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The Pet VetElectronic book published by ipicturebooks.com24 W. 25th St. New York, NY 10011 www.ipicturebooks.comAll rights reserved. Copyright 1999 by The Millbrook Press, Inc.Real Kids Readers and the Real Kids Readers logo are trademarks of The Millbrook Press, Inc.No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For the Gardner family Martha, Bill, Matthew, and especially Sarah, who loves animals M. L.Special thanks to FAO Schwarz and Julianna Carlson for providing stuffed animals.e-ISBN 1-58824-487-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataLeonard, Marcia.The pet vet / Marcia Leonard ; photographs by Dorothy Handelman.p. cm. (Real kids readers. Level 1)Summary: A child pretends to be a veterinarian who heals sick pets.ISBN 0-7613-2050-4 (lib. bdg.). ISBN 0-7613-2075-X (pbk.)1. Veterinarians Fiction. 2. Stories in rhyme. I. Handelman, Dorothy, ill. II. Title. III. Series. PZ8.3.L54925Pg 1999 Edc21The Pet VetBy Marcia LeonardPhotographs by Dorothy HandelmanI am Bret. I am a vet.4I can help you with your pet.7Is your tan cat sick and hot?89I will fix it with a shot.10Is your pink pig cold and ill?1213I will fix it with a pill.14I can help your big, hurt dog.16I can help your small, sad frog.18I can mend a leg or wing.20I can help a bird to sing.22It is fun to play pet vet.2425You will like it too, I bet.2627When I am big, I will be glad.2829Ill be a real vet, like my dad.30Phonic Guidelines Use the following guidelines to help your child read the words in The Pet Vet.Short Vowels When two consonants surround a vowel, the sound of the vowel is usually short. This means you pronounce a as in apple, e as in egg, i as in igloo, o as in octopus, and u as in umbrella. Short-vowel words in this story include: bet, big, can, cat, dad, dog, fix, fun, hot, leg, pet, pig, sad, vet.Short-Vowel Words with Beginning Consonant Blends When two different consonants begin a word, they usually blend to make a combined sound. Words in this story with beginning consonant blends include: Bret, frog, glad.Short-Vowel Words with Ending Consonant Blends When two different consonants end a word, they usually blend to make a combined sound. Words in this story with ending consonant blends include: help, mend, pink, sing, wing.R-Controlled Vowels When a vowel is follwed by the letter r, its sound is changed by the r. Words in this story with r-controlled vowels include: bird, hurt.Double Consonants When two identical consonants appear side by side, one of them is silent. In this story, double consonants appear in the short-vowel words ill, pill, will, and in the all-family, the word small.Sight Words Sight words are those words that a reader must learn to recognize immediatelyby sight instead of by sounding them out. They occur with high frequency in easy texts. Sight words not included in the above categories are: a, am, and, be, I, is, it, like, my, play, to, too, when, with, you, your.
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