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DoDo youyou collectcollect anythinganything教学教学目标目标1. 掌握下列词语: fan,fan, stamp,stamp, tidytidy up,up, shelf,shelf, havehave a a look,look, as,as, coin,coin, note,note, poundpound dollar,dollar, valuablevaluable2.会用英语谈论爱好,提高听说读写能力。3.熟练掌握五种基本句型。重点重点难点难点熟练掌握五种基本句型。教教 学学 过过 程程Task1Task1 预习任务:预习任务:1. 进来 _ _ 2. 找地方坐下 3. 看一看 4. 有点 5. 使整齐;使整洁 6. 世界各地 7. 六七本邮册 8. 我的爱好不如你的花费多。 温馨提示:要认真预习,他们就在课文中。Task2Task2 WarmingWarming upup Talk about your hobbies with your classmates . 温馨提示:和同位大胆地用英语谈论你的爱好,相信你是最棒的。TaskTask 3 3 Pre-listeningPre-listening 1. read the new words in groups .2. Answer the questions in (Activity2) 温馨提示:积极发言,大胆展示。Task4Task4 WhileWhile listeninglistening 1.Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions(1) How many people are there in this dialogue?(2)Who are they?(3) Where will Lingling put the fans?温馨提示:这是锻炼听力的好机会,要认真听哟!2.Read the dialogue carefully and complete the chart (A3)Lingling hobby Betty hobbies Tony hobby 温馨提示:把握文章细节做练习。3. Read in a role play in a small group. 温馨提示:小组合作完成任务,注意语音语调。Task5Task5 DevelopmentDevelopmentTaskTask 8 8 S Summaryummary 让同学们谈谈自己这节课的收获。温馨提示:小组内总结,成员要积极发言,组长归纳。TaskTask 9 9 HomeworkHomework 完成互动 M1U1教学反思:教学反思: 1. Sorry, its a bit of a mess. 不好意思,有点乱。(1) a bit =a little “有点” (即可修饰形容词或副词的原级,也可修饰比较级)(2) a bit of + n. “一点” (修饰不可数名词)The question is _ difficult. There is _ water in the glass.2. I collect coins and notes, you know, like British pounds and US dollars, 我收集硬币和纸币,你知道,比如英镑和美元。(1) notes 在这里表示“纸币, ”为复数形式。如:Have you read the book One Million Pound Note by Mark Twain?你读过马克吐温的百万英镑吗?(2) note 还可以表示“记录,笔记” ,一般只有复数形式。如:Take notes on the important points while you are listening.听的时候把重点记录下来。温馨提示:小组合作完成任务,解决疑难问题,你一定要积极表现啊!TaskTask 8 8 WorkWork inin pairs.pairs.1. What is your hobby? 2. Why do you enjoy your hobby? 3. When did you start doing it? 4. How often do you ?温馨提示:积极发言,大胆展示,相信自己是最棒的。【学以致用学以致用】一、根据所给汉语提示,写出正确单词。1. He began to collect (邮票) when he was young. 2. We have to (收拾) up our classroom every day. 3. Can I (看一看) at your new fan?4. _ (他的爱好) is playing the piano.5. There is (一点)milk in the bottle.温馨提示:这些都是本节课的重点,请同学们认真完成。二、选词填空 :next, strange, while, out, along, close, spend, watch, surprise, he An old farmer had 1_ _all his life on his farm in the country far from the city. One day, he decided to visit the big city. Everything was new and 2_ _to him, because he had never been there.The old farmer visited a lot of interesting places in the city. He went into a large tall building and saw a lift. As he 3_ _, an old woman got into the lift and 4_ _ the door. After a 5_ the door opened again and a very beautiful young girl came 6_ _.The old farmer was very7_ _.“What an interesting little room!“he said to 8_ .“It is magic! It can change an old woman into a young girl. Then 9_ time I come here, I am going to bring my life 10_. .”温馨提示:请同学们认真读这片有趣的短文,体会到其中的乐趣。
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