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profession teaching profession make it a profession to do something I dont know what profession would suit me. professionist n. professionless a. by profession 就职 业来说; 在职业上radiation the radiation of heat and light from a burning body. 从一个燃烧物发 出的热和光 atomic radiation 原 子辐射 make a breakthrough at some single point 突破 一点 an original play, not an adaptation. 原创剧本,不是改编 而成的 a truly original approach.全新的方法 original ideas 新颖的 想法 an original mind 有创 造性的思想 n. buy an original, not a print.买到真迹,不是复制品 origin n. He is a German by origin. 他原籍德国。a man of weak judgement In my judgement, we should accept his offer. make a judgement on“Hours are long, stress is high, and many members drop out or burn out”(Robert J. Samuelson) “时间长,压力大, 许多成员已弃权或疲 倦不堪” burn up:to make angry: 使生气,使发 怒 Their rudeness really burns me up. 他们的无礼真的让我 生气。 飞驰,飞奔 drag racers burning up the track. 正在跑道上飞驰的高 速赛车 the relation between smoking and heart disease.吸烟和心脏病之间的 关系 关联性 the relation of parents to child. 父母对孩子之间的关 系 international relations 国际关系 in /with relation to 关于., 就.而论make relation to 提及., 读到. follow in somebodys steps 模仿某人, 步某人后 尘 conduct both domestic and foreign affairs 做国内外事务 conduct an experiment 做实验conduct a survey 进行侦察/ 调查 conduct an opera 指挥歌曲 He conducts himself well. 他行为端正。 be in the majority 占多数, 拥有多数 He won by a greater majority in this election than in the last. 他比上一次赢得更多 数的选票。 minority be in the minority the minority areas 少数民族地区 a minority opinion 少数派的意见 a summary review. 简明扼要的观点summary justice 简明的审判 a summary rejection. 立即拒绝 The chemistry book had a summary at the end of each chapter. 那本化学书于每章末 均附有一概要。 summarily adv. summariness n.have consideration for others 为别人着想 Time is a very important consideration in this case. 在这种情况下时间是 极为重要的因素。 in consideration of =in view of; on account of 考虑到;由于: We should turn back in consideration of the worsening weather. 我们应该考虑到正在 恶化的天气而返回 =in return for: 对的 回报: a reward given in consideration of her contributions to the project. 为她在这项工程中作出的贡献而颁发给她 的酬金 be under consideration 在考虑中 leave out of consideration 没有考虑, 忽略 on no consideration 决不(置于句首,部分 倒装) out of consideration for出于对.的考虑; 体 谅 take one consideration with another 对各方面进行考虑 the first consideration 第一要件, 头等要事 under no consideration 不假思索, 轻率 a hunger for affection. 对爱的渴望hunger march 反饥饿游行 a hunger for learning 求知欲 vi. 饿; 渴望(after, for) hunger for friends 极想有朋友 vt. 使饥饿; 使因饿而. . (into, out of) try to hunger somebody into submission企图断粮迫使某人屈 服 hungry a. hungry eyes 渴望的眼睛 be hungry for knowledge 渴望求知 hungry soil 贫瘠的土壤 hungrily adv.hungriness n. as hungry as a hunter 饿极了 go hungry 挨饿 tasty dishes 鲜美的菜肴 A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body. 均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。 out of the ordinary 不平常的, 非凡的; 例 外的 Nothing out of the ordinary occurred. 没有什么超乎寻常的 事发生。 ordinary dress 平常服装 ordinary force常规部队 ordinariness n. a reliable assistant; a reliable car. 可靠的助手;经久耐 用的汽车 a reliable source of information; 可靠的消息来源; a dependable worker; 可靠的工人;a responsible used-car dealer; 负责任的旧汽车商人;a trustworthy report; 值得信赖的报道; a trusty servant of the state. 可靠的国家公务员 an accurate scale. 精确的天平accurate/correct/exact 均含“正确的”意思。accurate 表示准确的” ,精确的,指“通过努力, 使事情达到正确”, 如: She gave an accurate account of the accident. 她对事故做了准确的 描述。correct 为一般用语, 指“正确的”, 如: He gave correct answers to the questions. 他对这些问题提出了 正确的答案。 exact 表示“确切的”, “精确无误的”,指 “与事实完全相符”, 如:His answer is quite exact. 他的回答完全正确。 inaccurate incorrect inexact a cold and brief welcome 冷淡而简短的欢迎 make a brief visit 作短暂的访问 a brief account of the incident. 对事件简短的陈述 Be brief (with you), I disagree. 简单地(对你)说, 我不 同意。 in brief in short. 简而言之 vt. brief the whole story into a few sentences把整个故事节略成几 个句子 make brief of 使简短 to be brief 用作插入语简单地 说, 一句话 brief and to the point 简单扼要 brief sb. on sth. 向某人简要地介绍某事 in actual life 在实际生活中 the actual state of affairs 目前的形势 in actual existence 现存的 an actual account of the accident. 事故的真实报道actualist n. 实际家, 现实论者 actuality =reality n. 现实, 现实性 pl. 现状 actually adv. 实际上 竟然 “用事实或证据来进 一步证实或证明.是 真实的confirm a rumor 证实 谣言 confirm a theory 证实一种理论 confirm ones belief 坚定信念 confirm a contract 签合同, 批准合同 The hotel confirmed our reservations by telegram.旅馆给我们来电确认 所订膳宿不作变动。
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