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生物技术审批的延迟 对大豆生产、供应和需求的全球性影响 Global Implications of Biotechnology Approval Delays to Soy Production, Supply & Demand International Soy Growers Alliance Forum on Global Implications of Biotechnology Approval Delays to Soy Production, Supply & Demand China World Hotel, Beijing (China), April 21, 2015 Lloyd C. Day Deputy Director General Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) 劳埃德劳埃德 C. 戴毅戴毅 美洲国家间农业合作 研究学会 副总干事长 IICA是个什么机构? What is IICA? 美洲国与国体系中从事农业和农村福利促进工作的专业机构。 The specialized agency of the Inter-American System for the promotion of agriculture and rural well-being. 由美国农业部亨利华莱士部长发起,成立于1942年。 Founded in 1942 by USDA Secretary Henry Wallace 有34个成员国 34 Member States 着重致力于:Strategic emphasis: 技术和创新 Technology and innovation 农业健康和食品安全 Agricultural health and food safety 贸易 Trade 农村发展 Rural development 自然资源 Natural resources 2 IICA做哪些工作? What does IICA do? 有组织地加强 Institutional strengthening 公共政策的发展和深化 Development and strengthening of public policies 人类才智的能力建设和发展 Capacity building and development of human talent 利益攸关各方的共识建设和协调 Consensus building and coordination of stakeholders 项目管理 Project management 知识的管理和使用 Management and use of knowledge 3 IICA做哪些工作? What does IICA do? 横向合作 Horizontal cooperation 协调各成员国在国际论坛中的立场 Coordination of Member States for international fora 卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书、食品法典委员会 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Codex Alimentarius 联合国气候变化框架公约、国际植物保护协定 UNFCCC, IPPC 世贸组织卫生和植物卫生委员会、世界粮农组织、世界 粮食计划署、国际农业发展基金、北美植物保护组织、 世界动物卫生组织和美洲国家组织 WTO SPS Committee, FAO, WFP, IFAD, NAPPO, OIE, OAS 4 区域性生物安全倡议 Biosafety Regional Initiatives http:/www.zonu.com/fullsize/2009-09-17-3/Mapa-de-America.html NABI (Canada, EEUU, Mexico) G5-CAS (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay) (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic) CARICOM ANDEAN R. (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Per, Venezuela) 5 阿根廷、巴西和乌拉圭种植的 基因改良大豆和传统大豆的比较研究 6 内容 Content 阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭的大豆种植 发展情况发展情况 Evolution of soybean cultivation in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay 大豆种植的技术方案技术方案(直接播种、除草剂、 基因改良大豆) Technology package for soybean cultivation (Direct Seeding, herbicides, genetically modified (GM) soybean) 基因改良大豆法规法规的重要性 Importance of regulation for GM soybean 环境比较分析 Comparative environmental analysis 成本分析成本分析:转基因与常规大豆种植的生产和 成本的变化情况 Cost analysis: Comparison of the evolution of production and the costs of transgenic and conventional soybean cultivation 电子版本网址链接 Electronically available in: http:/www.iica.int/Esp/Programas/Innovacion/Publ icaciones_TeI/B3062i.pdf 生物安全培训 Biosafety Training IICA与密苏里大学 生物技术法规生物技术法规研修课程(MU-BRIC) 2014年11月 IICA & Missouri University - Biotechnology Regulation Immersion Course (MU-BRIC)- Nov. 2014 IICA、美国大使馆和农业生物技术经济学与管理中心 Economics and Management of Agro-biotechnology Center (EMAC), US Embassy, IICA 9个国家的40位学员 40 participants from 9 countries 7 白皮书介绍 Paper Presentation 8 拖延大豆生物技术创新的潜在经济影响 The Potential Economic Impacts of Delayed Biotech Innovation in Soybeans Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Kenneth A. Zahringer & John Kruse 哥伦比亚 密苏里大学农业及应用经济学系 农业生物技术经济学与管理中心(EMAC) Economics and Management of Agrobiotechnology Center (EMAC) Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Missouri, Columbia 基因改良作物和法规程序 GM crops and regulatory process 9 基因改良作物必须经过法规审批以保证它们对环境和食品的 安全性 GM crops must undergo regulatory approval to ensure their environmental and food safety. 法规程序延长了基因改良作物推向市场所需的时间 Regulatory process lengthens the time required to bring GM crops to market. 因新品种审批延迟而对贸易带来的干扰或技术创新的耽搁将 会妨碍粮食安全的进程。 Trade disruptions or delays in innovation due to delayed approval of new varieties could impede progress in food security. 过多的法规会总体上会对创新的过程产生抑制作用 Excessive regulation may exert an overall dampening effect on the innovation process. 基因作物的机会成本 Opportunity costs of GM crops 10 有助于改善粮食安全和生活水平 Contribute to improving food security and standard of living. 以较低的成本来提高产量,结果,基因作物增加了生产者 的收入,降低了消费者的开支 Increase production at lower cost, in consequence GM crops increase producer income and low consumer cost. 第二代作物通过提高营养品质让消费者受益 Second generation crops benefit consumers through higher nutritional quality. 耐除草剂的基因改良作物有助于优化劳动力和机器设备的 使用,这表明土壤侵蚀更少,石油燃料的消费更少 Herbicide tolerant GM crops contribute to optimize labor and machinery, which implies lower soil erosion and fossil fuel consumption. 白皮书的焦点 Papers Focus 11 评估先前因拖延使用基因改良大豆品种对世界市场的经济 益处 To estimate the foregone economic benefits to world markets because of the delayed adoption of new GM soybean varieties. 分析集中在新的耐除草剂大豆品种 Analysis focuses on new herbicide tolerant (HT) soybean varieties 结构 Structure: 第一代基因改良大豆带来的益处 Benefits resulted from first generation of GM soybean 审批链上的新品种 New varieties in the pipeline 不同步的法规审批问题 Issue of asynchronous regulatory approvals 模式和各种预设条件的概念基础 Conceptual basis for a model and
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