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凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 1 页 共 6 页20072007 年考研英语阅读年考研英语阅读 PartPart B B 重要词汇重要词汇 整理整理1. 4 ensure in u v. 确定, 担保, 保证【词根记忆】:en(使动前缀)+sure(肯定)使肯定确保,保证【短语精选】:ensure an income to sb. 确保某人有一笔收入。【真题例句】:Mothers and fathers can do a lot to ensure a safe landing in early adulthood for their kid. 为确保孩子在成年早期有一个平稳的着陆,父母有许多工作要做。(2007,新题型)2. 13 emerging md ingadj. 浮现, 脱出, 形成【词根记忆】:e(向外)+merg(合并)+ ing(形容词后缀)向外凸显的出现的,浮现的【短语精选】:emerge into a street 在街上出现。【真题例句】:Even if a jobs starting salary seems too small to satisfy an emerging adults need for rapid content 即使一份工作的起薪看起来并不能满足一个成长中的成年人快速增长的需求。(2007,新题型)3. 2 transition trnsinn. 转变, 过渡时期, 转换【词根记忆】:trans(从这里到那里)+it(走)+ ion(名词后缀)从这里走到那里过渡,变迁,转变【短语精选】:a transition period stage 过渡时期阶段。【真题例句】:the transition from school to work can be less of a setback if the start-up 凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 2 页 共 6 页adult is ready for the move. 如果一个刚成年的孩子做好准备的话,从学校到工作的过渡就不会充满那么多挫折。(2007,新题型)4. 1 unreadinessn. 没预备; 不敏捷【词根记忆】:un(否定前缀)+readi(准备好)+ ness(名词后缀)没准备好,不敏捷【真题例句】:Here are a few measures, drawn from my book Ready or Not, Here Life Comes, that parents can take to prevent what I call “work-life unreadiness”. 我从自己的书无论准备好与坏,这就是生活中摘出了几条有用的办法,可以帮助父母来防止我说的“工作不适应”。(2007,新题型)5. 1 collaborate k lb reitv. 合作; 通敌【词根记忆】:col(共同,全部)+labor(工作)+ ate(动词后缀)一起工作合作,勾结【短语精选】:in collaboration with 1. 与合作合著、合编。 2. 与勾结。【真题例句】:Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses with them and work together on any shortcomings, like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating.与孩子一起阶段性地回顾他们出现的强项和弱点,共同克服短板,例如沟通上或合作上的障碍。(2007,新题型)6. 16 identify aidentifaiv. 识别, 鉴定, 认明; 认同; 感同身受; 一致【词根记忆】:i(强调)+dent(牙齿)+ ify(使动后缀)使露出牙齿识别,认出【短语精选】:identify handwriting 鉴定笔迹。【真题例句】:Also, identify the kinds of interests they keep coming back to, as these offer clues to the careers that will fit them best. 同样也要辨别出哪些兴趣爱好是他们一直保持的,这些爱好可以为他们将来适合从事什么工作提供线索。(2007,新题型)7. 2 authentic :entikadj.可信的【词根记忆】:auth(权威)+ent(形容词后缀)+ ic(形容词后缀)真正的,可靠的凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 3 页 共 6 页【短语精选】:authentic news 可靠消息。【真题例句】:Kids need a range of authentic role models as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes. 孩子们需要一些榜样,这些榜样要与他们一辈的偶像如流行巨星和自负的体凯程星截然相反。(2007,新题型)8. 2 deadlinen. 死线, 截止期限, 原稿截止时间【词根记忆】:dead(死亡)+line(线)触线即死截止时间【短语精选】:meet, miss a deadline 如期 超过期限【真题例句】:Assign responsibilities around the house and make sure homework deadline are met .给孩子分配家务活,并确保家庭作业按时完成。(2007,新题型)9. 2 gratification grtifikeinn.满意【词根记忆】:grati(喜好)+fic(连接,无意义)+ ation(名词后缀)满足,喜悦【短语精选】:Your praise gives me much gratification. 承您夸奖,十分高兴。【真题例句】:Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities. 孩子需要大量的练习来学会“延迟满足”并锻炼出有效的组织能力,例如时间管理和要事优先。(2007,新题型)10. 1 monotonous m n t n sadj.单调的, 无变化的【词根记忆】:mono(一)+ton(音调)+ ous(形容词后缀)音调单一的单调的【短语精选】:drudge at some monotonous work 勤苦地做一些单调的工作【真题例句】:At the same time, listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors.与此同时,如果一直戴着耳机听同样的单调的节拍使得他们沉浸在自己的幻想中而不是努力做实事。(2007,新题型)11. 5 passive psiv凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 4 页 共 6 页adj.被动的【词根记忆】:pass(承受;忍受)+ive(形容词后缀)需要承受的被动的【短语精选】:the passive voice 被动语态。【真题例句】:Hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way. 一连数小时看加有笑声的电视节目只会让孩子们被动地处理信息。(2007,新题型)12. 7 endeavor ndev n. 努力; 尽力【词根记忆】:en(加强)+deavor努力,尽力【短语精选】:make every endeavor 尽一切努力,不遗余力。【经典例句】:Ill endeavor to ascertain her mind. 我得先努力弄清楚她的想法。(2007,新题型)13. 12 concentration k nsentreinn. 集中, 集合, 专心, 浓缩, 浓度【词根记忆】:con(共同,全部)+centr(中心)+ ation(名词后缀)同中心集中,专心,集合【短语精选】: with deep concentration 专心。【真题例句】:All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make it difficult for kids to develop the kind of sustained concentration they will need for most jobs. 所有的这些活动阻止了重要的交流和思考能力的发展,使孩子很难发展出将来工作时所需要的持续集中注意力的能力。(2007,新题型)14. 3 setbackn. 顿挫, 退步, 挫折【词根记忆】:set(放置)+back(向后)向后放置困顿,挫折【短语精选】:setbacks in business 生意上的挫败【真题例句】:Eisenhower could not afford a massive risk and setback. 艾森豪威尔经受凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 5 页 共 6 页不起一次大规模的冒险和挫败。(2007,新题型)15. 1 inadequacy nd kw s n. 不适当; 不充分; 不完全【词根记忆】:in(否定前缀)+adequ(充分,恰当)+ acy(名词后缀)不充分,不恰当【短语精选】:inadequacy of housing 住房不足【真题例句】:They should know how to deal with setbacks, stresses and feelings of inadequacy. 他们应该学会怎样面对挫折,处理压力。(2007,新题型)16. 10 conflict k nfliktn.斗争, 冲突;vi.抵触, 冲突【词根记忆】:con(共同,一起)+flict(打击)打在一起冲突【短语精选】:undergo an inner conflict 思想上产生矛盾。【经典例句】:Their account of events conflicts with ours. 他们对事件的说法与我们的说法截然不同。17. 1 brainstormn. 头脑风暴, 献策献计【词根记忆】:brain(头脑)+storm(风暴)头脑风暴献策献计,灵机一动【短语精选】:a brain-storm specialist 美俚理论家。【真题例句】:They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways to brainstorm and think critically. 他们同样需要学习怎样解决问题和化解矛盾,多动脑筋和进行批判性思考。(2007,新题型)18. 4 delicate
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