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Golf Etiquette & ABC Courtesy English 高尔夫礼仪高尔夫礼仪 & 基础服务英语基础服务英语Part 1 Etiquette 高尔夫礼仪高尔夫礼仪 Golf Etiquette for Player 高尔夫礼仪选手1.Players should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like when they make a stroke or practice swing.球员在挥杆前须确保无人处在其球杆、球、激起的石子或树枝可能伤及的范围之内。2.Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.在前组球员未完全走出球的射程外时,不可击球。3.Players should always show consideration for other players on the course and should not disturb their play by moving, talking or making any unnecessary noise.球员在球场上要始终为其他球员着想,不要因走动、讲话影响他人打球,更不要弄出其它不必要的声响。4.On the teeing ground, a player should not tee his ball until it is his turn to play. 在发球台上,在轮到自己发球之前球员不应先架球。5.Players should not stand close to or directly behind the ball, or directly behind the hole, when a player is about to play.当其他选手准备击球时,请勿站在球及球洞的附近或正后方。6.On the putting green, players should not stand on another players line of putt or when he is making a stroke, cast a shadow over his line of putt. 在果岭上,请勿站在或让你的影子落在其他选手的推击线上。7.Players should remain on or close to the putting green until all other players in the group have holed out.请留在果岭附近直到同组其他选手完成该洞的比赛。8.Players should play at a good pace. It is a groups responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If it loses a clear hole and it is delaying the group behind, it should invite the group behind to play through, irrespective of the number of players in that group.请保持良好打球速度,跟上前一组是每一组的义务,如果前面已经空出一洞,应请紧跟上来的后组先打。9.Players should be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play. When playing on or near the putting green, they should leave their bags or carts in such a position as will enable quick movement off the green and towards the next tee. When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green.在轮到自己打球时,球员应当尽快做好打球准备。在果岭附近或果岭上打球时,球员应当把自己的球包或球车停放在适当的位置,以保证能够快速离开果岭并尽快向下一洞发球区移动;当一洞的打球结束后,球员应当立即离开果岭。10.If a player believes his ball may be lost in a water hazard or is out of bounds, to save time, he should play a provisional ball. 选手在确定球已掉入水障碍或界外时,为了节约时间,应使用暂定球。11.Players searching for a ball should signal the players in the group behind them to play through as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not easily be found. They should not search for longer than five minutes before doing so. Having allowed the group behind to play through, they should not continue to play until that group has passed and is out of range.当球显然不很容易找到时,正在找球的球员应在开始找球没有超过五分钟之前发出信号,让后续球员先行通过。在允许后续组先行通过时,在后续球员通过并走出球的射程可及范围之前,该组球员不应继续打球。12.Before leaving a bunker, players should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by them and any nearby made by others.在离开沙坑前,球员应仔细地平整好自己或其他人在沙坑中造成的坑穴和足迹。13.Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by themselves and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made by the player himself). On completion of the hole by all players in the group, damage to the putting green caused by golf shoes should be repaired.球员应认真修复任何由他造成的打迹和任何因球的冲击对球洞区造成的损伤(不论损伤是不是由球员自己造成的) 。打完一洞后,一组中的所有球员都应当修复鞋钉对球洞区造成的损坏。14.Players should not lean on their clubs when on the putting green.在果岭上,请勿用球杆支撑身体站立。15.The flagstick should be properly replaced in the hole before players leave the putting green. 离开果岭前,旗杆应插回球洞。Golf Etiquette for Audience 高尔夫礼仪观众1.Please choose a best way to watch the events lest you loiter. There are some Options:(1)Stay at a settled place, such as tee ground of hole1 or hole10, Green of hole 9 or hole 18. (2)Follow a player or a group. (3) Watch at your leisure.选择一个最佳看球方式,以免盲目奔走。方法如下:(1)可以固定在一定的位置观看比赛,比如在 1 号或 10 号洞的发球台, 或者在 9 号或 18 号洞的球洞区(果岭), 也可选定某一洞的某一位置定点观看;(2)可以随着某个运动员或某一组选手跟着走动观看;(3)边走边看的观看方法。2.Do not stand too close to the player making a stroke.不要站得离打球的选手太近。3.Dress in collared T-Shirt, golf shoes or other soft sole sports shoes. Leather shoes, high heel shoes, jeans and skirt are not permitted.着有领 T 恤,高尔夫鞋或其它软底运动鞋。禁止穿皮鞋、高跟鞋、牛仔服和裙子。4.Walk along the appointed path. Walk, do not run. Never walk on the fairway. Stay outside the ropes. 走指定路线,只能走不能跑。观看高尔夫比赛时不能进入选手比赛的球道,不要进入围绳之内。5.Take care of the course. Do not cause damage to the green by dragging your shoes. Do not move the stakes and cord. Do not walk on the bunker and in water hazard.爱护场地。注意鞋不要碾坏草皮,不要移动各种木桩和围绳,不要靠近水障碍和进入沙坑。6.Do not touch the ball if it is near you.不要捡拾和触碰选手的球。7.Keep silent, switch off or mute your cell phone. Do not use it when the player is about to play.保持肃静。关掉手机或把手机调成静音, 在有人打球时不要接听电话。8.Mute the shutter of your camera and never use flashlight. Keep a distance when you shoot lest the players should be interrupted. 照相时关掉快门的声音和闪光灯,取景时最好用远距离的长镜头,以免影响运动员打球。9.Keep silent when the player is about to play a stroke. Walking about and speaking is forbidden.当运动员准备在发球台上发球、在球道上击球或在果岭上推杆时,观众不要发出任何声音。10.Dont ask for a signature or group photo before the player has finished the 18 holes.在球手未完成 18 洞比赛之前, 禁止向球手索要签名或要求合影留念。11.Dont take
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