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水文地质与工程地质常见的专业英语词汇(勘察报告类)水文地质类水文地质类 孔隙水:pore water 裂隙水:crevice-water;fracture water 抽水试验:pumping test 压水试验:water pressure testHydraulic pressure test 注水试验:water injection test 渗透系数:coefficient of permeability 包气带:zone of aeration 上层滞水:perched water 潜水:phreatic water 承压水:confined water 含水层:aquifer 地下水侵蚀性:groundwater erosion 降排水工程:dewatering and drainage engineering 多孔介质:porous medium 水质标准:water quality standard 地下水水质:quality of the groundwater 流域:valley, basin地下水 groundwater 地下水流域 groundwater catchment 地下水条件;地下水情况 groundwater condition 地下水连通实验 groundwater connectivity test 地下水量枯竭 groundwater depletion 地下水流量;地下水溢流 groundwater discharge 地下水分水岭 groundwater divide 地下水排水工程 groundwater drainage works 地下水流向 groundwater flow direction 地下水位 groundwater level 地下水监测 groundwater monitoring 地下水污染 groundwater pollution 地下水水压测试 groundwater pressure measurement 地下水体系 groundwater regime 地下水位 groundwater table 地下水位变动 groundwater table fluctuation 工程地质类工程地质类 原位测试:in-situ tests 岩土工程勘察报告:geotechnical investigation report 不良地质作用:adverse geologic action岩土参数标准值:standard value ofgeotechnical parameter 土工试验:soil engineering tests 现场检验:in-situ inspection 现场监测:in-situ monitoring 工程地质测绘:engineering geological mapping 地基土:foundation soil 岩土层:layer,stratum (复 strata) 地基承载力特征值:characteristic value of subgrade bearing 地基变形允许值:allowable subsoil deformation 地基处理:ground treatment 复合地基:composite foundation 承载力:bearing capacity 持力层:bearing stratum 桩:pile 承台:pilecap 钻孔灌注桩:drilled concreting piles 人工挖孔桩:hand-excavated hole piles (artificial hole piles) 沉管灌注桩:driven cast-in-place pile 深层搅拌桩: deep mixing method 预制桩:pretesting piles 静压桩:static-driving pile (Jack Up Pile) 高压旋喷灌注:high-pressure rotary grouting 桩基础:pile foundation 桩土承台:pile-soil-pilecap 动力触探:dynamic sounding 标准贯入试验:SPT (standard penetration technique) 土钉:soil Nailing 地质灾害:geological hazards 地裂缝:ground fissure 管涌:piping 泥石流:mud-rock flow 滑坡:landslide 指标:index (复 indexes 或 indices) 地震烈度:seismic intensity; earthquake intensity 地震基本烈度:basic seismic intensity 场地卓越周期:site predominant period建筑场地类型:site classification for construction 剪切波速:equivalent velocity of shear wave 静力触探:static cone penetration test 剪切波速测试:measurement of sheer-wave velocity 液化:liquefaction 地震影响:earthquake effects 地下水对混凝土无侵蚀性:the groundwater has little erosion to reinforced concrete 边坡:slope 锚固:anchoring 阶地:terrace 岩溶区:karst area 淤泥:sludge (muck) 风化:weather 冲积:alluvial (.adj.) 残积土:residual soil 填土:fill 人工杂填土:artificial mixed fills 粉土:silt. 粉砂:silty sand 细砂:fine sand 粗砂:coarse sand 砾石:gravel 卵石:cobble 漂石:block 海相粘土:marine clay 颗粒级配:grain size distribution 湿度:soil moisture 塑限:plastic limit 粘聚力:cohesion 塑性指数:plasticity index 物理力学指标:physical and mechanical indices 抗剪强度:shear strength 岩石抗压强度:comprehensive strength of rock 地基加固:ground stabilization 土壤加固:soil stabilization 挡土墙:retaining wall 胀缩:swell-shrink 敏感性:susceptibility 膨胀灵敏度:swell sensitivity 超固结土:overconsolidated clay翻译常用英语单词翻译常用英语单词阐述:is presented; statement; be discussed 阐明:expound 涉及:deal with 揭示:discover; show; exhibit 得出结论:draw a conclusion from;(或):come to a conclusion 认为:firmly believe 建议:suggest 值:value 性质:properties, characteristics 厚度:thickness 在论文最后:at the end of the thesis 断定:conclude that- 数量:quantity 确定:determine 拟建:a structure planning to build 证实:confirm 住宅楼:dwelling 综合办公楼:composite office building 小区:district 达到标准:come up to the standards 选择为:be chosen for 核实:make sure 统计:statistics (n) 统计数字:statistical figure 防治对策:prevention strategic measure 水量丰富:rich in water resources 组分:constituent 结果:as a consequence 引起:give rise to地质类词汇地质类词汇 岩浆岩:igneous rock 变质岩:metamorphic rock 沉积岩:sedimentary 白云岩:dolomite 白云质灰岩:dolomitic limestone 凝灰岩:tuff 安山岩:andesite 花岗岩:granite 玄武岩:basalt 泥岩:mudstone 硅质页岩:siliceous shale 板岩:slate(岩层)走向:strike (岩层)倾角:dip angle (岩层)产状:strike-dip (区域)地质构造:tectogenesistectonic movement 构造活动性:tectonic activity 张节理:tension joint 活断层:active fault 地裂缝:ground fissure 粘土矿物:clay mineral路桥基勘察:路桥基勘察: 墩:pier 桥墩:reinforced concrete bridge piers 高速公路:express highway,expressway 国道:national way 路基:roadbed 路线:route 路段:a section of a highway中 华 人 民 共 和 国 国 家 标 准 GB/T 1415793 水文地质术语 Hydrogeologic terminology 水文地质学 hydrogeology 水文地质学原理(普通水文地质学)principles of hydrogeology(general hydrogeology) 地下水动力学 groundwater dynamics 水文地球化学 hydrogeochemistry 专门水文地质学 applied hydrogeology 供水水文地质学 water supply hydrogeology 矿床水文地质学 mine hydrogeology 土壤改良水文地质学 reclamation hydrogeology 环境水文地质学 environmental hydrogeology 同位素水文地质学 isotopic hydrogeology 区域水文地质学 regional hydrogeology 古水文地质学 pa1eohydrogeology 水循环 water cycle 水圈 hydrosphere 岩石圈 lithosphere 包气带 aeration zone 毛细带 capillary zone 饱水带 saturated zone 地下水动力垂直分带 dynamical vertical zoning of groundwater 大气降水 atmospheric precipitation 地表水 surface water 土壤水 soil water 空隙 void
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