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美联英语提供:撷自那片芳洲的清供两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/www.meten.com/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0探家归来,他左手提着旅行包,右手擎着盛了大半清水、插了一束嫩绿柳枝的玻璃瓶,在街上缓缓地走着。这时,轻风拂面,凉雨漫洒,叫人忧伤Returning from a visit to his hometown, he walked slowly alorig the streetina chilly drizzling rain, a travelling bag in his left hand, and in his right handa half-filled glass water bottle with a bunch of green tender willow twigs stuck in it. A light wind touching his face called for painful memories of the past.当时,爸爸妈妈深翻土地去了,据说土地挖到五尺深,就能打下万斤粮。一尺深就是2,000 斤啊!为了这“一本万利”的大事业,他们经常是十多天才回一趟家。这样,照料幼小的他的活务,就落在了 14 岁小姐姐嫩弱的肩上Those were the days when Father and Mother went deep-ploughing in the fields. They were told that when the earth was ploughed five feet deep, the grain yield per mu would reach ten thousand jin. Simply digging one foot down would amount to two thousand jin of grain! Busy with such a “highly profitable“ significant job, they could come back home only once in more than ten days. The task of taking care of him thus fell upon the limp shoul-ders of his 14-year-old sister.他肚子像着了火,热辣辣地难受,在炕上打滚哭闹:“我饿,我睡不着呀!”His stomach was aching as if catching fire; he rolled back and forth on the kang crying out loud, “I am so hungry. I cant sleep!“躺在他身边的姐姐连忙坐起来,伸手将他托到自己腿上,小声地唱着:His sister who lay beside him sat up at once. Resting him on her legs, shesang to him soffly:小弟弟,好宝宝,小弟弟,快睡觉。Little Brother, good baby,Little Brother, sleep well.天大亮了。没有苇席的土炕上,空落落地躺着他一个人,他急得大哭大喊:“妈,姐姐-”It was broad daylight when he woke up to find himself alone on the matlesskang. He screamed with fear, “Mum! Sister-“小弟,我在这儿哩,快来呀!”他循着姐姐的声音,赤脚光腚跑出屋门,只见院子中央的那棵大柳树下,支着一根顶门棍,姐姐正踮起脚跟站在木棍的顶端上,左手抓着一根树权权,右手向一簇挂满了柳芽的柳枝伸去。由于个子矮,怎么也够不着。她忽然猛地向上一跃,扑向那柳枝。倏然间,就跌倒在地上了,手里却还紧紧攥着那簇柳枝。“Little Brother, I am here. Come over here quickly!“Following the voice of his sister, he ran out of the room, his feet and bottom all bare. It was under the big willow tree in the middle of the courtyard that he found his sister standing on her toes on the top end of a door-propping stick being leaned against the tree. Her left hand seized hold of a branch while her right hand was stretching for a cluster of twigs prospering with buds. But she was too small to reach them. Then she suddenly jumped up in an attempt to get at them. Before he realized what had happened, she fell on the ground, but with a firm grip of those twigs in her hand.“姐-”,他连滚带爬地扑过去。姐姐躺在地上,慢慢睁开了眼睛,朝他笑了。她的右眼角上方在滴血。他跑到墙根寻来极细极细的土末末,撤在姐姐的伤口上止住了血。姐姐两手撑地坐起来,把柳枝上的嫩芽一个个小心摘下,放进一个盛着清水的瓦盆里,然后两只手就在盆里不停地揉捏,不一会儿,清凌凌的水就给染上了浓重的翡翠色。姐姐又换了一盆清水,继续揉捏着,直到盆里的水不再变绿,才将柳芽捞出来,捏成一个拳头大小的团子,递到他的手里。“Sister-“he threw himself upon her. Slowly she opened her eyes and smiledat him, when he spotted a bleeding cut above her right eye-corner. At the foot of the wall, he swiffly collected a pinch of very fine dust and sprinkled it on the cut. It stopped bleeding. Sister propped herself up with both hands. She carefully stripped all the buds off the willow twigs and put them in an earthen pot filled with clean water. Then she kept squashing and rubbing them between her fingers; soon the water was dyed a thick emerald green. She replaced it with another pot of clean water and repeated her action untilthe water no longer changed its color. Scooping up the buds and kneading them into a ball no bigger than a fist, she handed it to him.“哈哈哈,好小弟,快吃呀!吃了肚子就不唱大戏了。”“Aha, my good brother. Now eat it and your stomach will not make any noise again.“他一把夺过来就吃,淡淡的清苦味中,竟有一股甜丝丝的味道。He grabbed it and gobbled it up. It even tasted somewhat sweet mingled with a slight bitterness.深挖土地的鏖战还在进行,姐姐就病了。开始只说是脖子疼,后来脖子上暴起了又粗又红的筋,那破了的地方还流出黄粘的汁液。The deep-ploughing battle was still on when Sister fellill. Initially, she felt apain on her neck; then reddish thick veins popped out along her neck, with ulcers oozing thick yellow mucus.那天一早,一辆古老的独轮车推着姐姐和他走上了村头那条弯弯曲曲的蛋黄色小路。中午时分,他们找到了那家全县最大的医院,谁知医生们也都参加中心任务去了,值班的小阿姨根本没有见过姐姐得的这种病。独轮车又顺着来时的路返回了。That morning saw an ancient one-wheeled pushcart, with both his sister andhim sitting on it, rolling along the yolk-yellow winding path stretching awayfrom the end of the village. At noon time, they arrived at the biggest hospitalin town. Who would have thought that all the doctors were away to partici-pate in the “central tasks“ of the time! The young nurse on duty had never seen such a case before. The cart rolled back following the same route it came in the moming.以后,就请乡下的土医生给姐姐治病。他们不用任何麻醉药拿一把明晃晃的刀子在姐姐脖子上割治。姐姐不哭,实在忍不住才哼一声。她用手紧紧抓着他的胳臂,指甲抠进他的肉里。土医生们吃喝一顿走了,却没有把姐姐的病带走。Then some local medical men were called in. They performed an operation on Sisters neck with a dazzling knife without using anesthetic. She refused to cry, only uttering a groan at the most unbearable moment, her hand clutch-ing his arm, her nails digging into his flesh. The men left after a big dinner, but they did not take away Sisters disease.他守在姐姐身边,给她端开水,倒便盆。她的病越来越重,身子越来越虚,一小碗开水分几次喝,还累得直喘气。想睡,脖子疼得不能合眼。He stayed close by to look after her, bringing in drinking water and carrying away the bedpan. Nevertheless, she was getting we
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