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1本科毕业论文(设计)题 目: 我国网上银行发展的现状及问题研究 学 院: 经济学院 专 业: 金融学 2008 级 姓 名: 祝天骄 指导教师: 龙琼华 2009 年 6 月 5 日青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)I摘 要在 21 世纪银行业的竞争将不再是传统的竞争:国内竞争、服务质量和价格的竞争,而金融业和非金融业、国内外、网上银行和银行等多元化的竞争。面对金融市场上的激烈竞争,特别是入世后国外银行的冲击,我国商业银行在做好传统银行业务的同时,开展业务创新,尤其是建立网上银行,已成为其谋求发展的主要出路之一。网络银行不仅是一种管理模式的变化,而且还是银行的商业理念的一种革命。传统银行业的竞争是设立多个分支争夺市场,但不重视服务手段、服务创新的内容。相反,网上银行则是完全打破旧有的模式,给银行业带来一场新的变革。开展网上银行的相关研究,有助于推动我国的网银事业的发展及完善。本文在分析网络银行特征的基础上,剖析了我国目前网上银行发展的现状,指出我国的网上银行发展存在着运作、业务、安全方面的隐患,如果不及时治理,将会产生严重后果。本文建议我国在发展网络银行的同时应采取如下对策:营造我国网络银行发展的良好环境;培育我国网络银行主体积极发展;加强对网络银行的有效地监管等,对我国的网银发展进行宏观调控和管理,以推动我国网银的健康发展。 关键词:网上银行;问题;对策青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)IIAbstractThe twenty-first Century banking competition will no longer be the traditional competition, domestic competition, the quality of service and price competition, but the financial industry and financial industry, domestic and foreign, online banking and bank and other diversified competition. In the face of fierce competition in the financial market, especially after the world the impact of foreign banks, our commercial banks do a good job in the traditional banking business at the same time, business innovation, especially the building of online banking, has become one of the main way for development. Internet banking is not only a kind of management mode change, is banking business concept of a revolution. The traditional banking competition is set up many branches to contend for the market, but does not take the means of service, service in novation. The on-line bank is completely broke the old patterns, to the banking industry brought a new revolution. To carry out online banking related research, helps to promote our country s banking development.This paper analyzes the characteristics of the banking network basis, analysis of Chinas current situation of the development of online banking in China, points out that the development of online banking, business, the existence of operation safety risks, if not in time management, will have serious consequences.This article suggested that in the development of Chinas network bank should take the following measures : to create a network of Bank of Chinas good environment; to breed our country banking network of the main positive development; banks to strengthen the network of effective supervision on Chinas banking development, macroscopical adjusting control and management, in order to promote the healthy development of Chinas banking.Key words: Internet banking; problem; countermeasure青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)III目 录一、绪论 .1(一)研究背景.1(二)研究意义.1(三)研究框架及研究方法(见图一).2二、网上银行的发展现状 .3(一)中国的网上银行发展现状.3(二)重在品牌建设.3(三)重视安全考虑.3(四)网上银行的发展前景.4三、网上银行发展存在的不足 .5(一)在运作过程中存在的不足.51.系统互联性差.52.产品缺乏特色.53.业务创新不足.54.较低的信息服务能力.55.风险防范能力有待提高.66.网上交易的法律问题.6(二)在业务发展中存在的问题.6(三)在安全隐患上存在的问题.81.网站安全性问题.82.认证安全性问题.93.信息传递安全性问题.9四、网上银行健康发展对策及建议 .11(一
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