.他控制了他的名声。5 A.她不会拍任何她孩子的照片。她不会在医院生她的孩子。她会让她的孩子远离媒体的注意。她不会让她的信息出现在报纸上。6 A.他认为这是一个明智的选择。他对它有混合的感觉。他认为这对姚来说是一个巨大的损失。他认为姚应该继续比赛。7、他们在才艺表演之前已经有点成功了.。他们没有太多的媒体关注的准备。他们有一个开放的大门进入娱乐业。D.他们提供了更多的机会成为认可。8 他会看到他最喜欢的外国足球运动员。他将和一个外国球员踢足球.。他将在机场迎接他最好的朋友。他将为当地队踢足球.。9、A.为了不被超车,她开得很快。驾驶时她不得不放慢速度.。她不得不以每小时 120 公里的速度开车.。在回家的路上她在一个男人身上追上了。10 她妈妈将住在她的公寓里.。她和别人共用一个公寓。C.她将买一个昂贵的公寓。她父亲病了很长时间了.。C. To make a popular Internet video. D. To start appearing in talk shows. 12. A. It is funny. B. It is crazy. C. It is boring. D. It is dangerous. 13. A. Have a cat dance while baking. B. Film ball room dancing. C. Bake chocolate cakes. D. Have a barbecue. 14. A. The dog was born in June. B. The dog is incredibly lazy. C. The dog is pretty clever. D. The dog likes to dance.Questions 15 to 18 are based on the same passage or dialog. (对应录音题号(对应录音题号5-8) 15. A. Because she is fascinated with the wedding. B. Because she greatly admires the beautiful bride. C. Because she is attracted by the charm of the prince. D. Because she appreciates becoming famous suddenly. 16. A. The bride had her personal details under control. B. The bride dreamed of getting married in a garden. C. The bride preferred a small family-only ceremony. D. The bride experienced much pressure at the wedding. 17. A. She is proud of marrying into the royal family. B. She has gradually faded out of the public eye. C. Shes become an international fashion symbol. D. She is good at handling family relationships. 18. A. She has a long-sleeved wedding dress. B. She has red flowers on her wedding dress. C. She has long leaves on her wedding dress. D. She has small flowers on her wedding dress. Part 3 Passage (12 points) Questions 19 to 22 are based on the same passage or dialog. 19. A. They should assess their food production potential. B. They should make foods healthy and affordable. C. They should make food prices more reasonable. D. They should ensure the security of junk food. 20. A. By starting more large farms in the center of cities. B. By building more high-density buildings in city centers. C. By tearing down high-density buildings in city centers. D. By using unused open spaces in residential areas in cities. 21. A. It began as a result of growing demand for fresh food. B. It began in response to the efforts of governments. C. It began as a movement against social injustice. D. It began among under-privileged communities. 22. A. Reduced energy needs and costs for refrigeration.11、尝试在电影中扮演一些角色。B.出现在现实的电视节目。让一个流行的互联网视频。D.开始出现在谈话节目。12,这很有趣。它是疯狂的。它是无聊的。D.这是危险的。13 A.在烤的时候有一只猫在跳舞。电影球室舞蹈。C. Bake 巧克力蛋糕。D 有一个烧烤。
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