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UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat timetime dodo youyou gogo toto school?school?TheThe firstfirst periodperiodTeaching aims:To master and use:1. What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at six thirty.2. What time do you usually take a shower?I usually take a shower at six forty.GuideGuide OneOneRead and translate the following sentences, then recite them within 2 minutes.1.What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at six thirty.2.What time do you usually take a shower?I usually take a shower at six forty.HaveHave a a match!match! WhoWho cancan dodo itit b best?est?GuideGuide TwoTwoPlease make new conversations with your partners, then act them out.Have a match! Which group is the best one?Notes:时间表达法:1. 整点表达法:基数词+ (oclock)3:00 three/3 (oclock)2.非整点表达法(1).先钟点,后分钟5:10 five ten 5:50 five fifty (2)先分钟,后钟点(半前 past,半后 to)5:10 ten past five 5:50 ten to six GuideGuide ThreeThreeListen to the tape and finish 1b, then read after 1b.ClassClass exercisesexercises
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