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Item 7 Tour of Gardens 园林游览The best physicians are Dr.Diet,Dr.Quiet and Dr.Merry-man. 节食、安静和快乐是良医。Model 1: A Trip to the Yu Yuan Garden 游览豫园 Warm-up: Work in pairs. This item we are going to take trips to different gardens in China. First lets carry out a brief discussion.1. Discuss the standards by which Chinesegardens can be classified. 1) Contents of gardens:naturalistic, man-made 2) Owners of gardens:imperial/royal, private, monastic, gardens in scenic resorts 3) Geographical location of gardens:south; north 2. Can you translate the following gardens into Chinese and tell each other where they are located. The Yuyuan Garden, The Summer Palace,豫园, 上海 颐和园,北京The Chengde Mountain Summer Resort, 承德避暑山庄,河北 The Humble Administrators Garden, The Lingering Garden, 拙政园,苏州 留园,苏州 The Garden of Perfection and Brightness, 圆明园,北京 The Lion Grove Garden, The Master-of-Nets Garden, 狮子林,苏州 网师园,苏州 The Retreat and Reflection Garden, The Grand View Garden. 退思园,苏州 大观园,北京 3. Can you say something about the Yuyuan Garden? And what type of garden does the Yuyuan Garden belong to? Words and Phrasesbackpacker n. 背包族,背包徒步 旅行者arched adj. 拱形的ingenious adj. 精巧的, 敏捷的architecture n. 建筑layout n. 布局,设计private adj. 私人的pavilion n. 亭子rockery n. 假山,石园林particularity n. 特别之处peculiar adj. 特殊的 announcement n. 宣告,通告 imperialist n. 帝国主义者 uprising n. 起义,暴动 patriotic adj. 爱国主义的,爱国的 be characteristic of 具有的特 征 arched bridges 拱桥 twisting corridors and passages 回廊 the Hall for Summoning Spring 点春堂 the Small Sword Society 小刀会 Useful Expressions 1. Many tourists are attracted by its ingenious architecture and layout. 许多游客被它独特的建筑风格和奇异的布 局所吸引。2. The buildings in the garden are characteristic of South Chinas style of the Ming and Qing dynasties.豫园的建筑具有江南明清的典型特征。3. The rock looks somewhat different from the ordinary rocks.这块岩石看起来和普通石头有点不同。4. The rock has four particularities.这块石头有四个特别之处。5. It sounds instructive and patriotic. 听起来具有教育意义和爱国情怀。 Listen and Answer 1. Why does Jack invite Miss Zhang to travel Yuyuan Garden?Because Jack wants to know more knowledge about Yuyuan Garden and takes more pictures.2. What usually attracts most tourists when they visit Yuyuan Garden?Most tourists are attracted by its ingenious architecture and layout.3. When and Why did Pan Yunduan build Yuyuan Garden?He finished constructing the garden in 1577 in order to bring happiness and pleasure to his old parents.4. How many scenes are there in the garden?More than 30.5. Which two scenes are mentioned in detail in the dialogue?Yu Linglong (Exquisite Jade Rock) and the Hall for Summoning Spring.Role-play Situation A: Mr. Wang is a tour guide who is showing a team of tourists from Australia around the Yuyuan Garden. Mr. Wang: Greets the tourists. Introduces the history of the Yuyuan Garden. Explains the ingenious architecture and layout. Explains Yu Linglong to tourists. Explains the Hall for Summoning Spring.Tourists: Want to know the history of the Yuyuan Garden. Take pictures with the gardens gate as a background. Appreciate the fascinating scenes. Appreciate Yu Linglong. Give exciting remarks.
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